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Masjid services and management:


- Done by Muslims, Man mature youth-Adult, WombMan, with acceptable knowledge, and training. And with the title Imam/scholar. WombMan in roles appropriate.
- Scholars could serve as guidance to volunteers.

Volunteering is optional and Muslims with title Imam-Scholar volunteer.

Imam: Leed Manager from Masjid(Imam) is the (council)Leeder.

[The Prophet (sws) was the Imam and had Prophethood by Allah, he had Sahaba(ra) and Muslims rotated Managers, Leed Managers, Imam work.  ]

- Volunteers of all Tribe-ancestry  rotate, Imam-work every few hours/days. Muslims with the title Scholars, Imam, and any Muslim Man, Man-youth, with general knowledge of Islam.

Masjid Administration Leeders: Leed-Managers from each 10-20+ work offices make decisions together in Council-Group; helped by skilled volunteers.* All-Leed Managers follow rotation time Schedule and diversity rotation schedule, each official Tribe Nation (ethnic/racial groups), have tilted spot on schedule and rotate. Schedule rotate to give all Tribe-Nations, time to offer services in at all times/seasons. 

====== Manager:

In each 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, there could be several Managers. Manager leed and manage parts of the Work-Responsibility, they are assigned to manage.

- In all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, Muslims from each general Tribe-Nation ancestry share Manager responsibilities.

Leed Manager: There is only 1 Lead manager in each, 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities have a Leed Managers. Leed Managers manage all part of the Work-Responsibilities and manage all Managers. In all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, the Leed manager responsibility is rotated among Muslims Volunteer-Workers of all generally defined tribe-nation ancestry.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation rotate one after the other until the rotation starts over and the order of Tribe-Nation ancestries is randomly rearranged to allow more diversity. The order of people that were assigned before is rearranged to have group that came after be earlier on list.

--- Muslims in Masjid or Community structures are notified of volunteer work.

--- The same model to have Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestries/Cultural-Groups and Skin-colors is used with the manager group, the Leed Manager Group and the Community Leeder-Management Group.

Communal Private-Business. Time: Rotate, daily(other), by the hour/hours and rotate when a Manager is busy.

--- Adults, all education and skill levels if willing to work with the more skilled manager or workers.

Rotate with different Tribe-Nations: in all 10-20+Work-Responsibilities Muslims of a generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry/cultural-Group share rotation Example-


[Date: 00/00/0000, Time: 00:00 am/pm]

--- Listed in a descending column, is the name of each Manager in rows one after the other. In another column in rows next to Names is their generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry. In another column and rows the rotation time of each Manager is scheduled and recorded.


In each listed Tribe-Nation Column Rotation time is recorded. Muslims in each Work-Responsibilty rotate with Muslims of the same generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry. The arrangement moves over clock time and calender months/seasons to allow each Tribe-nation over time to serve in all the schedueled times and seasons.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation or Cultural/Cultural-Group rotate one afte the other. To allow more diversity, when all Tribe-Nation ancestries have had time as manager, the rotation starts over and the order of Tribe-Nation ancestries/Cultural-Group is randomly rearranged/or rearranged by logical order of movement of one tribe nation after the other and to all have time in the same scheduel and order in rotation.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestry work together in all 10-20+Work-Responsibilities.

--- The arrangement of Tribe-Nations moves over clock time and calender months/seasons to allow each Tribe-nation over time to serve in all the schedueled times and seasons. In the same scheduled row(time spot and tribe-nation name) Muslims  rotate with Muslims of the same Tribe-Nation ancesty. Each time the that Tribe-Nation is in rotation. A different or the same Muslims(if nominated) of similar tribe-Nation can work as Manager the next rotation time.

--- Similar Tribe-Nations or Tribe-Nations of similar appearance, can serve as Manager or Leed Manager at any one time, but the arrangement of Manger to have diversity will try to limit occurrences to 3 in a row.

--- Workers can apply to be manager and the Community Management system will offer management work to Muslims to have equal time and rotation of Muslims of different Tribe-Nation.

--- Managers, Leed managers - assignment system is similar to Volunteer schedule moving volunteers through responsibility-Work areas; by tracking people have done, not have done and offer. People can sign-up to do, but in numbered spots allowing repeated wore in a area example 2 times in a week. System Insure People not having had assignments are offered and all Muslims do time in area in year.

Communities can stop corruption and monopoly by safety practices like hiring manages by random assignment, randomly picked Volunteer workers from other Work-Group and locations.         

--- Rotation try to have the many different Skin-colors and appearences represented equally/proportionally one after the other within Tribe-Nations and Between different Tribe-Nations. Similar skin-colors and appearences can rotate after the other or close after but assignment will try to respect the need to have diverity.

Community Leedership: Muslims Community-The Prophet(sws) did not have a massive administration but manged community by community village organization and family within the guidence of Islam. The Prophets central community was the community of importance. Muslims of many Tribe-Nation ancestries shared Masjid and Community.

-------------------------The Community Management GroupThe Community Leeder-Managment Group:

--- Leed Managers from 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities including- Masjid, education, security, Market, Merchant-trade,  infrustructure sanitation, family/individual help, Farm-land, Transport, Parcel work together to leed Masjid Community/communities in a set location or several locations within a set distnace.

--- The 10-20+ Leed Managers are a Group supported by staff and if needed Staff from their Work-Responsibility.

---  the Community Leeder-Managment Group us the rotation/diversity model similar to Manager and Leed Managers. In each 10-20+ Work-Responsibilites, Leed Managers of different Tribe-Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group(if the term apply to  a existing group) and skin-colors, share the Community-Managment Leeder-Group work-responsibility.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group(if the term apply to existing group) rotate schedueled work by the hour or hours; the same model is used in each State.

 Adults of all edu levels because each Leed-Manager is supported by workrs from their Work-Responsibility. And decision are made by the Community Managment Group together. The Prophet did not honor the ideah of seniority, wealth, social, family status class/rank or tribal rule superiority/or majority rule.

--- The Community Managment Group: Leed-Manager from each of the 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities have meetings to leed the Community Structures. During gatherings of Leed-Managers, it not a problem if there is two or more People volunteering as Leed Managers are from the same, similar or similar appearing Tribe-Nation ancestires/Cultural-Group. Diversity try to have no more than a 1/4(quarter) of the 10-20+ managers have this occurrence at the same time. 

It should not be a problem, managers responsibility rotate by hour/hours. Or a number of Managers of different tribe-nation ancestry and Skin-color will be added to the Leeder Managment Group to balence out the diversity.

--- Rotation of Leed-Managers try to have balenced arrangement of different Tribe-Nation ancesteries/Cultural-Groups(if the term apply to a existing group) and skin colors in each rotation.

Manager of Community Managment Group: The Muslims working as Masjid Leed Manager/Imam for the Masjid-Work-Group is the Imam or Leeder of the Community-Managment-Group over one or several locations.



Rotate, daily(other), by the hour/hours and rotate when a Manager is busy.

Community Managment Responsibilities: Managment of Masjid and Community Structures in a number of locations within a 50-60 miles radius of a central Masjid. The same model is used across each State Nation-wide. Guide Muslims to live by corret and true practice of Islam. 50-60 mile radius is used to support diversty in Masjid/Community and living and stop inequality-historical inequality. Work with Masjid Community Structures accross the State and the Nation. And work with immediate home nation masjids of the immediate Muslims that make long-term community in a Masjid-Community location.


Work With Muslim faith structures in Mecca, Madina and less Canaa(Jerusalam is important to Muslims, Christian and Jews/The Children of Israel; Faith-political-Neutral, Interest is by faith, respect for the nature and natural/land and that it is Guidence and managment to all 10-20+ work-responsibilities.

--- Manage Community of Muslims of all Tribe-Nation/Cultural-Groups representation in all parts of Masjid and Community.

--- Help Muslims of all Tribe-Nation-ancestries/cultural-groups have healthy community, by the correct beliefs of Islam, help with language, national/ international needs, give guidance, help correct sharing of resources to stop compitition,  

---- keep peace, solve bias, exclusion, unfair monopoly; to stop corruption, false-belief and probelms in family and Community. Help different communitis, races(Tribe-Nation)/Cultural group have good relationship, respect/ peace.

---  Guidence and working together to individual Man, WombMan and Families; guidence and working together with Man, WombMan and Families of Muslim Smaller community and/or both.

--- Inter-Community work with communities of other beliefs.

Community Managment Meetings: hold a meeting of Leed Managers from each of the 10-20+ Community-Work-Responsibilities. Quotes from the Quran and hadith should be correct and a Worker that write down important information for the meeting should find the source and correct any error later.

--- The  Leeder(Imam) of Community Managment Group's would be expected to find the halal, truth between the different opinions in the group. And work for a solution that is closer to correct belief in Islam.

--------------------------------Community Guidence Groups:

In the Community of the Prophet(sws). The Messenger of Allah(sws) had Muslims of many different Tribe-Nation ancesteries work together in the Masjid and Community to manager shared-community work and spiritual servies. It helped Muslims of each Tribe-Nation-Cultural-Group see man and wombman of their Group in important responsibilities, and feel their Tribe-Nation/cultural group have a place in Masjid and community structure. And know different Tribe-Nation-ancestries/Cultural Groups can live and work together. In the Quran and Sunnah, all Muslims are called a Ummah; Community; from all Nations, tribes and Communities.

Guidenc office Managers: from each generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group 7 or more, Volunteer-workers, Man and WombMan; help Muslims of a tribe-Nation ancestry or Cultural-Group have good interaction in community. And give help to Muslims of any tribe-Nation ancerstry/Cultural-Group. The Managers work together in a office with Manager of all other Tribe-Nations/Cultural-Groups; and work with Managers and Workers from all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities offices.


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