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Masjid-Community following law-justice in marriage. Family community - stop corruption, abuse. Islam, created a system of law and fairness to help all have marriage with fairness, equality people acceptable/agreeable. A Muslim could use the masjid and law to have their rights protected.

- No parents or family harmed or killed if family members marry. Muslims do not oppress family or any Man, WombMan to lower population competing for partners or to use in metaphysical living, including delaying normal living, hiding metaphysical world by making outsider, damage sex organ to change life delay marriage marriage or sex; all-haram stop, end do not do.

- People working together and Community can help People have many things important. But Muslim are trusting in Allah and make effort to find good, and live by Islam.

Fix generational inequality:
- A large majority of the Muslim population at marriage-age getting married can end inequality.

- Many economic help and supports.

Generational delay and delay is part of agendas of corruption to cause corruption in community. Answering the problem need Muslims to talk together and agree on a answer that give, fairness, dignity, respect to Man, Woman of all ages.  

Marriage-Family Office: Marriage, Family Services, Family and Marriage Islam Law. Help Youth and adults support justice in choice and marriage. Stop abuse harm in family, marriage, community.

Cultural Differences follow Islam law, not culture, community helped by Masjid Community to have peace.

Haram investigated - Marriage with goal to divorce-to harm, leave/break marriage; cultural-practices of wrong, using, oppression,

Marriage restrictions: Qur'an verse of People Man, WombMan can marry/sex with and not.

- No Slavery in Islam: In Qur'an Those Held by the Right hand are in verse after people can marry and need to marry to have sex.

Those Held by the Right hand are mostly free but temporary lawfully held- and have lawful rights similar to free.

Can Read: No in Slavery Islam.

Honor-sex: Parents, elders other having sex/first sex with Child's married partner - haram, or haram because unjust; stopped/not done.

- Incest: Sex with immediate family members haram. Qur'an give People allowed to marry and not marry.
Not disadvantage already married: Man, WombMan now married, opportunity to improve health, family, resources, activities, friends.

Work at Home:

Mothers, WombMan ex:1/4 time. Visit office 1x week/other.

Health: Fitness-all ages. Fitness improve health, health check, marriage health check. Family-Help Support metaphysical world- using mind/jinn/magic to steer/control life; it is haram, crime. Metaphysical leveling and ability.

Some cultures practices marriage/relations, to gain metaphysical ability. 

- Masjid Community give correct answer of truth and practices purpose. Family connection, community, friendship, knowing people and sex in marriage and other.

-------------Good Age -Puberty+ is biological age sexual able to have children.

QV: Things in right season/ripeness; many meanings; if applied to marriage, nearing-puberty is right season.

Quran-Verse: Old Man Garden-lost: many meanings; include, much older Man, could put young WombMan/wife, child in difficulty.

QV: age of maturity.


Youth at sex maturity/puberty raised knowing of marriage in Qur’an and by own goals want to marry to enjoy youth, sex.

Useful-Example: With guidance of Allah. The Prophet married Imam Ali(ra/as) 17+(puberty age-teens) and Hazrat Fatimah Zahrah (ra/as) 7+( puberty-range). 

[Muslims do not follow Mystery Religion/Secrete- society - living the life of People in Holy scripture or Other sources, life actions, suffering, marriage; end, don't do.

- Some cultures marry youths together at ages below puberty or puberty range by want of protecting sex union from corruption, not-sexual touched before first partner. Faith ruling - Adults marrying below puberty-not done. In healthy age ranges can make choice and body maturation range. 

Masjid Administration - answer if Youth WombMan no sex past with hymen nearing puberty is important for metaphysical needed quality.  Community answer correctness.

- Masjid Administration answer if idea offered and others are correct, useful. People with better knowledge-true please offer. Lies are a sin crime.

Not mandatory: 

Man, WombMan can marry People with past marriage  history/or other past relations, having metaphysical /needed quality wanted. Each have there own space, respect the others space, shelter, connections; and follow laws of marriage. 


Follow Qur’an rules of People cannot marry. Does not mean separated or different Group. Halal ways to be connected. All respect privacy no leaders. No doing magic, harassing , no using or metaphysical influence of any man, wombman. Muslim Community and Masjid community stop, punish metaphysical harm, crime, harassment, looking down on.

Man WombMan 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70+ marriage - take responsibility to follow halal, know past marriage history, children, own goals.

Sex Past in Marriage: 

Adults talk about, marriage history before marriage and know own goals.

Protecting Youth below puberty not having sex before marriage is responsibility of Parents Family. Qur'an - Hazrat Maryam Mother of Nabi Isa (a.s.) is a example of the importance of guarding sex for marriage.

- The hymen is a flesh cover in female organ. Some say it is shelter or house in metaphysical living. Islam give more importance to first marriage both partners being metaphysical shelter to the Other Partner. Not breaking is not rejected but trying to preserve after first permanent marriage is not told to do. Breaking not treated as problem.

- A way of knowing have before marriage is health-screening Muslim can check using false color and distorted image to protect WombMan privacy including from doctor and prove have. 

Community can monitor birth to know how many new no sex-past people increased. 

Not judged, not punished. Doctor use technique not peering into body with own eyes machine or false color glasses. Masjid community make available any location. Picture not recorded unless second opinion. Muslims do not support untruth - can repair; but Marriage list updated to show Man partners same age ranges past married. - hymen repaired to own living hymen flesh. Intentionally breaking to repair later; wrong dont do. Parents or any but married partners removing hymen is crime. Do not do. Muslim and other faiths can agree to end revenge/harm. Eye for eye do not mean raping or blinding, physical or metaphysical any in place of people that did. Event judged by Masjis Administration Judge law Court. And alternatives.

[Guidence to help with fairness] 


- All faiths have lawful rights to beliefs and practices. Man 14+ can marry WombMan 12+ in Massachusetts,USA, Other States 14 with Parents agreeing some Nations allowing younger. People 18+ marrying ages below 14 not lawful in USA. Faith Community keep there marriages respecting law and safety. Age restrictions are to protect youth health, lawful fairness to own development, fairness to be able to choose partner by own choice, fairness to partner and relationship that is fair by partner health, sex-health, age in range of partner. Adults 18-20+ are given lawful independence to make own choices of relationships.

Marriages at needed ages have option of doing Islam-lawful marriage in Masjid, with witnesses in other Nations, National Embassies and zoned Separate Nations-reservations where lawful.

- Sex with Partner below Nation age law treated as crime: People have had problems trusting family, community - dont do relations in locations unlawful.

Youth Man, Youth WombMan Religious Marriage/faith unions or foreign marriage unions not recognized by nation if below age of parent allowance and sex age laws. But can be done by faith requirements; relations in age or waiting is by own choice. Faith Marriage can produce record held with People and Masjid to help with equality, can do formal marriage at nation age. If true 12-14 . Muslim youths can at Nation age 12-14 record marriage  in nation.

- Exception, corrections to all information:

Man 12-15 and WombMan 7.  Man: 16-17, W: 8. Man: 18-19, W: 9. After correction for past delay denied, all Youths can use Man 12-14 and WombMan 7. Parents are responsible for helping Youths meet a youth of good/true attractiveness between both, not randomly paired. Family have safety by doing it with people they know, trust. Cousin, are not wrong but dont, do. From different family better.  Youths Marriage at young age do not mean separating from parents. Continue living together.

Not have to do: 

Muslims can live in any location and stay connected to there traditional community and communities important.

Muslims can try Man 12-15, marry WombMan 7. WombMan 8-19, Man 7-10 years older. People can marry similar age+.


Primary school together have better marriage later. Some Unified Grade classes, and separate. read the education section. Partners stay together by going to school together, primary-k-12 and secondary/university and then working at the same employers together on same shifts. There is freedom of belief, workers only need to do the work hired to do. Cultural practices are not required to follow. Muslims, Other-Beliefs can work, socialize and not do the general culture.

- Man: 12-19, If divorce WombMan 7+; age range increase - partners available - 3years younger. 

- Married partners 20s, 30s, 40s and older can do the same university and work with married partner.


- Not telling to do, not allowance. Islam command fairness equality, safety and respect all can  keep life potential.

To protect age fairness in marriage - Use multiple-marriage, If: WombMan below 15 and Man 12+ years older; WombMan 14-19  if Man is 23+ years older; WombMan 20+ if Man is 30 years older. Ages above restrictions can marry not using multiple marriage.

use multiple-marriage short time, not mutaa-not mysr-nikkah with agreed end time preformed simple, in masjid and recorded. with iddah between Man 14-16 if WombMan below 15 year.  If WombMan 15+, Man is  7 years or less but older, can be same age +. Man 12/23/30years Older - Multi-marriage option 

- All Man and WombMan using  multiple-marriage option have past marriage history. Man can have no history because have option of more marriage.

Young Older Multiple Marriage option: Younger Man (7 years or less but older than Youth- WombMan Marry permanent. Divorce and after Iddah WombMan Marry Older Man than divorce/ Iddah and remarry Permanent Partner(Young Man).

Young Man(7 years or less but older), WombMan marry as permanent partners-all rules explained in marriage process. OlderMan: If WombMan 16 and below - Cannot travel outside Younger Man, Young WombMan home living location. Relations 1day 20 min over 1month or shorter by agreement. Normal marriage and divorce rules, process explained in marriage-process section below. Older, no pregnancy. If seeking metaphysical-connection make known before marriage. Younger gain because married first and know to gain. No magic, no influence. Do not have to remarry.  Young Man, Young WombMan remarry as permanent partners. Multiple marriage. - if WombMan has hymen, cannot break if not 18+. If 18+, cannot break if WombMan don’t want. Any mature age, permanent marriage partners can make choice together.


Metaphysical social:

Muslims can interact in spirit, with family, community, people and different community. Permanent Married partners can travel with visit their Permanent Partner in Spirit. No haram, no sin, no corruption, no harm. No control, no influencing, no possessing. Parents can visit, look over their children - below puberty, Youth, adult Islam rules/laws of respect followed announcing presence. Qur'an verse talk of blind, lame, sick, and family and allowance to have more free entry and visiting with family and friends. The verse is talking about real houses in the physical world and people should not change meaning. If further meaning in metaphysical living. 

- Privacy: Muslims and Community can have Metaphysical community and networks within greater connection of all peoples. Can keep privacy and share connection to Muslim communities and other. Muslims of all peoples can share the different experiences.

Not accurate -Idea different races different levels no bargain/no contract/no superior/no inferior.

- Do not submit to any to have connection, or other experiences. End, stop, don't do.

In history: Some Tribes stayed secluded to keep people from seeing/knowing them and harassing with magic, Ruh-spirit- seeing-visitation, jinns.

- Prophet Muhammad(sws), did not use seclusion to protect identity. WombMan cover to have modesty, face covering a option.

Magic of babel/ other and shaytonic agenda- trick adults into relations with youth or below puberty, or haram sex or sex-crime. Then threaten people to follow Secret Culture, do what they want. Do not accept false agenda. Tricking is a crime. And crime if marry Man, WombMan partners to use younger or Man, WombMan, marrying partner than separating to practice the Magic of Babel watching, torture. Watching, harassing Masjid-Muslim stop or punishment. Pure ways to metaphysical live. Watch own children, partner, public places with respect, no oppression, no harm, no haram; end as people tell to end or before. 

- Masjid record all marriages to support fairness. Masjid has Record/listening of community members and can identify members with no record of marriage.

- Masjid Administration work with Communities to have listing of community members unmarried support finding marriage.

- Masjid have record of all marriage and do not support Man marrying WombMan no sex-past again until all not having have. 

Guidance in healing communities: 

- No pregnancy in first 3 years can support safety. Below 18 no pregnancy until 16 or age above, use planning of healthy time wanted to have children.

- No gains, no money, no bargains; 

- Man sex past wanting WombMan no sex past wait until after no sex-Man.

No metaphysical blinding

Masjid Community give answer to what cause. Do not do. No marrying to level over Youth Man, WombMan partners; no wrong use. Respect privacy.

- Youth-18. Muslims could support no more than 4 marriages between youth-18. Any different marriage processes-methods, communal marriage/sex, other. Community/Group give information to Masjid Central Administration to know. Muslims answer if halal and support fairness. All free to follow standard Islam marriage in the Qur'an, any time.

------------Marriage Process

- Marriage Office, Masjid, education, kutba follow Prophets(sws) sunnah of encouraging marriage and Youth not delaying meaning better equality. Culture delay of marriage haram, stop. And magic of babel other things in family culture, world and shaytanic agenda.

- No give/force - Man WombMan All seek marriage as normal.

Partner agreeable:

- Not family/group agenda.

- Muslims support fairness and all getting married to partner agreeable/fair. Age, height, weight, appearance. 

Muslims mature-adult seeking own marriage.

- Choosing Partners - standard marriage background check of Man, WombMan, studied privacy respected and research do not go into details, not judge, not punished.

Muslims can marry Muslims of all different past sex history. 

- Telling truth at Marriage meeting:

- methods paper with age, past marriage, past: sex yes or no, interests, no picture or other.

 - Keep others information Private.

Marry Man, WombMan Youth of close-similar lineage. Muslims are Ummah and can marry Muslim of any people/lineage. Children are of both parents lineage.

- Multi-marriage offer further halal marriage.

- If not haram, wrong - short marriage for metaphysical gaining - goal should be known by Partners. Respect marriage. Beliefs in gaining could be false or relations with no gain meaning Muslims keep pure.

Promise of marriage: first marriage only one agreement of marriage. Agreements of future marriage are not set because change  could happen.

Masjid community shield families from problem of Other. Family not need to get into others problem. Meaning problem not need of bias, rejection.

Masjid Community can help - Family trying to renew life avoid corrupt sources. improve family, resources.

Islam- Muslims marry to enjoy youth, life, sex. Parents respect youth marriage and youth by faith want to marry.
- Youth live with family, more mature Youth in connected housing to family.
- All ages: problems go through Masjid Community marriage-law office.

Marriage-Health: Marriage health check. Partners clean for marriage. Exercise option. Heal-sex illness, know of sex-illness- put in dormancy, marry people knowing, willing or similar.

- Official with authority to do Marriage and Witnesses. Pictures, signed marriage forms. If below age only faith marriage  forms protected by Religious privacy laws. Doing true halal, justice and fairness to all, very important.

- All marriage ended by official practice. Including counseling.  ----------------------

Qur'an - say Partners can remarry after 3 divorces, irrevocable divorce. If want, Partners can make Marriage to Other short as wanted. Iddah 40days and original partners remarry.

- Ability to remarry - It is possible 3marriage/3divorce renewed.

- At 3rd divorce same guidance. 3marriage/3divorce renewed by marriage to  marry Past other or new Other.

- Renewed marriage do not mean forced to continue a marriage. It do mean Partners can remarry.


No bargans in partner finding:

Bargans has possible unfairness or treat Man, WombMan like thing used. Muslims are guided to seek Marriage not using bargain, money. Agreements - wrong, corrupt is haram. And practice could be ribba haram end stop. Imam/scholar/authorized in marriage office ask if any bargan, agreements, wrong, harmful agreements, unfair agreements were made involving marriage partners, no-sex past marriage Partners and tell all the agreements are unacceptable, undone. Marriage is a benefit to Family, Man and WombMan. Business agreement can be done separate from agreeing on matching partners. Family unions agreed as separate business not associated to marriage. No money influence Be fair in partner finding. Prophet if People were coming to agreement on marriage. Another offer was not accepted until decision made.
Muslims supporting fairness and stopping taking by fake not Muslim sources, exploiters, selfish. 
Coming to Islam Muslims or New:

- Masjid Community have marriage workshops and services.

- Community try to help people gain Marriage to people of there lineage by supporting dawa to come to Islam. And born Muslims. 

- Man can marry, WombMan of former faith; offer Islam. WombMan can marry Muslim Man, if People coming to Islam have past Marriage to Man, WombMan Other Belief, he, she not told to to divorce Partner if not Muslim. Can use agreement to keep Children in Islam. Masjid Community support. - Marriage Law Office .


Note to Reader -                                                                                                                                                                                               

Reading, watching, hearing writing, video, audio, talk does not put reader into agreement, do not create contract ; not a belief of Islam. Words/Sentence used wrong do not create idea/contract. Using this writing, video the Holy Scriptures, anything to make Peoples lives into a story, or do games of war, oppression in any from is   oppression, it is unlawful, haram in Islam and a crime. Do not do; do not accept.                                                                                                                                         press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Secrecy: Secrete-society, modern secular secrete society, traditional-secrete culture and metaphysical culture and magic practices, In Torah, Bible, called the            Religion or Magic of Mystery Babylon. In the Qur'an the Magic of Babel; is a more accurate name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran paraphrase:      Do not be part of secrete group.                                                                                                                                                                          Quranparaphrase:            Secrete group is from shaytan.                                                                                                                                                                        Quran paraphrase:           Do not use [embellished speech, speaking with forked-tongue-multiple-meaning not clarifying the correct meaning], it is                                                                          a means of deception between Man, Wombman and the shaytans amoung -Man, WombMan and Jinns.                                                    Quran-paraphrase:           No Man, WombMan has two hearts(true-mind).                                                                                                                                              Quran-paraphrase:           Muslims when pass by something false, pass it by with sure-faith.                                                                                                                Quran-paraphrase:           Do not divide.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran-paraphrase:      and speak clear/true meaning , hear the true meaning/purest idea.                                                                                                              Sentences have no idea of metaphysical connection systems. Metaphysical subjects  are explained separately throughout plan, clearly labeled and in sections labeled Metaphysical.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Project is not political and is not movement; begin immediate; no complex agreement policy.                                                                                                                      Plan does not support separating from society; continue living any location. Communal services are faith activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Hadith are sayings of the Prophet recorded from sources that could have been present in his life. Only hadiths supported by information from Qur'an are accepted. Ideas, false, bad are rejected. Hadiths are studied to measure closeness to truth but at best are treated as close to true; not fact. Hadiths are used as useful historical information. Hadith is not sacred and not the Qur'an.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Qur'an is clear-easy to know: Allah say the Qur'an is protected, the book, the writing, the meaning the recitation/reading. Quran verse, in full are not used, to        honour sacred text; idea of some verses explained.                                                                                                                                                                                   

- Information could be disagreed; ask questions. Writer have studied Islam but do not have title Imam, scholar. All Muslims responsible for knowing Qur'an and       Islam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Allah is not Man, Wombman, Jinn or thing(do not pray), not any creation, not part of creation, not energy. Islam is not the joined mind of jinns, man, wombman;   Islam is not submission to a supernatural secrete-way-of-living. Man, WombMan, Jinn do not truly know future, not truly know unseen, not do divine judgement,    punishment. It is not Allah. Allah, is the only Creator of all existence; not part of existence. Only Allah know when death and Allah can, do any thing, change any        event. press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

End note to readers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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