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 Culture - Allah command do not be divided.


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Initiation- culture ceremony






No haram practices Culture, approaches, other:





Muslims come from all Peoples. Culture can be not bad. Islam give Muslims guidance to know what in culture can be done, modify and not do; haram.  Some feel Arab culture has dominated their culture. Many Muslims have improved following Islam and doing halal with the Cultural - language, Names, food, clothes, customs not haram. Cultural  practices not haram. Muslims avoid not Islam  Ideas. And follow Islam modesty.


Masjid-Community can help know standard correct-not-incorrect. All Muslims should read-know Qur'an guidance.


Islam is a culture/Way of life of all Muslims include language food custom, bathing, eating methods, shared prayer, Masjid, shared history of all people in Quran; not Arab culture/religion.

It is possible the colors on Flags, totem, pyramids, symbols/shapes, show the

cultures way of living and metaphysical practices, sex-lifestyles to gain wanted metaphysics experiences.

The Prophet, Muslim did not use markers, flags, colors of there living, sexual practice and metaphysical-direction. The Crescent moon and star are not the symbol of Islam.

Islam, the Qur'an give all Muslims guidance on how to live.

Quran verse say Allah is best in coloring.

Peoples life choices and things experienced; shape feelings, opinions, choice of livingstyle. People have free will and can choose how they live.  And Allah guide all Man, WombMan in life towards purity if choose.

- Not belief of Islam, Culture of giving people a role, class, cast, Color-role-duty.

-  Muslims are from all peoples Muslims are free to natural choose different lifestyles and Muslims can seek wanted metaphysical qualities connections from Muslims having.

[No cast, no class, no slavery, no-role as sex-server: halal-marriage- no oppression. No racism- Muslims are a Ummah can keep identity and be together with Muslims all People. Culture-Ward-Heir-spirit-Eye: No members-imprisoning-no-crippling, no hiding 

ex- magic-sex-to blind-metaphysical-sight-senses, or making Man, WombMan a watched(Spirit-eye, magic, jinn) Child  from different family brought into family; and family using Spirit watch-look-upon. Muslims do not, oppress, wrong use, no lieing. Muslim tell truth, secrecy, find halal other way to do physical, Spirit, metaphysical living. Masjid Community tell Muslims halal

physical, Spirit, metaphysical living. No killing members to gain strength-in spirit, free space, change community, create shell-spirit-container for community 

Muslim Community answer historical use of roles, colors, community formation physical and metaphysical and halal way. Example roles community find members with. ]

WombMan can became Muslim. Purifying self in Islam past experience is purified. Cultures ideas of colors representing different identity, grouping and roles in culture. Muslims can know different ideas but should not accept as idea of Islam and not believe in.

Nation’s Metaphysical-space:

Muslim talk of if true-practice and how connection gained. If halal method – no oppression, no Oaths, no initiation, no sacrifice, no slavery, no sex-worker, no cast, no class, no haram. USA built on migrants, it is not accurate to call a private system.

- Freedom of belief no need to do secular beliefs.

Religious Space: There is no proof but idea Different faiths trying to define separate-metaphysical-space for each Religion.

- Unproven-true, but, should not support.

Culture ceremony -do not do haram. Muslim  community  study to agree practices acceptable by Islam. Initiation in-to knowing-seeing is culture and not needed. If practices halal-it is Man, WombMan, Group-choice to practice. No tasks to gain. no winning marriage-sex.

No secrecy, no haram, no pain, no suffering, no mental-suffering, no inequality, no cast-class, no damage body, health, sex-health-mind, no change sex-identity, no rape, no killing, no sacrifice.

[Ward-heir culture: having child from different family live in family for different reasons. Children should not be separated from family. No keeping secret Man, WombMans lineage. No hiding-locking away-Man-WombMan. No lying tricking. All haram.

No killing, no sacrificing, no-castration,

no-steralizing(not able to have children, no damaging sex organ. no disfiguring, no crippling, No rape. No mind control trick, in to fake love/partner, no sex crime sex with under age-in places unlawful. No kidnapping, no telling to kill other or self,  No removing hymen(on woman-inner sex-organ)-by  own choice in halal real not fake-not short Permanent Marriage. No sex-outside marriage, no false marriage, no sending away to foreign place for initiation, harm, haram. Allah promise the Qur'an is protected ideas it is hidden, changed, need to have sex to know not true.

All justifications come from ancient corruption that use anything to trick and oppress, Muslim justification by emergency, Muslim leadership using by excuse of war, cultural need, debt, saving, other. It is not true; Stop other options.

Islam/Qur'an tell Muslims how to have natural Metaphysical senses in life.

Magic of Babel in secular,traditional cultures, family try to trick into corruption. Muslims- in family, community speak, truth, and stop in family, community.]

Sex to have peace: There is idea Muslims can have sex in metaphysical with any at anytime; because imaginary. And that it gives peace. Masjid community give answer. Qur’an give guidance and Laws of Islam are followed in physical and beyond physical. Meaning not correct. Relations with many can guide to haram and marriage is to protect people from living with no order.​

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