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Family and Marriage:

Work at Home:

Mothers, WombMan ex:1/4 time. Visit office 1x week/other.

Fitness-all ages. Fitness improve health, health check, marriage health check. Family-Help Support.
Heal past harm:

sex damage, sex illness, health checks; stop abuse; include in kutbas.
Improve good self control, stop wrong actions and choices:


Wrong behavior and Metaphysical influence:

Include in kutbas, similar problems occurred in the world of past Messengers-Prophets(a.s.),  and the Messenger of Allah(sws)

and people after and Modern. The information can be read in The Qur'an, Torah, Bible(Gospels), Hadith - giving knowing of how People of faith helped themselves and Members. Other sources similar information. Islam and the Qur'an give guidance on living to manage physical and metaphysical living. 


Family and family-members should be honest of problem. Family together can create living that give struggling member safety, example  family go out together, cook, clean together. Professional help.

- Wrong behavior can come from chosen wrong behavior no matter past or no past cause. There is abuse, wrong using. Magic harassment and influence. A shaytonic practice in many cultures - family, social or community falsely accuse and treat People as bad. Not part of Islam. Haram-stop, do not do. Masjid community speak of shaytonic practices and they are haram. People could have difficulty not wanting to tell others difficulty/problems or struggles.

Masjid offer mental help workshop afer kutba or prayers on schedule days. Can a talk to Family-help Regular professional, scholar or trusted trained Worker. All talk private and follow rules for safety Islam law to helpfamily.

- Muslims cure bad behavior by honesty, when wrong done tell-truth and undo. Making life to live as Allah command to improve character.

Family can improve faith together.

Family-Help Support.

Give help to Man, WombMan and family. Follow Islam marriage and family law. Respect privacy and follow rules for safety. Muslims do not follow culture of secrecy, class, cast, roles.

- Muslims should not follow these corrupt practices. Muslims know of cultures and do not follow. Muslims wanting help agree as Muslims to Qur'an clear language. Does not mean cannot be desecrate but true.

The shaytonic agenda magic of babel is to put other beliefs ahead of true faith, ruin true faith and take people into false beliefs and make class systems of oppression. Harm, abuse and haram is not acceptable cultural practices. All

- Man, WombMan in community have free choice of practices to follow. Muslims by faith follow Islam.

Agents: People not of Muslim beliefs could be pretending Quran warns Muslims. Follow what is pure andIslam  family, community rules of safety:

Travel together in groups WombMan with Trusted Man of Family. Known where your going. Have contact methods know where safe family is near or nearest open safe Masjid.

Keeping food safe:

include in kutbas, family honest of problem. Family together - clean food

making. Wash hands and make meals together. Keep chemicals in safe place. Family take turns to watch and technology cameras example on apron keep face out of view and show all activity. No family members used as watch, all can rotate.

Can lock away food. Not snacks and meals. Family unlock food at meal making. Make together.


Hadith Guidance

- The Prophet advised his followers when bathing:

to if possible not be fully nude as People/jinns might be viewing.

Nudity is natural not sin. Modesty -is  following pure behavior; to keep pure

Qur'an do not commad wash covered. And not sin to baith in privacy nude. Stay modest and ignore, reject sin.

If cover, it should  be easy - natural to wash body

WombMan-cover chest, navel back/front privates.

Men - navel back/front private, chest optional.


Example: underwear, small tanktop. non-see through thin wrap-cloth long enough to wrap top and bottom.

During Sex:

- To seek refuge in Allah and Bismillah as satans might try to have intercourse.

- To not be fully naked when having intercourse as they might be viewed by the People/jinn.

- The guidance is good because  Partners can show self to partner as wanted and feel comfortable. And protect modesty from People/Jinns watching. Does not mean cannot be naked-natural.

- The Prophet also disprove

masturbation; he or she might be watched by the Jinn and they might do it with the person. Marriage a approved way of living.


- To cover pots and cups as Jinn's or creatures might put something in it.

- The Prophet also encouraged his ummah to Marry and protect woman. As this might prevent them from engaging in corruption.

The Prophet did not marry WombMan to gain metaphysical power or absorb or pass to others knowledge, the Ahlibayth similar.

Any benefit of being able to communicate with many by marrying many people is not a set idea.​


Privacy: People in Physical respect people privacy in metaphysical similar. In metaphysical seeing into privacy because naturally occur seeing/sensing is not sin but staring, watching, spying on people is sin and crime/haram - do not do. Do not look long.

Do not go to it: do not go in to it -

Bathing, toilet, sex-, no unmarried relations. Having relations with people can become excess-haram.

Hijab: Muslim Man, WombMan dress modest, to protect from haram sexually bothering done by People in Spirit/jinn form .

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