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Marriage guidance 

marry/divorce idea is not telling reader how to gain metaphysical-sight and other by marrying a number of WombMan, Man. Writer is not explaining metaphysical methods with 1-4; WombMan; or Other. Muslims talk and answer questions on metaphysical connection.


Masjid in kutba tell of marriage, multi-marriage and follow Allah commandment of of fairness, healthy marriage life. 

Quran - Marrying more than 1 at same time is allowed but says or just 1.

1,2,3,4 permanent WombMan, same as single marriage; Permanent Man partner fully financial support.
Ages to support fairness:

Man, WombMan can use age ranges given to help have fairness.

- Man, WombMan using multi-marriage - 18+, can stop people abusing younger and mature. 

- Youth puberty-17; Allowances explained, protect safety to mind, body, choice, Parents, Masjid Guidance.

- More marriage is with idea of faith in Allah, purity fairness, moderation. Haram to support wrong, using haram.

---No Sex history:

WombMan no-sex-past, do not first-marry in multi-marriage. First marry in 1 Man, WombMan marriage. Other ideas seek guidance from Masjid Administration.

- Man Permanent Partner first have sex/hymen with WombMan Permanent partner.

Man not afford permanent marriage

to 2nd, 3rd, 4th - WombMan partners: Permanent marriage to 1 WombMan; age given and can marry Others up to 4, separately at different times. Same WombMans- Regular.
- Muslim Man, WombMan not permanent married have own, work, housing;

Marriage-Gift: follow Islam guidance as can afford ex: a meal. Extra marriage should not be business of money making/profit.

- If long relationships can use similar method, paying more as possible. If not children responsibility full increase to children.

- Partner-married as-not-permanent-partner because have Permanent Partner; do not remove-hymen.

- Where are partners available:

If all married, Where WombMan come from:

- Muslim WombMan 20+ unmarried, available; WombMan should seek Permanent marriage. And Muslims married - could be seeking halal-short-marriage with Other-Partner.

Example - remarry same each time; immediate remarriage to Permanent Partner.

Magic oppression having Man WombMan have sex with people outside community. Muslims careful stop practices to use or take from people. Muslims take responsibility for relation wants and by mamature marriage to people of faith respecting their permanent marriage limit unwanted connections. 

- Free to marry Muslims different ethnic-lineage/skin-colors: No bias; no harm, no pay, no bargain, benefit is pure relations/friendship, family.

Marriage background check, sex-health check. Healthy Child Prevention-product. Anti germ cleaning and Drink.

Iddah time followed Married with children: Iddah is 40 days until remarry meaning most could only use 1time in year. Read metaphysical sex below.

Sex-Health Help: 

Imam/scholar divorce permanent-partners. WombMan idaah and marry other Man example: 1day, 30min-1hr, every month, 3, 6 months etc. WombMan iddah and remarry permanent-partner. Medical-proof Permanent partner- low sex-health, iddah time followed but could be lowered; and use pregnancy testing and paternity testing. Divorce can be renewed meaning partners can remarry. remarrMasjid Community give correctness of practice Allah knows the truth.
Past agreement of marriage are not accepted by Masjid community - Muslims make new agreements in Masjid to review to have justice; fairness. Gathering great numbers of WombMan, Man, not accepted Muslims as Ummah can have fairness in marriage.
- divorce/marry/remarry by authorized Masjid Imam/scholar; 3divorce ; renew at Masjid.
- Cannot be forced to do. All multi-marriage can stop/not continue/end. No marry/divorce to harm or use, haram to do magic- investigated. Man, WombMan Partnersnts do not need to marry the Man or WombMan partners of Man/WombMan he or she married; Man/WombMan own choice. Can marry different. No contract follow Magic of Babel/other/wrong.

QV: let them remarry their Permanent partner; No influencing Partners. No use Man, WombMan, child.
- If not planning children;

safety should be used to prevent. Masjid Community abortion policy follow Muslim law rulings. No orphan, if child happen, both raise in/as family.

- WombMan living unmarried to use when want not married. Do not marry and ignore until want to use.

- If WombMan 2,3,4 are married each to example: a different Man ex: permanent partners, time in short marriage need to respect remarriage to Partner in appropriate time. 
- Cultural Differences follow Islam law, not culture, not culture community. Helped by Masjid Administration to have peace.

- Not obligated to continue can end; In Islam Man, WombMan, responsibility to own marriage choices free to marry and end; can get help from Scholar/Masjid Community.

Man,, WombMan, family cannot be made to give partner in marriage/multi-marriage to other be cause told to do. And in Islam do not give family or partners. Protected by law of Islam and Crime law.

- Intentionally abusing divorce is going over halal allowance.example: 30min-1hr, can renew each year. Not same as Sex-health-help partner.

Can remarry at later time, If divorce and no renew,

- Man, WombMan family community do not need to do. No money, not bargain.


Nikkah Partners sex Beyond Physical:

Not substitutes, for Marriage, sex and sex help. Right time and place. Ex: at home, no harmful activity ex-cooking, permanent partners together improve relations.  Partners can share activity together in metaphysical. If jinn form laws of Islam apply, controlling self is a responsibility and sin is haram; avoiding wrong is what is important. The Ruh-Spirit keep pure thinking.  

Sex in beyond Physical with Other People: Masjid community give answer. Following Islamic law Man, WombMan could marry in metaphysical. Partners and other meet any official Imam/scholar or authorized marriage formalizer in masjid or official place in real world. Metaphysical marriage do not not create  real relationship. Imam standing in same room tell partners they are to be temporary divorced to marry other and all done in metaphysical  very quick-less than 1minuet - gestured in physical world divorce Permanent partners in metaphysical; marry Other Partners. Ex. 3-minutes; at end divorced. WombMan 1hr Iddah. Can try ex 1hr = 40days; because imaginary. Permanent Partners Remarry automatically. Meaning all can leave imam immediate. Imam/Scholar/ authorized, and partner, can agree - on agreed day and time or asking or calling asking. automatic divorce, marry Other, at end divorce automatic. Iddah 10min-1hr do ghusul - by end of bathing, Iddah complete. Remarry Permanent-Partner automatic. 

- Permanent Partner present in same room could strengthen keeping together. If not together in physical should use when together in metaphysica but Physically near is better. Do not mean group sex.

- Relations in form of jinn need to follow laws of Islam  marriage and normal idda time.

-Youth Seeing/sensing should not join and taught sex is done in marriage. Youth should not have metaphysical sex until married.

Marriage is Partners benefit not family and should be by own choose and to last.

-Being Married could help stop excess in metaphysical sex. If not married should be done with people married past- but only guidance of purity-to stop excess-haram.

- Charity marriage and sex physical and metaphysical is not saddaqah/charity and not practice of Islam. People wanting to marry metaphysical Muslim having option to choose. And regulated by marriage law.

Appropriate Place: Man,WombMan metaphysical marriage/sex at time/place, safe, not driving or doing something important. Metaphysical sex with partner near does not mean to disrespect.

Sex-worker: Many cultures give Man, WombMan the responsibilities of sex-worker and community-members in spirit/jinn form have sex with a Man, WombMan having sex in physical world. People responsibilities good and sin is with the self. The laws on sex is true in physical and metaphysical living. Practice of giving role to Man, Wombman if it change their ability to have normal marriage, privacy is haram. Excess or haram action, harm or sex haram. Much metaphysical cultures follow competition/called suing to manage real world sexual relations with people of different roles. Muslims do not follow the roles, designated sex partners or wining relations sex. Unequal, unfair, haram sex, trickery into life long problems torture, metaphysical harrasment, oppression, all haram. Muslims are a Ummah from all Peoples and can free marry physical and metaphysical no win, no role, no bargan by halal intrests, benefit and faith in Allah.

Muslims Masjid Community answer if not haram. -

Note to Reader

Note to Reader -                                                                                                                                                                                               

Reading, watching, hearing writing, video, audio, talk does not put reader into agreement, do not create contract ; not a belief of Islam. Words/Sentence used wrong do not create idea/contract. Using this writing, video the Holy Scriptures, anything to make Peoples lives into a story, or do games of war, oppression in any from is   oppression, it is unlawful, haram in Islam and a crime. Do not do; do not accept.                                                                                                                                         press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Secrecy: Secrete-society, modern secular secrete society, traditional-secrete culture and metaphysical culture and magic practices, In Torah, Bible, called the            Religion or Magic of Mystery Babylon. In the Qur'an the Magic of Babel; is a more accurate name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran paraphrase:      Do not be part of secrete group.                                                                                                                                                                          Quranparaphrase:            Secrete group is from shaytan.                                                                                                                                                                        Quran paraphrase:           Do not use [embellished speech, speaking with forked-tongue-multiple-meaning not clarifying the correct meaning], it is                                                                          a means of deception between Man, Wombman and the shaytans amoung -Man, WombMan and Jinns.                                                    Quran-paraphrase:           No Man, WombMan has two hearts(true-mind).                                                                                                                                              Quran-paraphrase:           Muslims when pass by something false, pass it by with sure-faith.                                                                                                                Quran-paraphrase:           Do not divide.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran-paraphrase:      and speak clear/true meaning , hear the true meaning/purest idea.                                                                                                              Sentences have no idea of metaphysical connection systems. Metaphysical subjects  are explained separately throughout plan, clearly labeled and in sections labeled Metaphysical.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Project is not political and is not movement; begin immediate; no complex agreement policy.                                                                                                                      Plan does not support separating from society; continue living any location. Communal services are faith activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Hadith are sayings of the Prophet recorded from sources that could have been present in his life. Only hadiths supported by information from Qur'an are accepted. Ideas, false, bad are rejected. Hadiths are studied to measure closeness to truth but at best are treated as close to true; not fact. Hadiths are used as useful historical information. Hadith is not sacred and not the Qur'an.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Qur'an is clear-easy to know: Allah say the Qur'an is protected, the book, the writing, the meaning the recitation/reading. Quran verse, in full are not used, to        honour sacred text; idea of some verses explained.                                                                                                                                                                                   

- Information could be disagreed; ask questions. Writer have studied Islam but do not have title Imam, scholar. All Muslims responsible for knowing Qur'an and       Islam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Allah is not Man, Wombman, Jinn or thing(do not pray), not any creation, not part of creation, not energy. Islam is not the joined mind of jinns, man, wombman;   Islam is not submission to a supernatural secrete-way-of-living. Man, WombMan, Jinn do not truly know future, not truly know unseen, not do divine judgement,    punishment. It is not Allah. Allah, is the only Creator of all existence; not part of existence. Only Allah know when death and Allah can, do any thing, change any        event. press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

End note to readers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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