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 - History -

        Zakat, Ummah Responsibilities

Qur'an  - Zakat is the faith money tax all Muslims are obligated to pay.


Saddaqah(charity) can be given, by free choice, at any time, multiple times.

Quran and Sunnah, Hadith - emphasize give what is reasonable, Zakat is paid each year at the end of Ramadan, Eid Al Fithr Holy Day. Hadith it is determined to be 2.5% of annual earnings.

Communities pay their cost, with money not faith tax(Zakat), raised taxes is a many times used method of paying needs.  

Zakat is the money of all Muslims-(Ummah) for Masjid, faith resources and faith community services.


During the time of the Messenger of Allah, The Prophet and after, Muslim, by the guidance of the Prophet told Muslims, from all Peoples and parts of the world to send their Zakat and budgit to the Caliphate/Imamate Ummah Administration of the Prophet.


The Prophet, gathered the money together, representing the equality of all Muslims and Zakat is the Money of all Muslims. The Prophet, portioned the money just, equal, equivalent, audited budgets (studied budget to find correct and wrong spending and sent the correct money to manage .

In the time of the Prophet, Masjid Administration were used and Governors, managers were used. Example The Messenger of Allah sent the Sahabbas to Al Shams, Yemen and other lands and regions to manage Centralized Masjids and responsibilities of Administration (Hadiths Al Bukarih, Muslim).

The money is collected to Masjid all Muslims can reach. In Hadith, History, Muslims Muslims lived in all lands and in places and with People of other Faiths.  

In towns, Cities with many communities, villages, towns, example Madina, the money was sent to Centralized Masjid all Groups from their different community types used. Masjid Faith services and Ummah Faith community services given. Communities, Tribes, villages, Towns other paid their own communal needs by non faith taxes. Some Communities, Tribes, Villages, Towns, Cities, Sovereign Territories, Other, were private but the Masjid and resources was to be available and in reach to Muslims not of their Group.


Muslims  send their Zakat to the Central Masjid or collected at Masjid doing Eid Prayer held and sent to Central Masjid.

From Mecca/Madina Masjid Administration to Governing Administration at The national level to pay National needs and send budget to State Masjid Administrations to pay State needs and State send budget to Provinces(Counties, Other) Masjid Administration to pay Province needs.


The Rightly Guided Caliphs, followed the systems of the Prophet,


Governance shifted to Government Administration buildings Masjids and other structures were locations governance was done but majority served the function of Masjid, faith services, Ummah Faith Community leadership, and faith community services. 

Muslims send their Zakat to the Central Masjid or collect at Masjid doing Eid Prayer held and sent to Central Masjid.

If a full Caliphate in control of Regions, Zakat a Muslim faith money tax is collected and Jizyah a neutral-non faith tax is collected from People not Muslims wanting services of government was collected to give People other faiths, with Muslims, Zakat, public services and security.

Central Masjid Administration, associated with the Central Governance, are paid their budget from Zakat not Jizyah(non Faith tax money), National, State, Subregions(county, province, Other) - Central Masjids pay Masjids their budget. 


In Hadith the Prophet is know to have told Muslims in lands under different Government to pay the taxes in the land, tax mean  money or currency gold, silver, copper, paper; and send Zakat (faith money saved up) to Central Masjid System Province that send to State, to Nation, to Mecca/Madina.


In Hadith the Prophet is know to have told Muslims in lands not under Caliphate/Imamate if not able to send to send to Masjid and use as if sent, collected to Central Masjid Province, State Nation budgits of Masjids audited and paid. The Rightly Guided Caliphates followed the same position if issues with sending.

Citations - (letters from Muslims muhijroon in Abbasynia, Hadith of migrants to Abbasynia, History of Islam, History of the Prophet Muhammad - Muslim migrants to Abbsynia. Najuhlbalagah - The Rightly Guided Caliphates - system of governance).

All times, Muslims follow the command of Allah. Muslims do not divide.


Zakat System 


Central Masjid - Masjid, Treasury/warehouse, multiple use Administration building, bank account.

Masjids - Masjid, Treasury/warehouse, bank, accounts.

Zakat correctly used based on same uses between all Masjids, standards of zakat-account-security, rules of zakat payment and money holding

- Zakat in all States collected to county/Provance/other name in different Nations. The Money sent to Bank account. All Masjids know total collected in Nation; All Masjid Account. All Masjid in Nation do their Budgets before. Sunnah and rightly guided Caliphs: Audited by Masjid administrations in each county/Provance/other name in different Nations.  - if money in State do not cover budget, needed money gained from all-Masjid account.

Balanced and accepted after all balanced Give each Masjid budgeted money, or correct audited amount. Budget balanced with money from All-Masjids in Nation. Remaining zakat or agreed fraction 2.3% or 2.5%, sent to Masjid Administration in Mecca/Madina divided among all Masjids in World. Money secure in county/Provance/other name in different Nations; not used for other.

Extra money beyond budget - Pay card direct deposit to all Muslims and Open Pantry, items all People.  

Saudi Arabia is a kingship and it is not the Caliphate. Any good done for Islam has the mercy of Allah. Muslims respect Muslims in all and any land. Muslims do not divide by positions of different sects, groups, governments.

Saddaqah(charity) is money, things, Muslims give freely. Muslims zakat/sadaqah is not sex or sex to reconnect community and not connecting community. Muslims freely fix there connections at any time of choice in halal practices.

Mecca-Medina: Eid Al Fithr, Central Masjids County/Province, State and National Process Zakat.

[Similar to Sunnah Zakat to Caliphate and a alternative to sending all money. Localizing to region could protect from corruption. 

- Charity office Shared by Volunteer’s from all nations, races/peoples, education, ages, wealth;

rotated few weeks/month ex 1. Follow similar Masjid System.

- Money stay in account, in nation/region and withdrawn in increments equal/equivalent. No other reason taken/used.

- Charity Office - Not political/not managed by SA or Religious authority.

Pay communal needs by halal method of choice; not zakat.

- Some communities are a Tribe; or community is a whole village/town. Masjid should be open to All Muslims; if closed  community, the Masjid can be in area outside of community all Muslims-from an people-place-community, can reach.

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