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Sects - Schools of Fiqh


- Allah command do not be divided.


Al Sunnah and Al Shiite are 99%of Muslim Population. The 4Al Sunnah schools accept some of the main Shiite schools. Shiites accept the 4Al Sunnah schools.

- Scholars of both major sects agree, Muslims from both accepted groups can leed the Others in prayer and follow Prayer leeders of accepted Groups.


- All Groups - Sunni, Shia and Other, share Masjid by beliefs all agree are clear in Qur'an and true Sunnah.

- Sect with belief not accepted wanting to leed prayers, accept standard belief.

Do not hate other groups, agree on the beliefs and practices most important in faith. And by sharing Masjid help all see truth in pure Islam.

- Muslims come from different communities and share Masjids and larger-Muslim-Community by following  Qur'an and Sunnah.

Sects History:

The majority of history, Muslims of different-opinion(sect) shared the Masjid. Imam Abu Hanifah, was not a regular student, but learned from Imam Muhammad Ibn Baqir of the Family of the Prophet (sws) and frequently questioned his Son Imam Jaffer As Saddiq. Imam-Malik learned from a number of Scholars including Imam Jaffer As Saddiq from the Prophet-family. Imam Shafi learned from Imam Hanifah and Imam Ibn Hambal- learned from Imam Shafi. There were scholars that followed the school of Imam Jaffer As Saddiq and further Family of the Prophet -Scholars.

- There is No descendants from male lineage to the Prophet in modern times and their is no idea/no-need of finding and following relatives.

- Past and modern there is little difference in practices between Al Sunnah and Main-Shiite schools.

And Muslim history-mostly-come from the same sources; different groups give attention to information their Group feel is more important. Violence and hatred is wrong, haram.

Praying using separate Masjids is haram and relatively modern (less than 400+yrs of 1500). And in that time, Masjids continued to be open to all Muslims; as Allah command.


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