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Many follow secrete-society, modern secular secrete society, traditional-secrete culture and magic practices, include the magic of Babel.


Quranparaphrase: do not be part of secrete group. Quranparaphrase: secrete group is from shaytan. Quranparaphrase: do not use embellished speech (trick/lie/multi meanings/ metaphor) it is a means of deception between man/wombman and shaytans (man/wombman and jinns doing evil). Quranparaphrase: Muslims when pass by something false, pass it by with sure-faith. Quranparaphrase: do not divide.


Muslims stop - Muslims can know culture, practices; freedom of belief do not need follow secular-beliefs and have peace. Muslims neutral not help or harm to culture practitioners; not need to service purpose in-between practitioners. Much abuse and oppression is occurring Muslims do not follow culture practice of taking  writing, words, actions and plotting shaping life by; it is a practice to silence independent thinking, living free. And do not play out events from writing, spoken history, religion with winners and loser. Do not follow agenda of trick into lifelong problem/crime. Goal of agenda take free-living, independence/power, to make submit to culture. Do not accept titles, of leader, ideas of being the winner. Follow moderation and what Allah truly guide in Qur'an. Stop Immediate, do not do. Muslims  and other faiths use as another of many ways to make members follow secrete culture; submitting life to other/s. If trouble  do not disbelieve, do not submit to culture find halal way to do justice and be free. Global agendas  could have given leaders demands. People tell leader they represent them by agreed allowance and it is not correct for leader to tell them to betray faith.  


No price to have peace, no killing, no sacrifice, no loss or suffering; No sell lineage. No trade members. No separate/destroy family/s, lineage-Tribe-Nations, no separate community. No win relationship/sex No force to accept other religion; all return to Islam. All/ any can become Muslims. Quran, Islam teach do not accept oppression, no slavery body, mind. No takiyah/ crypto culture. No ward/heir/imprison. Quran, Sunnah Community is responsibility of all Muslims. It is the most important, effective way to solve Muslim problems. Local, foreign home community’s can have direct merchant trade, edu, work, heal marriages, all free to marry-support, include youth at sex maturity. Allah is all powerful and people of faith can live free and with peace.


Islam the culture: A culture – open, secret society using beliefs from Islam; it is not Islam. There are many Muslim cultures that follow Islamic, beliefs, practices; It is not Islam. In many places,cultures-of-Islam is not an actual culture but the experience  of groups interacting with Muslims. Or people of different faiths by historical events sharing living in large Muslims areas or regions ruled over by Muslims. Though following Islam, Judaism, Christianity many peoples continued their practices different metaphysical traditional and secrete society cultures. And use excuse of need: to compete, to have safety etc. Oppressing the next generation to follow similar. Quranparaphrase- "we found our fathers/elders/ancestors/people before following it. What; even though they did not have truth." Ruling culture have history of using religion to control. The Israelites, Christians and Muslim Jews used other faiths before Islam and Islam, and furthered Metaphysical ruling/court cultures. in modern time the culture could have defined ideas and practices most could not be Islam not accepted in Islam. The culture, beliefs, words, ideas and terminology are not Islam. Islam is very protected and clear. The benefit of peace, respect and experience of freer interaction between different peoples/faiths in history came from Islam/Quran not the culture. Find words ideas that are true, useful and neutral.

Culture of limited interaction: example only interacting in mind-space/jinn or meeting-once than not interacting in physical  world or limited is followed in life-war and secrete culture not practice of Islam. The idea the Family of Prophet used the system: most are taught they made the system. In history  secret  society cultures have used long before The Final Messenger of Allah. Including the cave seclusion, ward/heir-ward/heir-blinded from metaphysical  experience and many othernot-Islam practices. And widly using secret  society practices, worship  of the jinn and magic. The Family  of the Prophet  were the best example of Islam and followed Islam  not secret-society cultures. possibly could call takiyah; many did not openly denounce corrupt ruler holding them and willing to kill them, but but did not change practice of Islam and did not greatly change their way of living. Most lived full lives, had children and did not hide. In history, any extra effort of secrecy, safety was directly related to immediate need not proof people follow. Any idea Sunni/Shiite of interacting with jinnthe Family of the Prophet did not follow magic or the practices many Muslims follow to interact with the jinn any blessing was by following  Islam. Many cultures, Muslims use interpreted Islam beliefs, history and use emergency to justify continue following magic of Babel/secrete-culture. Idea Gog and Magog or related groups are dominating the World - many of the Gog and Magog/related people are Muslims-all people, Muslims are equal; and Qur'an guidance is follow Islam. Allah is All powerful have full control.

Forgiving past harm: To have unity and no resistance, Plan do-not support lethal/harmful punishments, end revenge. Work with plan; help many, to have forgiveness of Allah. Masjid Community support healing, restoration from past harm, abuse, loss. Masjid restructure and community services, support safety from harm and end of abuse, unjust, unfair practices. Stop/end immediate, all unjust things - oaths, contracts, agreements; new opportunities. No oppression, unfairness, no sacrifice Man, WombMan family, group, no killing, no torture, no suffering. Relationships made using game-war/capture/trade/sacrifice–free to end. No Pa/Matrarchy; Quran-Prophets and family lived equality; no life/death authority overchild/ family/other. No deny/delay marriage; Parents not killed by child or to let child live; or leadership . No family kill, no sacrifice. Family back together all work to improve faith. There is history of traditional cultures and rulers guiding people into following the magic of babel/worldly corruption; including excuse of emergency. Many major world events have occurred- no secrecy talk about it. It is a responsibility of faith, to be done by Ummah, Man, WombMan, family, community. Existing plans can be modified/ended; no harm. Stop ribba high interest loan causing debt slavery. Any agreement with to high price-haram. Quran write stop, forgive debt/agreement/oath end. End all social fighting/games of war not used by Prophet; false activity-guide to many corruptions.

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