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Work change 2021: 


Masjid are houses of prayer to Allah. Masjid and similar institution. / organizations doing direct Masjid faith services. Workers changed to volunteers. All current annual-employees - paid normal(not relation opportunities) 2021- 01/2022.


01/2022; Any salary pay using zakat end.

Existing Imams/Masjid workers can work in to be created sunnah Masjid-Communal-work-help. Can do - 2.5 years, until find work or work placement. Initial hiring - Muslim Man, WombMan are hired at 10 for every 1 original staff hired- 2.5 years. Could try 1.5 years.


worked by people needing and volunteers –

All areas have Office; communications, Computer technologies, Masjid farm/hunt, gathering land, water, cattle-Shepherding, merchants-manufacture-crafts, caravan-merchant-trade and support, repair, food/water mill, Security, sanitation, Vehicles animals and vehicles, Nature protection / restoration.

was used by the Prophet, Not large business it is limited communal-businesses that earn money paying employees. Work all any regular private, public, commercial work. Steering/life-track Peoples work is a crime in Nation law. 2.5 with return in 3-years allow all Muslims if want to apply and experience. Could possibly keep other profession but if not working there unpaid until return or infrequent paid/unpaid work until return.


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