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Schedule Volunteers :


[Masjid faith-responsibilities]:

- Leedership , Masjid, Treasury, Edu, Water, Health, Law, Security, Communications, Ethnic relation, Marriage-Family, Leadership-Council, Prayer, marriage, cleaning, grounds keeping, faith-guidance, law: faith-and civil marriage and family, funeral, faith-rulings and practice, judge and law.
[Community responsibilities]: communications,
all areas have Office, Computer technologies, Treasury and Bank Accounts - zakat collection; money/commerce law and fair-pricing, inspection, limited market, and merchant-caravan and trade, trade support-infrastructure; sanitation, build-repair, security. 

Rotation- is sunnah let Man, WombMan, community of different races/skin-colors/cultures sect, share Masjid and work together serve in all and any work (appropriate to man, wombman). Limited work: Ex: 1day a month 10min-few hrs. Work-most areas: training/equipment.
Log-Book/Internet: choose work, schedule before time.

Schedule: Date, time, Volunteer -Name, age, Tribe-Nation-general, skin-color. All positions, rotate with same and different Tribe-Nation to have equality. Rotate by: hours/days. 

Diversity Tribe-Nation: In each of the 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, Muslims of each generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry are evenly distributed in all work responsibilities, To have equal representation and Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestries work together in all 10-20+Work-Responsibility.

Equal numbers of workers:

 ---- The numebr is flexible because Muslims can volunteer, in all, any Masjid community volunteer-work in all States any location in Nation and same in all, any Nation, because of similar work structures.

--- Not a defined limit, workers from other locations can work in Masjid Work Sturctures in different locations).

--- Workers from each generally defined Tribe Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group, are counted collectively; not by community. Man, WombMan of two or more parental tribe-Nation ancestries is equally counted and listed as both/all. Like all other identified ancestral-groups.

--- The collective number of Muslims of the same Tribe-Nation/Cultural-Group is then divide evenly between each 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities. To create a number of open volunteer-Work opportunities for Muslims of each generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry/or Cultural Group; the number can increase with the Muslims volunteering .

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestry work together in all 10-20+Work-Responsibilities.

--- Adults, all education and skill levels if willing to work with the more skilled manager or workers.

--- Different sects Work together in all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilites. Different sect share the same work assignment.

--- Small communities can have a similar Communal-Business Structure.

--- Muslims Independent Man, WombMan and families and that are part of groups and communities are free to work in the Communal/ Private Business and any where it is located.



[Date: 00/00/0000, Time: 00:00 am/pm]

, [Tribe-Nation], [Tribe-Nation]

---- Listed in a descending column, Column1 is the name of each worker in rows one after the other. In column2 in rows next to names is generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry. In column3 and rows is the rotation time and schedule of each Volunteer Worker.

Identify People: In culture identity  there is ethnic/ancestral Nation, Larger-Nation, Tribe-Nation, Cultural-Tribe.

Jesus -

ethnic/ancestral-Semite, Larger-Nation-Hebrew, Tribe-Nation - Israelite, Cultural-Tribe-Judah.


Ethnic/ancestral-Semite, Larger-Nation-Arab, Tribe-Nation - Quraysh-Ishmielite, Cultural-Tribe-Bani Hashim.

 - All Muslims, are rotated using  ethnic/ancestral, Larger-Nation, Tribe-Nation, Cultural-Tribe or other is used. If do not know ancestral best know information used. Information is used to evenly spread group equally and fairly across rotation schedule with other Peoples. And improve representation and frequency in all work areas. Information is not used for bias or benefit.

 - schedule spot in rotation is recorded to increase equality.

--- The same model to have Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestries/Cultural-Groups and Skin-colors is used with the manager group, the Leed Manager Group and the Community Leeder-Management Group.

--- If 300 real Tribe Nations/blood lineages-culture Groups, than in a Masjid 4+(+ = more 3Muslims of all Groups Man and WombMan, can be on schedule at the same time. In each listed People-ancestry-tribe Column Rotation time is recorded. Muslims in each Work-Responsibility, rotate in the same set-spot assigned to there People-ancestry-Tribe, with Muslims of the same generally People-Ancestry-tribe..

The arrangement moves over clock time and

calendar months/seasons to allow each Tribe-nation over time to serve in all the schedueled times and seasons.

Skin Color and Appearance: is used to have equality. Rotation try to have the many very general different Skin-colors and appearances represented equally/proportionally one after the other within Tribe-Nations and between different Tribe-Nations. Skin-Color - Aswad(darkest skin-color)/Onyx, very dark-Brown, dark-brown, brown, light brown, dark-ruddy, ruddy, light-ruddy, Dark-tan, tan, light tan, reddish white, beige white, milk white, pale white. List include all skin colors.

--- Each Tribe-Nation/Cultural-Group, rotate the skin color varieties they do have. All groups have equal rotation order. Skin-colors and appearances, similar and different, in a group do not increase or decrease a Tribe-Nation ancestry number of rotations. People of similar color, appearances - from same community or groups and between different-groups; can be in rotation at same time, and after a different People; or close after. But assignment will try to respect the need to have diversity and readjust if more than 3times in week.

--- Muslims can apply or if a regular volunteer be scheduled-assigned different work in the Work-Responsibilities. Can do anytime if available. Haram to choose or avoid volunteer work by idea of cultural roles.

--- Communities can, own choice, follow similar Community-Work Structure.

--- Muslim Man, WombMan and family of any Group/Community, as Muslims, can choose to work with the Larger Muslim Ummah-Community because allowed by Qur'an and Sunnah.



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