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Masjid faith services, Ummah Responsibilities.

Muslims, Scholarship and Leaders - Ithjahad is the study of Islam

to explain Faith law and Practice with life. This page give facts of Muslims belief, faith practice.

Quran - teach: All Masjids are for to all Muslims, and are to be open and available and reachable,

open to public in ways explained, appropriate. It is correct to be in location all Muslims, different

communities and peoples can reach.


Islam tell Muslims, Muslims are a Ummah, Community in faith from Muslims of different People.


Zakat was Money of all Muslims for faith resources and faith community services

[Masjid Centralized]: in Madina there was Communities, Tribes, Villages, Towns, City,  sovereign territories.

There was the Masjid of the Prophet, Masjid at Quba, and possibly other  Masjid. The Masjid of the Prophet

was used by the Prophet as the location Muslims sent - Zakat, did Ummah Faith community leadership and

Faith services and Community services. 

Masjid (Centralized) - Masjid, treasury-warehouse, Multiple use Administration Building, Bank, accounts.

Masjid - Masjid, Treasury-Warehouse, Bank, Accounts.


The use of a Masjid (Centralized) is a Sunnah of Prophet. The 5 Rightly Guided Caliphs after the Prophet(sws) followed the Prophet and Muslims did through out Muslim history.

Standard sunnah Faith practices, Resources, Communal Services were things. The Prophet(sws), did everyday in the Masjid. Meaning Muslims know they should be doing. Standard mean all Masjids do the same resources, faith service, administration, communal services and Charity Work Help and have the same budgit - resources and services cost the same. 

Faith Concepts and Beliefs

In the time of the Prophet,

Faith Caliphate -

Masjid system - Central Masjid manage Ummah Faith community services exist at all times it continue in Semi and Full Caliphate. 

Can have elected Caliph leader appointed term can reelect or life-term can be changed, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State Central Masjid National - Leadership - council of Volunteer Managers from each Masjid responsibility, Rotated between Muslims of all Peoples, Communities, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid National manage Zakat collection as a Faith tax sent to Central Masjid Mecca/Madina that Send audited paid budget. to give Faith Community services and can scale security by need security to Muslims of different communities. Common in Nations with established Government, organized full military. 


Semi Caliphate - 

Elected Caliph leader appointed term can reelect or life-term can be changed, Central Masjid Mecca/Madina, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State Central Masjid National - Leadership - council of Volunteer or appointed Managers from each Masjid responsibility, Rotated between Muslims of all Peoples, Communities, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid National manage Zakat collection as a Faith tax to give Faith Community services and security to Muslims of different communities, Zakat sent to Central Masjid Mecca/Madina that send audited paid budget, to give Faith Community services and security to Muslims of different communities. Common in Nations with sovereign Territories, allowed Organized Alliances, collective security forces or collective military forces. 



Caliphate - Elected Caliph leader appointed term can reelect or life-term can be changed, Central Masjid Mecca/Madina, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State Central Masjid National - Leadership - council of Volunteer Managers from each Masjid responsibility, rotated between Muslims of all Peoples, Communities, regular and scholars. Manage Zakat collection as a faith tax to give faith Community services and security to Muslims of different communities,

The Central Masjid was used as location governance was offered but as more complex governance increased Administration buildings associated with the Central Masjid and Treasury-Warehouse, bank. Central Masjid National, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid Province manage Zakat collection, Faith Services, Faith Community services.

- Common in Nations with established Government, organized Military - stable living tax not supporting separate governance organized full military - Muslims pay Zakat as a faith tax meaning cover faith resources and services using Central Masjid Province, State, National, can scale security by need of different communities.

- Common in Nations with sovereign Territories, allowed Organized Alliances, collective security forces or collective military forces. Muslims pay Zakat as a Muslim money tax cover faith resources and services using Central Masjid Province, State, National, and manage alliance money need with Zakat and other money, Other Groups in Alliance using their moneys to manage their share of alliance need taxes.


- Common in Nations with sovereign Territories, allowed Organized Alliances, collective security forces or collective military forces. Muslims pay Zakat as a Muslim money tax cover faith resources and services using Central Masjid Province, State, National, and manage alliance money need with Zakat and other money, Other Groups in Alliance using their moneys to manage their share of alliance need taxes.

managing can scale security by need of different communities.


Governors, of Public offices and services work out of Administration building, the  and  Centralized Governance in different region hierarchies -


collective security forces or collective military.

National Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid County - manage Zakat, collection as a National tax to give public services and security, People of all faiths, jizyah a neutral-non faith tax collected from People not Muslims wanting services of government was collected to give People of all faiths, services and security, Full military. 

- Scan scale security by need security to Muslims of different communities. Common in Nations with established Government and organized full military, most modern Nations. 

- if in country with with sovereign Territories, allowed Organized Alliances, collective security forces or collective military forces. 

In the time of the Prophet, Caliphate Masjid Administration were used and Governors, managers were used. Example Sahabbas sent to Al Shams, Yemen and other lands and regions to manage centralized Masjids and responsibilities of Administration, judge. Bukari, Muslim. If a full Caliphate in control of Regions, to give People of all faiths, services and security, Zakat a Muslim faith money tax, jizyah a word for agreement and non faith-related money or tax collected from People not Muslims wanting services of government was collected.

Faith, semi and Full Caliphate do not happen at different time, it is the same system expanded by leadership responsibilities and administration and security responsibilities. Faith can be done in any Nation because practice of faith rights. Other Nations by different governing systems types, Semi is done, If ability to do governing Full is done.

- Central Masjids continue to offer Faith Services, Faith Community Leadership, Communal Services in Faith, Semi, Full Caliphate. Zakat is collected in place Eid prayer is held and sent to near Central Masjid or sent directly to Central Masjid.

Read Central Masjid Zakat System 


Muslims  send their Zakat to the Central Masjid or collected at Masjid Eid Prayer held and sent to Central Masjid. 


The money is collected to Masjid all Muslims can reach. In Hadith, History, Muslims Muslims lived in all lands and in places and with People of other Faiths.  Communities, Tribes, Villages, Towns, Cities, Sovereign Territories, Other.


The Prophet sending Zakat budget to the Masjid in their  Villege/town/other was because of how the People lived.


In towns, Cities with many communities, villages, towns, example Madina, the money was sent to Centralized Masjid all Groups from their different community types used. Masjid Faith services and Ummah Faith community services given. Communities, Tribes, villages, Towns other paid their own communal needs by non faith taxes. Communities 1 The Masjid had to be available to all Muslims, Centralized Masjid offered more resources because Zakat was sent for larger groups.  

From Mecca/Madina Masjid Administration to Governing Administration at The national level to pay National needs and send budget to State Masjid Administrations to pay State needs and State send budget to County Masjid Administration  to pay county needs.


Central Masjid Administration pay Masjids their budget. National, State , Subregions(county, province, Other) Masjid The Government Administration buildings do the works of governance and the Masjid and other structure were known to be locations governance was done but majority served the function of Masjid, faith services, Ummah Faith Community resources, and faith community services. Regions not governed by the Caliphate different rules of Nation guide method used. Example United States foreign Government cannot act inside existing Government.


In Hadith the Prophet is know to have told Muslims in all lands to manage Masjid by Qur'an and Sunnah. Do the standard faith resources, services.

Some People Leaders became their Imam of Community by previously begin their chosen/elected Leader. Imam of Community did not mean they were most knowledge in Islam, it meant elected leader.

In Hadith the Prophet is know to have told Muslims in lands not under Caliphate/Imamate to send Zakat as a faith tax. Meaning pay the taxes in the land, tax mean  money or currency gold, silver, copper, paper; and send Zakat (faith 4ax saved up) to Central Masjid System Province, State, Nation, Mecca/Madina.


In Hadith the Prophet is know to have told Muslims in lands not under Caliphate/Imamate if not able to send to send to Masjid and use as if sent, collected to Central Masjid Province, State Nation budgits of Masjids audited and paid. The Rightly Guided Caliphates followed the same position if issues with sending.

Citations - (letters from Muslims muhijroon in Abbasynia, Hadith of migrants to Abbasynia, History of Islam, History of the Prophet Muhammad - Muslim migrants to Abbsynia. Najuhlbalagah - The Rightly Guided Caliphates - system of governance).

No Caliphate. Qur'an Muslims are a Ummah by the command, Zakat is a Faith tax of all Muslim. Caliph Imam mean leader. All times, Muslims follow the command of Allah. Muslims do not divide.


TaxMuslims follow Qur'an and Sunnah continue using Masjid Administration and sending to Mecca / Madina.

highest Central Masjid Province(Other), State, National  give Zakat as a faith tax. The Rightly Guided Caliphs did similar. Muslims try to do as Allah command.


Muslim Zakat money is sent to Law Standard Central Masjid System in Mecca to be combined together and represent Zakat is the faith money resource of all Muslims.


The combined money is divided equivalent and sent to all Nations Masjid Administration serving as National administration, if , Central Masjid States, Central Masjid Counties other Name different Nation, to distribute annual money, to all Masjids. 

The Prophet in Qur'an and Hadith show how Muslims manage Zakat collection and Ummah Administration 

Quran - All Masjids are open  to all Muslims, public in way appropriate.

Faith Caliphate - Central Masjid manage Ummah Faith community services 

Can have Elected Caliph leader appointed term can reelect or life-term can be changed, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State Central Masjid National - Leadership - council of Volunteer Managers from each Masjid responsibility, Rotated between Muslims of all Peoples, Communities, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid National manage Zakat collection as a Faith tax to give Faith Community services and security to Muslims of different communities. 


Semi Caliphate - 

Elected Caliph leader appointed term can reelect or life-term can be changed, Central Masjid Mecca/Madina, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State Central Masjid National - Leadership - council of Volunteer or appointed Managers from each Masjid responsibility, Rotated between Muslims of all Peoples, Communities, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid National manage Zakat collection as a Faith tax to give Faith Community services and security to Muslims of different communities. collective security forces or collective military.



Full Caliphate - Elected Caliph leader appointed term can reelect or life-term can be changed, Central Masjid Mecca/Madina, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State Central Masjid National - Leadership - council of Volunteer Managers from each Masjid responsibility, Rotated between Muslims of all Peoples, Communities, Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid National manage Zakat collection as a Faith tax to give Faith Community services and security to Muslims of different communities. collective security forces or collective military. Elected leader Central Masjid County, Central Masjid State, Central Masjid National - Governors, of Public offices and services, Centralized Governance in different region hierarchy County, State National manage Zakat, collection as a National tax to give public services and security, People of all faiths, jizyah a neutral-non faith tax collected from People not Muslims wanting services of government was collected to give People of all faiths, services and security, Full military. 

The three explanations are not 3 separate systems it is the same Faith leadership systems if more leadership responsibility and territory administration and security responsibilities. 

------[Masjid Centralize]: Were used by the Prophet as locations Muslims send Zakat and do administration of Ummah Faith community services.

- Masjid, Warehouse, Multiple use Administration Building.Masjid that offer Faith Community leadership, communal services, all Muslims send Zakat, In In Madina there was the Prophets Masjid and 1 or 2 Masjids. Tribes,  Villeages, Towns, Citiy, sovreign territory. The Prophet Masjid, warehouse and buildings were used to give Faith services and do Ummah Faith Community Services and Leadership. 

Mecca, Saudi Arabia - Central Masjid

Central Masjid Sub-Province, Central Masjid Regional-Province or State, Central Masjid Region Or National were used more in Zakat collection as it helped in the transfer of money and security over long distance 

Manage Treasury Warehouse resources Zakat and Saddaqah sent to any level from Counties Central Masjid Administration system or sent from SubRegion Central Masjid to any level Zakat to Mecca. Manage Zakat money sent from SubRegions Central Masjid Administration system to any level to Mecca and sent from all levels to SubRegions Central Masjid Administration system. Incremental withdrawal of Zakat. 

Great Region(Nationa) or Sub Region(State) – can distributing zakat to All Masjids under their level of control if problem with sending or levels above. In practice of Islam Muslims choose fixing sending to Makkah/Mecca with all Muslims in world. Muslims do as truly the option



Prayer, marriage, cleaning, grounds     

                                                                             faith- guidance, law: faith-and civil                                                                                         marriage and faith, rulings and practices,

                                                                             judge and law.

------[Community responsibilities]: communications, treasury - zakat

                                                                          collection, money/commerce law and fair-

                                                                          pricing, inspection, limited market, and,

                                                                          caravan-merchant-trade, trade support -

                                                                          infrastructure; community-repair, security.


Masjid faith services and larger community of all Muslims work - It was optional by choice and if a Muslim had available time. The Prophet(sws) in every day practice used Rotation all Muslims Man, WombMan, youth and mature Masjid faith services and Umma work responsibilities. It is how in Islam different peoples can share 1 Masjid and all do the work of faith and have equal time doing and see their people in all works of faith including Imam. Muslims groups and communities can have Imams, but in the history of the Prophet their was no 1 Imam for the Masjid, Muslims shared the responsibility and volunteered in their free time, in time of choosing or if asked and available/willing. The Prophet(sws) would take Muslims of different peoples/ appearances-color, ages, wealth, levels of learning Example - Abu Baker Saddiq, Salman Farsi, Umar Ibn Kittab, Bilal Al Hashibi, Uthman Ibn Affan, Suhayb Al Rumi, Ali Abi Ibn Talib and all Muslims and encouraging to lead, prayer, do works-responsibilities, manage activities. And taught respect to all people, no class, cast, no seniority, no bias.The Prophet(sws) used rotation to let all Muslims share and all have equal opportunity to do faith and community work. The Prophet made the Sahabbah and Muslims rotate, different peoples/races, different-skin-colors, different-ages, different-wealth's, Man and WombMan(work appropriate), different communities; including in manager work and Imam - Man youth and mature.

Leed managers from all the different work-responsibilities, together were a group/council of leaders of the larger-Community of- Muslim. The volunteer serving as Imam serving as the council Leeder. Management/administration buildings included Masjid, treasury and other.

The Prophet had limited Masjid-Work: worked by people needing and volunteers

        – Masjid farm; hunter-gathering - land, water, air; cattle-Shepherding,       

            merchants-manufacture-crafts, caravan-merchant-trade and support, repair,

            food/water mill, Security, sanitation, Vehicles animals and vehicles,

            Nature protection/restoration.

Meaning from the Central Masjid administration / management of Muslim were done similar to a larger community over Muslims and Muslim communities but not segregated it was in Madina; a place with many communities, Tribes, villages, Towns, Cities of different faiths, governesses, sharing the same , location. Some communities were of many faiths and did their communal duties and Faiths Communal duties. Example Salman Farsi was part of a Jewish Community he stayed with his community and was a important Sahabba serving in Faith services and Ummam work. 


Muslims volunteering in a Community-Work responsibilities as managers reported to the Prophet and talked of duties in places open to all people. The Prophet told Masjids in all lands and locations to do the explained Masjid faith Services and larger Muslim Ummah work. And the Prophet told communities to do the same not including Masjid. Following Islam practices did not mean ending culture. Qur'an and the Prophet(sws) gave guidance on practices to do, modify to be halal, lawful and stop. the idea is 1 possibility out of a number of variations showing if Muslims do not have a caliphate how they manage community, masjid, zakat.

Some communities leaders were also there Imam by begin their leader. But Muslims that Learned Qur'an from the Prophet and Sahabba other could have been more knowable and was sent to teach Islam to their community or more often guided faith services meaning, Imam did not always mean being a set faith Leader. The town could have had  a Masjid. Choosing a Imam is possible but the Masjid is open to all Muslims and correct  Sunnah would be rotating Duties.

Masjids are physical buildings and zakat money gold, silver copper. Zakat was collected from all Muslims in world, to the Prophets Central-Masjid/Treasury. The Prophet administration combined the money, divided equally-equivalently and sent to all Masjid to give all Muslims faith services and shared Masjid-Community Responsibilities between communities.


Muslims not able to send to The Prophet followed the guidance of the Messenger of Allah and followed the same approach. And If not able to send, it was collected to a central Masjid in region Muslims of different Communities and locations live and used as if sent to the Prophet Central Administration, by sending to a Regional central Masjid, budgits audited, zakat correctly divided and sent to all Masjids in region. During the Caliphate of the Rightly guided Caliphs, the same method was used if money could not be sent. Modern Muslims seeking to protect from corruption could do regional use method and after paying budgit, send 2.3-2.5% of remaining Zakat to A Charity/ Similar designed Masjid arrangement in Mecc/ Madina to be equally/ equivalently divided and sent to Masjid following Qur'an and Sunnah standard practices in the World. To limit power and money control in Masjids, the Prophet weekly / monthly gave extra money, beyond budget, and things in treasury back to as many Muslims as possible; sometimes to any asking or there. Pay cards can be given to all Muslims that paid Zakat/ saddaqah and the small devided amount direct dposited to card. Open Everything giving-charity store or other charity can can be open given to all People. Communities paid needs by money not zakat. Communities paid their communal needs with raised taxes.

Zakat was used for Masjid faith-services, and management/administration for Masjid communal resources shared by all Muslims no matter community or from any near or distant place in the world in location. Meaning it tended to general Muslims Ummah needs. Madina had a alliance of Communities and faiths  money for shared interests was collected from all groups, non religious Tax is a example. In the Caliphate zakat was the majority tax Money of regions under Muslims rule. Communities further increased own wanted things with own monies. The Masjid was open to all Muslims.

-Islam, created a system of law and fairness to help all have marriage with fairness, equality, no seniority between Young Marriage seekers and older, wealthier, people in position of authority. A Muslim could use the masjid and law to have their rights protected. Prophets(sws), many times repeated the message, telling Muslims to marry, Youths to not delay. And showed people can have/gain wealth in money, housing, life, but to marry - basic housing and ability to earn/gain money. Culture delay of marriage haram, stop. The Qur’an warn of magic of Babel other things in family, culture, community, world and shaytanic  agenda; haram, stop. The Qur'an give Muslims guidance on balancing Physical and metaphysical living in how Muslims live, eat, pray, purify mind body, spirit, marry, halal and haram restrictions in all things and other. The Rightly Guided Caliphate followed the Prophet’s example.


The History is complicated but agreed in both Sunni and Shiite(Ahlibayth) history. Caliph and governors is not a goal of project. Possible future work positions. By the command of Allah Caliph/Imam, only 1 in 1 Ummah of Muslims. Muslims believe in moderation, good-equal law, respecting all People Muslims and not Muslim. Do not divide.

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 - History -

      Sunnah Standard Central Masjid, Zakat collection and distribution system. 


 - Central Masjid Treasury- warehouse, multiple use Administration Building, bank account is location 

 - Masjids - Masjid, Treasury/warehouse, bank, accounts.

Location United States of America:

National - United State of America, State - all 50 States of the United States of America and all Counties or near location. 

Mecca - Muslims collect Zakat in system with Central Masjids, Treasury- warehouse, bank account in Mecca. 

Reaching Services: 

Transportation to help attendees reach - Bus, Train, Car, Van.

Additional large standard Masjids can be at correct measured distances in County if very large. Masjids can volunteer to be used or buildings built. Masjids volunteering to be used temporary. 

Location avoid discrimination - by being of correct standard traditional size - large size, outside inner city locations. Near or next to expansive nature.

A secondary Masjid or Administration building can be in Capital, centralized City locations.

Muslims are told it is good to attend Masjids in different location and Masjid invite diverse People regularly to support Sunnah of Masjids are shared by Muslims of different Peoples.

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