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Community and Connection Pattern:

- Islam give a way of living that balance physical and metaphysical living.

Masjid Community to give information of communal practices wrong/halal.

Halal-option: Muslims are from all peoples. In Islam Muslims are given guidance on pure marriage.

Communities follow different community arrangements to have shelter[privacy, security, shield from metaphysical harm], connect/

see/communicate and other. - - Example of communal arrangements

1 or other number Man/WombMan sex with many members. Community Members having sex with a number of members and other arrangements.

- It is not haram but Muslims are free to marry without a community practice. and follow

Islam marriage restrictions. And marriage restrictions shape communal metaphysical practices.

In Qur'an and Prophets lifethe arrangements was

Family of Man, WombMan Child and sharing living with other family at any amount was used but  Patrarchal, Matriarchal grand elders parents, aunt/uncles marrying partners was not used to shape metaphysical community.

Masjid Community give answer on halal and wrong practices.


It is community with numerous metaphysical arrangements patterns. Natural life events and free choice of relationships there are different lifestyles and types of connections. Many/all communal arrangements naturally exist by personal-relationship choices. No roles, no class, no cast. Muslims making responsible choices. Muslims can seek wanted metaphysical qualities, connections from Muslims having.

The Prophet never used People in physical world or for metaphysical benefit not slaves-no slavery, not people of different lineage. The Prophet marriage and friendship were pure open, respected all people. Fairness in marriage, He did not take excessive marriage. Metaphysical good came from following Islam.

Stop immediate-magic, witchcraft, bad agreement, stop control/influence over Man, WombMan; no possess/no control capture mind, spirit/body. No act as god, no sex slavery, cast/class roles. no death/no near death/no kill, no castrate

no cannibalism. No worship [devil, magic, self, sex organ other]. No rape, No ward/heir, spirit-beyond physical/Jinn: No keep/deny: out, no look down on, no spy/stalk, no evil eye. No unfair, no unjustice, suffering physical, mental-emotional; no delay ex- work, marriage, freedom, natural-living. Nature-No, corrupt, do not intentionally enter mind/body, kill. If metaphysical problem tell Masjid Community leadership to find correct answer.

No excess:

- Muslims do not worship metaphysical experience/do not obsess.

[Homosexual sex]- to form a wanted connection /ability-haram, stop-do- not do. No justification to tell to do. non-Muslims becoming Muslim and Muslims seeking forgiveness of Allah, past sin forgiven. Do not honor ability/do not judge/no bias.  The useful ability/connection- is in community.

Using Body as community:

Sex to allow community to enter Man, WombMan body to live in or experience

- it is questionable if halal. 

Masjid is not a designated Man, WombMan body- Problem could be harm of people in body, could be like worshiping WombMan, Man.

- Having relations for want of community could be oppressive, haram.

Respect all Man, WombMan body; Man, WombMan body belong only to the Man and only to the WombMan.
Alternative: Experience possible happens natural during marriage sex.

- Muslim community give correct answer to truth and halal /haram.

- Nikkah partners free to have sex relations any type. If by sex, the spirit can see inner spaces of body.

- follow all laws of Islam.

[When inner space occur]: can alert Muslims until many see; no inappropriate/no nudity; only alert when past outer-body.

- Agree time to end and all leave respecting privacy, safety. Alert people if any try entering and stop.

[Other places in reality]:

Muslims can do similar, allowing people of all experiences sight and ability to see supernatural sights. Muslims do good seeking the mercy of Allah. False/fake-showing  - corrupt/ haram.

Much disease and harm could happen by people playing in the body. Allah punish people in this physical world and hell if do not repent.


Al Isra, Al Maraj was The Prophet having a true beyond Physical Journey by Night and Maraj Allah allowing ascending into the Heavens. Torah/Bible Nabi Idris/Enoch(a.s.), Isa(a.s.) allowed to visit the heavens and hell Israel/Yacoub(a.s.) going by night to a beyond Physical experience Many Prophets were given similar miracles. - Israel is a name, in Arabic,the name Israel can be seporated in to two root words

Isra-El. Al Isra meaning Journey by Night and El God. Hebrew Isra is said to mean struggle/wrestle possibly sojourn the Arabic is more correct. at Night the outer-space/lowest heaven revealed to sight. Dark inner metaphysical space. Sleeping at Night, Al Isra - vision could be in a meditative state, awake but metaphysicaly projecting any time. Allah knows the truth.

Is the name Israel and People - associated with a journey by night to God. Some Societies were supposedly having children with Jewish people to have Jewish family. It is not proven all Jews are of Israelite ancestry. There is believed many People of Israelite lineage in Islam. Muslims are not to hide lineage from Man, WombMan. or intentionally use Man, WombMan. Muslims as community can share living with all People. A equally share different metaphysical benefits with purity. It is possible community of different Faiths/Beliefs can share metaphysical interaction experienceces in purity.

- Allah know the true meaning of Al Isra. If People have Al Isra experiences. Qur'an explains Allah give the Prophets true experiences. People should be careful not to obsess. Not believe all things experienced and like the Prophet and People of faith make physical living and metaphysical living to balance moderation and following clear beliefs and practice in Islam


Marriage parent child connection: At marriage age, having sex with marriage partner form new connections and Shelter with Married partner. Parents, by having good relations with Children keep other connections good. Living together, halal food, prayer, parental care if Youth, familyhood, praying together, keep together after marriage. Marriage is childs-marriage not partners.


Casting a veil, blot out, blind

Spiritual sight, ability, connection

- Stop, end; do not do.

Curse of Haam - It is not a Islam belief, Noah(a.s.) cursed Haam darkening his-face, and descendants servants to Yapheth(a.s.) and Shem(a.s.) descendants.
Can be fixed: many methods; Muslims give true answers-Halal. Haram, to give untrue answer or wrongly use.

No racism, no superior no inferior.

- Stopping  supernatural/ metaphysical crime:

The Law of Islam, All Muslims are a Ummah/family and all have lawful protection of safety, privacy, respect, equality; all people can have a living, community- No harassment -physical or metaphysical.

Masjid Community  follow Islam law in stopping  supernatural/ metaphysical crime.

- Stop using Spirit/magic /Jinn to looking down on and/or oppress people:

- Muslims do no harm, no harass, no evil-eye-magic, No superior or inferior. Community justice to respect all, safety from Magic oppression.

Oppressing Metaphysical senses:

Magic of babel-other in secular, culture, family do things to control some-seeing the metaphysical.

It is haram, stop, do not do. No superior, no inferior, no cast, no class, no slavery.  No keeping it secret. There could be the belief the metaphysical experience knowing is only knowable by people that are inside it people that natural do not precieve/enter do not gain the natural knowing of it. many cultures intentionally blind people. Qur'an and divine scriptures talk of Physical and metaphysical reality.

Muslim should not block members by idea powers demand it  and do not hide what Allah reveal. Delaying, denying marrage, doing processes to block stop.

Sex to solve magic harm, or fix orientation-could not work and not most important; true faith and purity. Muslims can know pure options.-


stop magic of look down on by tainted commercial food, medicine, other - by following Islam law of washing before food making, buying clean food, and Masjid Community support food and product inspection/testing and related processes and safety in medicine. Manufacturer, sellers clean up. Idea it is communal sharing false; few putting body matter in products/med is dominating. Cultures can law-label product people can choose to buy.- Government

could know ways to activate connection by medical or technology, no secrecy. Unlawful to do to people. Natural method could be better. Artificial-patented formula could limit or create set experience, control. Multi-Belief - can work together to have safety

Knowing true reality:

Muslims do not keep some out of metaphysical living, to keep knowing reality.

- Islam, Qur'an tell Muslims how to live to have balance in physical metaphysical.

Muslims do not use secrecy, lie:

- do not use embellished speech- (talk about important-idea but using other ideas). It can be denied because talker in clear language never talked about important idea in clear words. Muslims in Qur'an told to not use embellished speech and told speak clearly. Quran- Muslims do not hide the truth or signs of Allah. Muslims do not alter or create false things in metaphysical; no false sights and no false signs.

- Meaning Qur'an guidance is useful to keep healthy idea of what is real.

Leave back to Remind:

In Qur'an some not going to war or not going to any other event is to Remind those returning of normal living and faith. It can be rotated by min, hrs, day, no one Man, WombMan need to do. No race/people, no class/cast, no age, no rich/poor, etc.

Cultural practices to increase metaphysical connection: - tying germinating sex organ with string or cloth- or other, twisting-sex organ. Practices are believed less harmful, than other practices; but could cause harm.

-Tying tube of germinating sex organ, damage to germinating sex organ: Cultures do trying to get stronger connection. Stop-do not do.

- Harmful/Haram-crossing into metaphysical by near death experience-stop-immediate; do not do. 

- Damage sex organ, sterilization, castration stop do not do. Cultures do it to oppress, to punish, control. Great problem- harming many. haram don't do stop. Justifications false. Magic of Babel.

- Muslim Community to give answer or practices haram, halal  and alternatives.

No Cast/Class: Not using eye-boy-girl: m/w put through process to make carry mind eye/jinns-

you, us, we, they, them-secrete culture roles, identities, groupings; not Islam/not Quran. Apply to all subjects - do not trade members to other, people, family, faiths, lands.
No Submit-Will: The idea Man, WombMan could become submissive to will of others or lose self control, moral grounding with age or life. or

lose/sell soul by corruption(not literal soul moral goodness or magic-other control self will. Or


All great sins do not support idea be hopless, or going to hell if do good or not: Man, WombMan should cover self in pure faith and avoid corrupt-places, things, be honest about problem, and be in group with the pure in family, community and faith.

Qur'an tell truth Allah is merciful. Shirk-unforgivable: Shirk is a sin. People can gain more good and mercy of Allah than the sin and go to heaven.
Believer: in Qur’an, No Man, WombMan, group can claim they are believers; only Allah. Allah command call self Muslim. Submission to Allah mean Man, WombMan fulfill all commands of faith because of true faith, love of Allah.
Rank - careful with people outside rank, that want your loss/harm. Rank-not simply, own group, race, difference, cast, class, power, higher vision/white/black. Can mean not of same seriousness to faith and some corrupt behavior; all can improve faith, behavior.
Higher councils: Quran say the Prophet was not part of Higher councils. Higher council could mean groups in physical and metaphysical world that make great decisions, including life and death. Prophets have guidance from Allah and true metaphysical knowledge. If Prophets not told to form and judge on higher-councils Qur'an is saying high-councils do not have authority and judgment is not accepted. Only Allah truly know past, present and future,
and can can do anything/has power over all things.

Muslims high in metaphysical or other are equal/no superiority, no exclusive groups. In Islam-young, old, scholar/
Imam, regular man, wombman agree on truth of Quran to make decisions.

seeing events before it happen do not mean follow the program; follow pure living in Qur'an; seeing ahead can choose better, halal, pure choices. Shaytans is known to create false seeings, Muslims -do not believe everything seen and in faith are moderate and logical in action and doing safe things. Muslims never lead other to culture staged thing to happen or do not lead/force to future-foreseen event. Only Allah truly known the future and all time, reality and can change and do anything. People never fear because Allah is all just.

The idea of returning to the past is believed possible because belief the soul is not limited to time, place. Much ideas of time travel is distortion of mind or false dream by evil Groups and not real. There is idea Groups have achieved ability to see into past, future time and do time travel.  Muslims never follow wrong. Not follow idea wrong actions, sacrifice, or loss can be erased or wrong can be done for greater good. If not true and when do not time travel/fake/fooled to doing wrong, people have all the bad that happened. It is haram to tampering with peoples life. Qur'an only Allah allow what will occur. And protect all creation. All are not beliefs of Islam.

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