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 - History -

        Masjid faith services, Ummah Responsibilities


  The Prophets Masjid was located in a place with people of all beliefs Man, WombMan, families and communities, of many Tribe-Nations(Peoples), different appearances, skin-colors. Muslims, from any community, came to central Masjid to be part of living, faith duties, volunteer duties, activities, and get direct faith guidance, law ruling, have law-matters that occurred in their Community system judged or rejudged by the larger Muslim Community. The Prophet used the practice of having Muslims volunteer or were asked to do Masjid faith services and larger community of all Muslims(Ummah) work. Volunteering was in free-time and own-choosing to do. 

Masjid Offices - Modern responsibilities explained in other section.

------[Masjid faith-responsibilities]: Prayer, marriage, cleaning, grounds     

                                                                             faith- guidance, law: faith-and civil                                                                                         marriage and faith, rulings and practices,

                                                                             judge and law.

------[Community responsibilities]: communications, treasury - zakat

                                                                          collection, money/commerce law and fair-

                                                                          pricing, inspection, limited market, and,

                                                                          caravan-merchant-trade, trade support -

                                                                          infrastructure; community-repair, security 


Masjid faith services and larger community of all Muslims work - It was optional by choice and if a Muslim had available time. The Prophet(sws) in every day practice used Rotation all Muslims Man, WombMan, youth and mature Masjid faith services and Umma work responsibilities. It is how in Islam different peoples can share 1 Masjid and all do the work of faith and have equal time doing and see their people in all works of faith including Imam. Muslims groups and communities can have Imams, but in the history of the Prophet, Muslims shared the responsibility and volunteered in their free time, in time of choosing or if asked and available/willing.

The Prophet(sws) would take Muslims of different peoples/ appearances-color, ages, wealth, levels of learning Example - Abu Baker Saddiq, Salman Farsi, Umar Ibn Kittab, Bilal Al Hashibi, Uthman Ibn Affan, Suhayb Al Rumi, Ali Abi Ibn Talib, Zayid Ibn Harith and all Muslims and encouraging to lead, prayer, do works-responsibilities, manage activities. And taught respect to all people, no class, cast, no seniority, no bias.


The Prophet(sws) used rotation to let all Muslims share and all have equal opportunity to do faith and community work. The Prophet made the Sahabbah and Muslims rotate, different peoples/races, different-skin-colors, different-ages, different-wealth's, Man and WombMan(work appropriate), different communities; including in manager work and Imam - Man youth and mature.

Leed managers from all the different work-responsibilities, together were a group/council of leaders of the larger-Community of- Muslim. The volunteer serving as Imam serving as the council Leeder. Management/administration buildings included Masjid, treasury and other.

Meaning from the Central Masjid administration / management of Muslim were done similar to a larger community over Muslims and Muslim communities but not segregated it was in Madina; a place with many communities, Tribes, villages, Towns, Cities of different faiths, governesses, sharing the same , location. Some communities were of many faiths and did their communal duties and Faiths Communal duties. Example Salman Farsi was part of a Jewish Community he stayed with his community and was a important Sahabba serving in Faith services and Ummam work. 


Muslims volunteering in a Community-Work responsibilities as managers reported to the Prophet and talked of duties in places open to all people. 


The Prophet told Masjids in all lands and locations to do the explained Standard Masjid faith Services and larger Muslim Ummah work.

And the Prophet told communities to do the standard services of Community and Leadership.


Following Islam practices did not mean ending culture. Qur'an and the Prophet(sws) gave guidance on practices to do, modify to be halal, lawful and stop. the idea is 1 possibility out of a number of variations showing if Muslims do not have a caliphate how they manage community, masjid, zakat.

Some communities leaders were also there Imam by begin their leader. Imam can mean Leader, Leader in faith services, or both. But Sunnah guidance of Muslims rotating, help Muslims share activity. Muslims follow appointing or electing.

Masjids are physical buildings and zakat money gold, silver copper. Zakat was collected from all Muslims in world, to the Prophets Central-Masjid, Treasury.

The Prophet had told Masjids in all lands to send their budgets reflecting the standard(Same in all Masjid meaning same costs/budgits) Qur'an and Sunnah Masjid services, resources and Ummah community services. 

The Prophet administration combined the money, audited the budgets of all Masjids, divided equally-equivalently and sent to all Masjids to give all Muslims faith services and shared Masjid-Community Responsibilities between communities.

Zakat as a Ummah Faith tax paid for Masjid resources, faith services, Muslims Ummah shared community services. Private Community needs paid by own non faith tax/money. It could occur in Multiple Faith Communities or Other. Zakat is a Muslims resource of faith, meaning private - Communities, Tribes, Villages, Towns, Cities, Sovreighn-Territories would need to share some part of useful living area or if want Privacy community,  Zakat cover Masjid Resources, Faith Services and Ummah Muslims faith Community services if private community Masjids are to be reachable by all Muslims. and if Zakat is used on Private Community need, offer some useable area to Muslims outside community. 

Muslims not able to send to the Prophet followed the guidance of the Messenger of Allah Central Masjid in region Muslims of different Communities and locations live, collect Zakat to a Central Masjid and used as if sent to the Prophet Central Administration. During the Caliphate of the Rightly guided Caliphs, the same method was used, if money could not be sent.

by sending to a Province Central Masjid, Province Central Masjid send to State Central Masjid, sent to National Central Masjid that audit the budgits and send payment to State Central Masjid to send to Province Centril Masjid to pay all Masjids in region.

To limit power and money control in Masjids, the Prophet weekly / monthly gave extra money, beyond budget/reserve, and things in treasury back to as many Muslims as possible; sometimes to any asking or there. Pay cards can be given to all Muslims. Everything - charity store or other charity can can be open given to all People.

Zakat was used for Masjid faith-services, and management/administration for Masjid communal resources shared by all Muslims no matter community or from any near or distant place in the world in location. Meaning it tended to general Muslims Ummah needs. Madina had a alliance of Communities and faiths  money for shared interests was collected from all groups, non religious Tax is a example.


In the Caliphate zakat was the majority tax Money of regions under Muslims rule. Communities further increased own wanted things with own monies. The Masjid was open to all Muslims.

-Islam, created a system of law and fairness to help all have marriage with fairness, equality, no seniority between Young Marriage seekers and older, wealthier, people in position of authority. A Muslim could use the masjid and law to have their rights protected. Prophets(sws), many times repeated the message, telling Muslims to marry, Youths to not delay. And showed people can have/gain wealth in money, housing, life, but to marry - basic housing and ability to earn/gain money. Culture delay of marriage haram, stop. The Qur’an warn of magic of Babel other things in family, culture, community, world and shaytanic  agenda; haram, stop. The Qur'an give Muslims guidance on balancing Physical and metaphysical living in how Muslims live, eat, pray, purify mind body, spirit, marry, halal and haram restrictions in all things and other. The Rightly Guided Caliphate followed the Prophet’s example.


The Prophet had limited Charity -Work help: worked by people needing and volunteers

        – Masjid farm; hunter-gathering - land, water, air; cattle-Shepherding,       

            merchants-manufacture-crafts, caravan-merchant-trade and support, repair,

            food/water mill, Security, sanitation, Vehicles animals and vehicles,

            Nature protection/restoration.

Their is much information to Muslim History, but the truth of information it is agreed in both Sunni and Shiite(Ahlibayth) history. Caliph and governors is not a goal of project. Possible future work positions. By the command of Allah Caliph/Imam, only 1 in 1 Ummah of Muslims. Muslims believe in moderation, good-equal law, respecting all People Muslims and not Muslim. Do not divide.

Note to Reader -


Reading, watching, hearing writing, video, audio, talk does not put reader into agreement, do not create contract ; not a belief of Islam. Words/Sentence used wrong do not create idea/contract. Using this writing, video the Holy Scriptures, anything to make Peoples lives into a story, or do games of war, oppression in any from is   oppression, it is unlawful, haram in Islam and a crime. Do not do; do not accept.    


Secrecy: Secrete-society, modern secular secrete society, traditional-secrete culture and metaphysical culture and magic practices, In Torah, Bible, called the 'Religion or Magic of Mystery Babylon'. In the Qur'an 'the Magic of Babel'; is a more accurate name.

Quran paraphrase:  Do not be part of secrete group.                                                    Quranparaphrase: Secrete group is from shaytan.                                                            Quran paraphrase:  Do not use [embellished speech, speaking with forked-tongue-multiple-meaning not clarifying the correct meaning], it is a means of deception between Man, Wombman and the shaytans amoung -Man, WombMan and Jinns.                                         Quran-paraphrase:  No Man, WombMan has two hearts(true-mind).                                        Quran-paraphrase:  Muslims when pass by something false, pass it by with sure-faith.        Quran-paraphrase:  Do not divide.                    Quran-paraphrase:  and speak clear/true meaning , hear the true meaning/purest idea. 


Sentences have no idea of metaphysical connection systems. Metaphysical subjects  are explained separately throughout plan, clearly labeled and in sections labeled Metaphysical.

Project is not political and is not movement; begin immediate; no complex agreement policy.

Plan does not support separating from society; continue living any location. Communal services are faith activity.                                                 

Other Divine Books: The best preserved are the Torah and Bible (Gospels). Muslims are told in the Qur'an further information, detail can be found in Other Divine Scriptures. Muslims are very careful because Qur'an warn of alteration, removal, errors and addition that have occurred in Other Scriptures, Muslims do not accept everything but Read as useful information. The Qur'an is the seal of divine scripture revelation and is protected; and the information is true. Knowing the truth in the Qur'an can help, see the correct information and the errors in Other Scripture. Muslims read and talk of the Divine Scriptures with respect, with a pure intention, no idea of superiority or bitterness. Many laws, things allowed in the past Holy Scriptures are canceled for Muslims or Muslims have freedom to do other things. Muslims respect the truth in other Beliefs. Muslims do not accept wrong ideas. Muslims respect different beliefs because it helps have peace, stop people unknowingly abusing Islam and show Muslims tolerance of different beliefs sharing the World. The truth can be found in creation, can be studied to gain more knowledge.  

Hadith are sayings of the Prophet recorded from sources that could have been present in his life. Only hadiths supported by information from Qur'an are accepted. Ideas, false, bad are rejected. Hadiths are studied to measure closeness to truth but at best are treated as close to true; not fact. Hadiths are used as useful historical information. Hadith is not sacred and not the Qur'an.  The Qur'an is clear-easy to know: Allah say the Qur'an is protected, the book, the writing, the meaning the recitation/reading. Quran verse, in full are not used, to honour sacred text; idea of some verses explained.                                              

- Information could be disagreed; ask questions. Writer have studied Islam but do not have title Imam, scholar. All Muslims are responsible for knowing Qur'an and Islam.

The Qur'an include truth and knowledge showing revelation of the ProphetSws) time was part of twhole World(Earth), World-history of the time and history of divine religion.


Allah is not Man, Wombman, not Jinn, not thing, not any creation, not sex, not the body or sexual organs, is not part of creation, not energy. Islam is not the joined mind of jinns, man, wombman; Islam is not submission to a supernatural secrete-way-of-living. Do not pray to things, creation only Allah). Man, WombMan, Jinn do not truly know future, not truly know unseen, not do divine judgement,    punishment. It is not Allah. Allah, is the only Creator of all existence; not part of existence. do not pray to things, creation only Allah). Only Allah know when death and Allah can, do any thing, change any event. press-to go to plan explanation.                                                           

End note to readers

Note to Reader -                                                                                                                                                                                               

Reading, watching, hearing writing, video, audio, talk does not put reader into agreement, do not create contract ; not a belief of Islam. Words/Sentence used wrong do not create idea/contract. Using this writing, video the Holy Scriptures, anything to make Peoples lives into a story, or do games of war, oppression in any from is   oppression, it is unlawful, haram in Islam and a crime. Do not do; do not accept.                                                                                                                                         press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Secrecy: Secrete-society, modern secular secrete society, traditional-secrete culture and metaphysical culture and magic practices, In Torah, Bible, called the            Religion or Magic of Mystery Babylon. In the Qur'an the Magic of Babel; is a more accurate name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran paraphrase:      Do not be part of secrete group.                                                                                                                                                                          Quranparaphrase:            Secrete group is from shaytan.                                                                                                                                                                        Quran paraphrase:           Do not use [embellished speech, speaking with forked-tongue-multiple-meaning not clarifying the correct meaning], it is                                                                          a means of deception between Man, Wombman and the shaytans amoung -Man, WombMan and Jinns.                                                    Quran-paraphrase:           No Man, WombMan has two hearts(true-mind).                                                                                                                                              Quran-paraphrase:           Muslims when pass by something false, pass it by with sure-faith.                                                                                                                Quran-paraphrase:           Do not divide.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran-paraphrase:      and speak clear/true meaning , hear the true meaning/purest idea.                                                                                                              Sentences have no idea of metaphysical connection systems. Metaphysical subjects  are explained separately throughout plan, clearly labeled and in sections labeled Metaphysical.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Project is not political and is not movement; begin immediate; no complex agreement policy.                                                                                                                      Plan does not support separating from society; continue living any location. Communal services are faith activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Hadith are sayings of the Prophet recorded from sources that could have been present in his life. Only hadiths supported by information from Qur'an are accepted. Ideas, false, bad are rejected. Hadiths are studied to measure closeness to truth but at best are treated as close to true; not fact. Hadiths are used as useful historical information. Hadith is not sacred and not the Qur'an.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Qur'an is clear-easy to know: Allah say the Qur'an is protected, the book, the writing, the meaning the recitation/reading. Quran verse, in full are not used, to        honour sacred text; idea of some verses explained.                                                                                                                                                                                   

- Information could be disagreed; ask questions. Writer have studied Islam but do not have title Imam, scholar. All Muslims responsible for knowing Qur'an and       Islam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Allah is not Man, Wombman, Jinn or thing(do not pray), not any creation, not part of creation, not energy. Islam is not the joined mind of jinns, man, wombman;   Islam is not submission to a supernatural secrete-way-of-living. Man, WombMan, Jinn do not truly know future, not truly know unseen, not do divine judgement,    punishment. It is not Allah. Allah, is the only Creator of all existence; not part of existence. Only Allah know when death and Allah can, do any thing, change any        event. press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

End note to readers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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