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Islam does not support Slavery
--divine right: meaning god is on our side - do anything to the opposite side or might makes right or survival of the fittest . The Quran teach logical justice and fairness to others even when in conflict.


People might ask why does the Quran not say there will be no slavery.

- people find many other names to call opression.

Allah in the Quran commands people to do every thing so that slavery will not exist.  Muslims, similar to People of many beliefs and People in Holy-scripture after their Prophets, made up historically known wrong excuses to disobey the laws of equality, respect, freedom and safety Allah have always commanded and in the Quran. Allah also tell Muslims to defend People from oppression. So that Muslims do not say we do not practice slavery and then ignore  oppression. By supporting respect, freedom and safety Muslims/Isam is sign of pure divinely sent faith and good in the world. Islam ended the many ways used to enslave people.


In the Quran Muslims are encouraged to free slaves and teach people that enslaving people is wrong and encourage them to free the people they are holding.

In Islam, commerce and trade are important but does not include people or the sexual body. The Prophet created the first Ummah/Caliphate and ended practices that were exploitative at the National, state, social and family level. And Islam forbids slavery and oppression and command Muslims to teach people not to do such acts to defend/protect others against the sources of slavery. 

IThe word slave in the Qur'an is used in many ways, bu slavery is never told to activly support or do. Guidance on slaves is talking of existing slavery and guidance on how People held are treated. In the Qur'an all People held by Muslims are called "Those Your Right Hand Hold": (right means justice for the person and also in just defense only) is a term used for captives of war, refugees, assylum seekers, people bounded for debt, and those who commit a crime and might be allowed to work in repayment. Non of these are slaves in the general idea.

Islam does not support slavery and teach in the Qur'an: do not accept oppression, not make self slave, no sex slavery - no concubine, no racism, no cast-roll, no class system, no sex cast, no sexism, free the enslaved, free forgive debt slaves; defend people from oppression, slavery.

In the time of the Prophet (sws), majority slaves were from tribe war/debt slavery - not racial. All held by Muslims became ‘those the right hand hold’, full free were refugees, assylum seekers, majority of noncombatants, combatants - Muslim freed to send back to Combatants own side, ore held until reparations from group or own freeing agreement.


In Quran, right-hand partner separate from free partner marriage because status of held – meaning included in partners to marry; no sex except if married.

The Prophet through the Qur'an and his Sunnah taught his followers and preached to all man and wombman, to free the slave, be mercyful to those held; because the holder could suffer the same oppression. To treat those held with kindness and justice. To pay people held for their work and do not over burden/not give harmful work. Provide them with food, water, clothing of the quality the holder use. To shelter them reasonably. Such ideas challenged slave holding.
--defend people from, oppression /slavery, 

-- to educate that Allah created every person free.

--not to oppress/enslave and to set people free, and prevent the things that create oppression. 

-- charity and careing for others,

-- not getting into debt and stop false practices to get people in debt, 

-- People should not accep oppression, do not make self slave, do not sell self or family, do not kill self or family.

The Prophet preached and taught at slave markets, and all places Freedom/no slavery, no oppression, to get people of any Belief to free People of any Belief. Not oppress/sell people, to treat people with kindness and justice. And taught people to be free, not accept causes of slavery; Muslims did the same.

--Teaching people not to support any form of practice that subjugate a person mind, body, Soul etc. 

--Muslims also do this by helping people out of poverty, and educating people not to submit to such practices (this is very important in the Quran). 

 -Defending and protecting people from being taken in to slavery. 

 - Severe imprisonment was not practiced by Nabi Muhmmad.

 - Eunochs-people with their sexual organs reduced or stopped from working, cut-off/castrated is forbidden/haram. Muslims did not support  - slave markets. If bought- free immediate/cost cleared, by helpers own money-limit, freed Man/WombMan, could agree work/service/ money to pay off. In Muslim History court can repay good act of help. If crime stolen into slavery freed by the law.

People called slave that served Prophet(sws)/Sahabbah - if history/ hadith accurate - Servants/Maids were in agreement to be freed soon or free but serving to pay off money or fully free and help-maids;

Quran-Theft and corruption in the land: majority taken into slavery by theft/kidnapping/exotortion; all are ulawful in Islam. Unlawful to startfighting/war to then take/hold people as captives of an kind. Unlawful to take man, wombman, group by abduction/ kidnapping. Cannot use false-invitation and holding, druging/intoxication, rape, pregnacy, mind control, trick coercion fear.--- Or come to people in times of difficulty and offer help/aid with expectation they obey in fear/for help.

not sex, not oppression not use m,w, child; . fighting/games of war not used by Prophet; f. All agreements wrong/unjust/unfair stop/end immediate.

A person cannot be tricked or coerced, threatened or,mind-controlled into any act or belief or acceptance; maimed, sexually, mentally abused used as decoy.

Stop ribba high interest loan causing debt slavery. Ribba: Any agreement with to high price-haram. Bargins wit sinful, corrupt, evil agreements haram/candled. Quran say stop, forgive debt/agreement/oath end.
Debt holding – was the most important way most were taken into slavery/bondage, then war between Tribes. In Quran, Man, WombMan are taught not to sell themselves. Islam teach people not to take debt, to not use bondage to pay debt and forgive the debts.
--- Teach to forgive debts. Teach Loan with interest/usury is not allowed by Islamic law(with options). The Messenger of Allah taught to not - support any belief/practice that subjugate the mind, body and soul (corruption, hopelessness other).

Debt holding--People are taught  in the Quran not to sell themselves. --to teach people not to take debt, to not use bondage as  a way to pay debt and to forgive the debts of others.--People are encouraged to forgive debts and - loan with interest/usery is forbidden. --Defending people, educating, encouraging debt forgiveness and no debt are all solution's to end slavery and ther should be no slave markets in the if avoiding a practice of people being take to be sold should be understood which returns reader to prevention.
Refugee and Asylum seekers are not held, not slaves, but are under the title right hand hold because in the temporary care of others. Man, WombMan held were not sent back to the Group they ran away from, if it was know/feared he or she would be harmed.
Marriage: A Man or a WombMan held can choose to marry. With their consent not under any influence-mental, emotional or physical, chemical electronic, trick, fear or force. Sexual coercion: A Muslims cannot have sex with those held; only if married. All are protected, with safety to their mind, body (physical and sexual) and their faith. A person cannot be made to sell their body. A person should not sell their body for any reason. In the Quran man or wombman, people, forced to sell their body are forgiven by Allah.

Game of War: Many nations used games in place of war including Muslim monarchies that learned the practice from other Nations. In many practices people were killed/sold into slavery. People  traded to other sides and WombMan used as sex spoils of war.Games of war support making serious events into entertainment supporting benefit from suffering. And entire society in idea of war or avoiding war accept corrupt, haram activity and living.Muslims can have solutions that  could prevent war/or combat. The Prophet did not sacrifice community members to have peace. In 1 event of a sahabbah killed a Enemy tribe Leader, that Tribe made Peace. He thaught Man was still a enemy and chose wrong approach of  killing after capturing. Finding out later the peace agreement. The Prophet asked to do payment/reparations but the group wanted the death penalty or possible war. The event is difficult; but in general practice a death penalty would not be given. Muslims should study if event is sahih a accurate hadith. Actually occuredbut the thing important is Muslims do not sacrifice members and the Hadith given cannot be used as example.
Combatants of War: Opposing side combatants--Muslims only fight in defense of self and to protect others(when true).
Reparations: Selling combatants/or Man/WombMan remaining on field battled back to their side, could be allowed to get repayment of things used in  defense, to help with suffering and loss.

Cannot capture and Hold People  not-Quran-Islam, haram:
--- Quran: It was the Prophet authority to know and allow holding of a Man, WombMen or group or say no. Any military general, nation is not the Prophet(sws), and do not have the same guidance from Allah. Muslim should choose the more mercyful and careful choice of actions.
--- Quran - Only when the fighting was completely ended were Combatants/others taken from the field.

--- All things from battle were first seen as saddiqah and Khum a person withholding anything was unlawful.

Hadith-history: People on field are not abandoned on field if no way to reach side. If injured and Own-side not there. If both sides agree people  from opposing side are free, or if free given to Own-Side.
--- If both sides agreed, in treaty,  combatants were not taken from the field. No holding/free or freed and sent to their side.
--- Both sides usually agree to places of combat to avoid Non-combatants getting caught in the fighting and held.
--- Non Combatants were taken from the field if in the fighting or supporting the other side. In Hadith, Non-Combatants were freed if they could explain how they were on the field, justify being with the Army. If held free similar to refugees/assylum seekers. If supported combatants sold back to side.
---  Held of any type, cannot be tricked or coerced, threatened, mind-controlled into any act or belief or acceptance; maimed, sexually, mentally abused; used as decoy. All are protected in justice with safety to their mind, body (physical and sexual) and their faith. 
--- Combatants could only be sold to their people and family-nothing else.

--- Combatant freed is fully free and not sold to be held.
---  Combatants/Others taken off field of battle; were not sent back to their side, if knowhe /she would be harmed; not sent back; Freed.
---  The Prophet(sws) freed Prisoners of war with no payment of money or treaty. Muslims follow the example and the Quran tell Muslims to have mercy and choose the better choice of freeing. Showing goodness of Islam.

--- Combatants with no money to be freed, were freed by the Prophet after teaching a simple skill/doing safe/useful work (not sex).
--- Agreement:  Law in Islam: Any individual held, can make a agreement for the time(agreeble to indivdiual) they would go free. 
---- Muslims must not believe in oppression and seeing others as property or inferior

Concubine: In Islam, no concubines. Quran verse revealed after marriage of last WombMan partner, identify all WombMan partners of the Prophet(sws) as married-partners. hadiths would not be graded as proof. --buying people out of such conditions the goal is never to support a slave market of culture but to save people form such cultures. The Prophet was given Zayid Ibn Harith as a gift but he freed him.

Jizyah, money and not-Muslim People:


Regular translation - Verse 9:29

".... until they pay the jizyah, harts subdued."

Clear translation -

".... Until they give/send the jizyah(agree to what satisfy (agreement)); True feelings brought to moderation."

Jizyah (mean what satisfy, coming to satisfaction, the work used with give/send can support the word relating to - agreement; what satisfy coming to agreement. In Hadith/Qur’an the word Jizyah first, is coming to agreement to satisfy; peace agreement/talks. The same is true in history and hadith. And was agreement/treaty to have peace, non-aggression, neutrality, alliance. And could include/but not need to include money for purpose of agreement. Groups agree on shared interests, security, needed communal services and pay regular money to have those interests or wanted services.

 - In war, Jizyah could be word for neutrality/peace agreement and if money, reparations. Muslims only fight in self-defense, or to protect/defend people. To pay harm reparations would be a limited/set end payments. And show the Qur’an give the purest and clearest idea. 

In Muslim history, the more clear agreements of jizayah between The Prophet(Muslim Community) and Groups not Muslim, was after  the battle of the Trench. Many tribes tried to destroy the Muslims/alliance. The Battles of the Trench was not a victory for Muslims the Enemy alliance separated/disbanded by the mercy of Allah by damage to their resources by weather and long wanting because the moat/trench-stopped entry in to Madina; and by feelings of wasted resources and lack of clear purpose beside bias. The idea the Prophet demanded tribes pay the jizayah/tribute and intern be given protection is historically not accurate. After, the battle, the Prophet visited a number of tribes, including those that fought. Tribes were suffering raids/war by not-Muslim-groups. And worried other stronger tribe could try to force them into unfavorable-alliance or pay tribute.  The Prophet made agreement of peace or non-aggression with many tribes; and offered support by Muslims if a Tribe was wrongly attacked. Many Tribes did not agree to help Muslims if they were attacked. Some Tribes paid for agreed resources and some did not pay; it could be because they agreed to do own military protection. After, Group that fought the Muslims and were defeated made jizyah-non-aggression/neutrality/peace agreements; and money paid. It is possible some money was a reparation payment for unjustly fighting The Prophet(sws)/Muslims.  And in most interactions jizya was a normal relation agreement and shared interest and defense support.

 - During  the Caliphate  of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, Non Muslims in regions under Muslim governance continued their agreement  or modified.  And the money for services was collected from People of other Beliefs living in regions of Muslim governance. It is said groups if agreed to do own military defense/or did military service, did not pay money with jizyah agreement. Many peoples living as independent citizens provided regular services in Muslim governed regions, gave-jizya-agreement of peace/neutrality/non-aggression and paid a general amount/tax. Haram to be unfair, It was not more than zakat and fairly measured by shared interest or if a State tax, measured by services given not more than Muslims or less. Jizyah-agreement of peace and money for shared interests/services, was the only money collected from not Muslim Men 20-50 under Caliphs; Hazrat Ali(ra/as) a good example. All Muslims Man, WombMan, paid Zakat, Man heads of house paying for all immediate family, or putting together. Regions governed had people of different beliefs and hired People of different-beliefs for many important responsibilities. Not because kindnesses  but because  beliefs in equality  of all people. Logically there would be enough work for all beliefs Not changing Muslim community services. After the Prophet (sws) and Rightly Guided  Caliphs, some Rulers were good/fair and jizya was managed fairly. And some Unjust and had unfair taxation on Muslims. Muslims were similar oppressed and those ruler goals were not Islam. Many rulers in history told the enter public their goal of rulership was power/rule and religion was not their interest. In history separating the unjust actions of rulers from Islam. There is much good, equality, racial respect, sharing life together. Muslims do not honour evil/wrong in history.

Cultural idea Jizyah is said to have existed in Arabia before the Prophet, and was offer of protection by Tribe to another for payment. Jizya is a normal word - to satisfy. The Cultural idea it was used to mean protection for payment is no central to Islam and the purpose is original, from the Qur’an.

Tribute/extortion A Hadith say some Christian asked the Prophet(sws), to use the word saddaqah, in place of jizya; supposedly because jizyah idea=tribute). Its possible the word saddaqah- idea of charity was more favorable. The Prophet agreeing does not mean The The cultural idea- tribute was true to Islam. Could show past and modern, people-by interpretation of jizyah in different text, see jizya as having idea of power, victor and conqured. But the  Islamic idea was not similar to the cultural practice using similar word. The word not meaning tax on non-Muslim/or defeated. It was not a tax on not-Muslim peoples. Not tribute, not paid by any form of oppression, not people, not sex.

Qur'an - coming to agreement, justice, fairness, equality, goodness, respect to all people and in agreement.



In Muslim history, the more clear agreements of jizayah between The Prophet(Muslim Community) and Groups not Muslim, was after  the battle of the Trench. Many tribes tried to destroy the Muslims/alliance. The Battles of the Trench was not a victory for Muslims the Enemy alliance separated/disbanded by the mercy of Allah by damage to their resources by weather and long wanting because the moat/trench-stopped entry in to Madina; and by feelings of wasted resources and lack of clear purpose beside bias. The idea the Prophet demanded tribes pay the jizayah/tribute and intern be given protection is historically not accurate. After, the battle, the Prophet visited a number of tribes, including those that fought. Tribes were suffering raids/war by not-Muslim-groups. And worried other stronger tribe could try to force them into unfavorable-alliance or pay tribute.  The Prophet made agreement of peace or non-aggression with many tribes; and offered support by Muslims if a Tribe was wrongly attacked. Many Tribes did not agree to help Muslims if they were attacked. Some Tribes paid for agreed resources and some did not pay; it could be because they agreed to do own military protection. After, Group that fought the Muslims and were defeated made jizyah-non-aggression/neutrality/peace agreements; and money paid. It is possible some money was a reparation payment for unjustly fighting The Prophet(sws)/Muslims.  And in most interactions jizya was a normal relation agreement and shared interest and defense support.


Israelites in History of Messenger of Allah:

Madina had many faiths and the Muslims  were part of a multi-faith alliance/City-State; including a agreement/constitution/charter of law, equality , independence, justice and support. The expulsion of Banu Qunaika, Banu Nadir, Banu Mustaliq and Banu Qurayza when they broke the treaties including social unrest, attempted assassination of the Prophet, plotting with tribes directly hostile to The Prophet and assisting opposing forces during times of war. Ideas the Yahudi/Israelites/Jews were sent away because of bias is false. 

Muslims killing a Jewish Poet and Jewish WombMan and others and the Prophet did not Punish them are false hadith and did not occur.

Jewish WombMan that poisoned Muslims and the Prophet (s.w.s). - It was a crime killing some Muslims and Muslims were part of a Alliance with Different Israelite/jew, Christian and Other Belief communities. The WombMan was punished under Her Community/Beliefs laws. 

The Banu Qurayza Massacre of 300-900 Jews-from their fortress. The leader of the tribe at the battle of the Trench betrayed the Madina Alliance and joined the opposing armies.The Qur’an is the most useful source written at time of the event. Qur’an say some were killed and some taken captive. Meaning directly in fighting. The Prophet freed all the captives. The hadith collected with events of massacre  was collected from 1/single Jewish resident(possibly of the Qurayzah Tribe) in Syria 120+ years after the event. Hadith scholarships try to increase truthfulness by knowing people directly present at a historical event that passed the event directly to another verifiable source until collected. Hadith of banu Qurayza is treated as invalid, false/rejected because The orator gave no chain of transmission. Many scholar living at the same time and after the Hadith collector, rejected the narration because no account existed of the event as told, in the single narration; and no provable chain of transmission(not linked to any person at the event, and no pass down to another verifiable sources; and only a single ManNot of Belief in Islam transmittedthe event. Ever other copy of the event, after the first writing, come from the 1 narration; the writers giving more detail and different numbers killed. Many Not-Muslim Historians and Muslim Scholars say the distorting of the event was probably a error mixing up the Roman-Masada Massacre (73ad/4ce). 900 Jews were killed/massacred in their mountain fortress Masada in Israel, holding off a Roman Army.

Many members of The 4 Tribes - settled among other -/Israelite/Jewish-Tribes in the region including settled in Khyber region. And Some migrating to Syria, other locations. The Majority of Yahudi Tribes did not have conflict with the Prophet of Allah(sws) and Muslims. All groups honored agreements and alliance. The Yahudi/Israelite/Jewish Tribes in Hijaz-Arabia continued living in the region during and after the Prophet (sws) a believed expulsion from Hijaz of Jews in the Khyber Region and Christians of Najran occurred. Caliph Ali(ra/as), restored many of the Prophets methods and justice including ending Tribal favoritism, unequality in taxation, the allowance of the return of moved tribes is not in the writers immediate information members of the same Tribes are recorded living in the region in latee history   majority believed migrating to other locations not directly because of oppression but major problematic event that similarly, shifted living of Arab and other peoples. The creation of Israel many Yahudi/Israelite/Jewish communities migrated-taken to Israel.

Israelites and Jews
Right Hand

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