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- Masjids are open to all Muslims serve as larger Community and community system over Muslims. Muslims of all Communities. Together Volunteers in Muslim-Community Responsibilities, offer communities Centralized leadership, faith-community services, safety security, guidance and other. 


- No change to living  Continue living any location, not closed community, not enclave. Not political organization, not Muslim community organization, association or community network. It is community, Ummah as in the Qur'an Muslims are to do. 

- Do not need to be part of a community; All Man, WombMan have lineage/s and family and communal associating.

-  Can form, join community/groups. Can belong to different communities and types of communal groups/associations.

Small Communal groups to community associations and networks follow are under the guidance of Central Masjid Community Guidance. 

- Haram to have own Masjid for group/people.

- Some communities are a Tribe; or community is a whole village/town. Masjid should be open to All Muslims; if closed  community, the Masjid can be in area outside of community all Muslims-from an people-place-community, can reach.

- Members of any community type, continue to attend Masjid with all Muslims, pay zakat to Central Masjid and do sunnah-optional - faith and community services. If Community not Muslims Community Muslims do the same.

- Community do not offer membership requiring class/cast, servitude, haram initiation. All have equality respect.  Sending members out or excommunicate members to serve goal stop, end.

[Return to Communities if wrongly sent away, or family can return regain Connection/s Traditional and Other.


Community identify:

- Central Masjid have information on communities and members. Kept Private.

- some general  lineage and national and community information. Information help Muslims rotate with fairness. Give Man, WombMan of different community and races/Tribe-Nations equal time in position. Help with communication, organizing, security.

Community-management approach example  - cultural  appropriate/halal can be used/continued. Haram to follow wrong, corrupt beliefs.  

And Muslims want to follow Qur'an and Sunnah Masjid Community Guidance.

-if Community have own security, the community members sunnah volunteer to do security duties with larger Muslim community services.

- If Community has own system services.

members wanting can use Larger Community services can or both.

- In each Provence/other, Muslims from all communities work together as a larger community and governance; give all Muslims faith and community  services.

Healing Rebuilding: Communities should return to correct following of Islam, fairness, stop/end all agreements restarting. Good can be renewed. Corruption, oppression, abuse, unfairness haram unlawful by Islam Law Possible crime;Stop/end. Masjid Community stops corruption in communities.

Pay communal needs by halal method of choice; not zakat.

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