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Writer not a Scholar information should be further confirmed by Scholar, Imam. Jizya many purposes and different applications can be read in the Qur'an and Hadith oppressive ideas not  correct.


Jizyah not a tribute tax:

translation of Holy Qur'an - Verse 9:29

".... until they pay the jizyah, harts subdued."

fuller translation -

".... Until they give/send the jizyah(agree to what satisfy (agreement)); True feelings brought to moderation."

Jizyah (mean what satisfy, coming to satisfaction, the work used with give/send can support the word relating to - agreement; what satisfy coming to agreement.

In the Qur’an and Haadith of the Prophet(sws) the word Jizyah - first, is coming to agreement to satisfy; peace agreement/normal -living agreement, talks; non-aggression, neutrality, alliance. And could include/but not need to include money.

Jizya in Qur'an cover many important ideas Any time - communicating and coming to just-agreement. War- Agreement and reparations: justice rights of recovering expenses of self defense. any-time - defense support payment; Citizens of Muslim Nation agreement and tax-money for shared interests and services. Not tribute, not money paid to winning/more powerful group.

Cultural idea Jizyah is said to have existed in Arabia before the Prophet, and was offer of protection by Tribe to another for payment. Further a dominant Group demanding a weaker to accept it rule and pay a tax/tribute for safety, security-protection; or in war, when one side defeat the other. The Cultural idea it was used to mean protection for payment is not central to Islam. Jizya is a normal word - to satisfy. Islams purpose of Jizyah is original, from the Qur’an.


War: Muslim fight to defend self or People needing defending. In War, Jizyah could be word first explaining coming to agreement for neutrality/non-aggression/peace agreement.

 - If war and group is defeated, it is not needed but Groups territory can be held in justice. If the area is held, it was not dominated but open and free in living. Agreement would be had. If group decide to do own security than its said they did not give money. By own interest Jizya was accepted by groups for interest of security services. Logically it support independent Groups having law justice, fairness. In early history of Prophet payments  for security support was alliance to create support, pay was logical because it provided the resources for the service. Again groups did not group offering support was cosThe idea is all People can live free on the Earth of Allah. All People have right to belief and a Muslim Nation, respect the rights of different beliefs respected as independent. 

 - Reparations could be one of many purposes of jizya. To pay harm reparations would be a limited/set end payments.

- Not Muslim People: Jizya is a neutral idea to explain how to manage agreement and money in Nation/political agreement with not Muslim People. It could be possible Muslims give Jizya agreement to Not-Muslim in situation it apply. Not-Muslim Peoples have their own words for peace agreement/reparations.  

Muslim would not call peace-agreement to Muslims, security, services or reparations - Jizya, because Muslims have Islam standards of agreement and living and zakat in the Qur'an.

The money for shared Muslim interests is zakat. Reparations-Muslims should  never fight, but coming to normal relations, follow Islamic agreement and money agreed would be rejoining together in Islam/Ummah and zakat-all Muslim community tax.

Federal State taxes in a Nation unified(not faith governed) do not need to be called Jizyah because a mutually agreed, neutral unified Nation.

Regular life money sharing and agreements - Muslims and not Muslims, do not call jizyah.


Games of War - secret-society/culture practice(doing) of intentionally harming people, looking to find people to war upon/against is haram. In some cultures, pay is given after intentional harm. The cultural justification is not judged. What  is important is what Islam and similar beliefs teach of how Muslims(people) of faith are to believe. It is part of shaytanic practices to guide in to corrupt living and oppression. It is a crime do not do, do not accept. In palaces practiced Muslims can be safe by working together and with other beliefs that believe in free living safe from crime/unjustice; and work with official-just-law to have safety. Land/territory is not people; not man, not WombMan. People not given in war.

Rightly Guided Caliphate -Not Muslim independent-communities agreement and money for security and further Nation service. Not Muslims - no organized community(example people not yet reached level of independent community) usually lived as independent citizens, a Jizya agreement and money/tax for services was used. Zakat and Jizya tax money was used on neutral-non-faith shared public services, structures and projects; all beliefs used. Zakat money used for all Nation need. Jizyah was not used for Masjid, Muslim faith money need.

Tribute/extortion A Hadith say some Christian asked the Prophet(sws), to use the word saddaqah, in place of jizya. Its possible the word saddaqah- idea of charity was more favorable. The Prophet agreeing does not mean the cultural idea- tribute was true to Islam. Could show past and modern, people-by interpretation of jizyah in different text, see jizya as having idea of power, victor and conquered. But the  Islamic idea was not similar to the cultural practice using similar word. The word not meaning tax on non-Muslim/or defeated. It was not a tax on not-Muslim peoples. As independent Tribe, Towns, Villages, States. Not Muslim independent-community agreement money was used directly on Muslim and giving Group's agreements.

Jizya not Oppressive: is not tribute, not paid by any form of oppression/suffering, not paid with people/slavery, not paid with marriage, not paid with sex. Jizya not oppressive was given by fair measure and not punishing, not humiliating, not impoverishing, not oppressive.

Qur'an - continually command in living with different Groups peace talks, agreements - to come to agreement, normal -living, normal-relating, peace, justice, fairness, equality, peace, goodness, respect to all people.

In Muslim history, Islam support universal beliefs in justice, fairness, equality, respect of all peoples; and the Earth created by Allah - being for all people, free to live any place with respect, justice to people and nature. Faith-neutral approaches were used by the Prophet showing how Muslims can follow their faith purely and live in peace with other-Peoples/ beliefs. The Prophet did have a multi-belief alliance of Tribes, Towns of Madina with a agreement/Charter, similar to a independent State. With faith-neutral general agreement of security, defense, normal living,  and tax money for shared interest, services. Jizyah as only a regular word, could have been/of many words used in agreements.  


The more clear agreements of jizayah between The Prophet(Muslim Community) and Groups not Muslim, was after  the battle of the Trench. Many tribes tried to destroy the Muslims/alliance. The Battles of the Trench was not a victory for Muslims the Enemy alliance separated/disbanded by the mercy of Allah by damage to their resources by weather and long wanting because the moat/trench-stopped entry in to Madina; and by feelings of wasted resources and lack of clear purpose beside bias. The idea the Prophet demanded tribes pay the jizayah/tribute and intern be given protection is historically not accurate. After, the battle, the Prophet visited a number of tribes, including those that fought. Tribes were suffering raids/war by not-Muslim-groups. And worried other stronger tribe could try to force them into unfavorable-alliance or pay tribute.  The Prophet made agreement of peace or non-aggression with many tribes; and offered support by Muslims if a Tribe was wrongly attacked. Showing traditional idea of protection for money, or weaker group coming under protection of stronger not the Islamic idea. Many Tribes did not agree to help Muslims if they were attacked. Some Tribes paid for agreed resources and some did not pay; it could be because they agreed to do own military protection. After Groups offered alliance or normal-relating/peace agreements made Jizya agreements and money for shared interest. In other defensive fighting, Group that fought the Muslims and were defeated made jizyah-normal-relating, non-aggression/neutrality/peace agreements; and money paid. It is possible some money was a reparation payment for unjustly fighting a not-aggressing-group.


 - During  the Caliphate  of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, Non Muslims in regions under Muslim governance continued their agreement  or modified.  And the money for services was collected from People of other Beliefs living in regions of Muslim governance. It is said groups if agreed to do own military defense/or did military service, did not pay money with jizyah agreement. Many peoples living as independent citizens provided regular services in Muslim governed regions, gave-jizya-agreement of peace/neutrality/non-aggression and paid a general amount/tax. In a Muslim state, Not Muslim Peoples faith is respected/In Islam people cannot be forced to follow the beliefs of Islam, meaning living in Muslim State. Not Muslim People are treated as independent-free to follow the laws of their beliefs. In shared society following neutral laws to have, respect, peace. In judicial interaction, beliefs of groups involved was looked at and the nutral agreed laws used to judge. Haram to be unfair. Jizya shared interest/service money-given by Independent Groups/Tribes/Towns/Regions/Tribe-Nations/States/other and jizya tax-paid by people living not in organized groups by own interest to have State services, was not more than zakat and fairly measured by shared interest or if a State tax, measured by services given not more than Muslims or less. All Muslims Man, WombMan, paid Zakat, Man heads of house paying for all immediate family, or putting together.

Muslim Nation :

After the Prophet (sws), the Rightly guided Caliphs mostly followed the Prophets practices, in fairness and justice. Jizyah was the only tax collected from not Muslim People. Some began using systems that favored some Tribes over others, and some jizya could have been collected not correctly balanced by method used. Under Caliphs; Hazrat Ali(ra/as), all systems were returned to the practices of the Prophet. Jizyah-agreement of peace and money for shared interests/services, was the only money collected from not Muslim Men 20-50. Not Muslim money was not used for Muslim faith resources. Zakat the majority tax was used on all State services, needs. Not Muslim independent-community agreement money and tax money was used on neutral-share by all beliefs, State needs. Regions governed had people of different beliefs and hired People of different-beliefs for many important responsibilities. Not simply because kindnesses, but because Islam - beliefs in equality of all people. Logically there would be enough work for all beliefs; not changing Muslim community services volunteer work. After the Rightly Guided  Caliphs, some Rulers were good/fair and jizya was managed fairly. And some Unjust and had unfair taxation on Peoples not-Muslims. Muslims were similar oppressed and those ruler goals were not Islam. In history, many rulers in Muslim majority lands, in speeches-muwaweyah-Najulbalagah, told the enter public rulership was their goal and religion was not their interest. It help separate the unjust actions of rulers in history from Muslim and Islam. Muslims give correct-true history; and do not justify wrong, do not justify not-equal treatment of Peoples/beliefs, do not justify oppression in history. In Muslim history, there is much good, equality, respect for different Peoples/beliefs, justice and sharing life together. 

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