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Reading, watching, hearing writing, video, audio, talk does not put reader into agreementnot create contract ; not a belief of Islam. Words/Sentence used wrong do not create idea/contract. Using this writing, video, Holy Scriptures, anything to make Peoples lives into a story, do games of war, oppression in any from is oppression, it is unlawful, haram in Islam and a crime. Do not do; do not accept.


Quran & Sunnah Masjid&Communities Restructure.



Greetings, As Salaam Alaykom,


Please talk to family, friends of 2022, Masjid and Communities restructure.

Masjids are open to all Muslims - not private organizations, only members attend.


Zakat is the faith Money Tax of all Muslims - not separate private organization money, not private  community money and not Saddaqah - a charity money.

The Messenger of Allah, The Prophet (peace/good be on him and family) founded Zakat as a tax,


He founded Zakat collected to Central Masjid in region, (reference - Hadith Bukhari, Others), and had Masjid faith services and Ummah Community service. Standard mean zakat money is used the same in all Masjids; giving all Muslims access to the same resources in any location. It helped Muslims of different Peoples and Communities share the Masjid.

Historical change and fiqh rulings do not change, Zakat is a Faith tax by direct command in the Quran. Muslims, Scholars and Regular Man, WombMan, are equal to follow the Command of Allah to pay Zakat as a Faith tax. It is a violation of Islamic law and Violation Nation Religious Organization Policy, to collect Zakat and not give the Service Zakat is to pay to have.

Note to Reader

Improve Life 


Masjids restructuring is opportunity, Muslims, family and Communities to end all wrong and return to living by Islam. Restructure project is to be guided by Masjid Administration using the Qur'an and Sunnah equality, fairness, law, respect, safety. There is opportunity now to be free, help Muslims in the USA and around the world to live good. Helping people of any Belief. Helping people and purifying faith gain the forgiveness and good of Allah.

Marriage -


The Prophets(sws) in kutba told Muslims to marry and Youth not to delay; meaning better equality. Heal marriages, all free to marry. No cast/class, no seniority, no wealth bias. Delaying and stopping people marrying is wrong, haram end, stop. No parents or family harmed if family members marry.

Restructure of Masjid and Communities, support end of wrong and all gaining marriage.




Islam give guidance to shape the Muslims experience in Islam laws, telling Muslims practices to use, do, not do - in marriage, sex, eating, living knowing time, space, reality, ruh-spirit, jinn, things in creation. The Qur'an guidance to Muslims on Physical and metaphysical. 

Read:  Metaphysical


No Oppression

Islam does not support oppression / slavery and teach: do not oppress, do not accept oppression, sell self/others in to slavery, no sex slavery. Defend people from oppression. 

The word slave is in the Qur'an; it is used different by the things explained. The word slaves is not the name given to People held by Muslims. The Qur'an call People held, "Those held by Right Hand" because of temporary conditions causing being held. All have lawful rights similar to free.

In Qur'an Those Held by the Right hand are in verse after people can marry and need to marry to have sex. 

Policy & Law
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