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Note to Reader

History - Masjid faith services, Ummah Responsibilities:


  The Prophets Masjid was located in a place with people of all beliefs Man, WombMan, families and communities, of many Tribe-Nations(Peoples), different appearances, skin-colors. Muslims, from any community, came to central Masjid to be part of living, faith duties, volunteer duties, activities, and get direct faith guidance, law ruling, have law-matters that occurred in their Community system judged or rejudged by the larger Muslim Community. The Prophet used the practice of having Muslims volunteer or were asked to do Masjid faith services and larger community of all Muslims(Ummah) work. Volunteering was in free-time and own-choosing to do. 

Masjid Offices - Modern responsibilities explained in other section.

------[Masjid faith-responsibilities]: Prayer, marriage, cleaning, grounds keeping, faith- 

                                                                  guidance, law: faith-and civil marriage and family, 

                                                                  faith, rulings and practice, judge and law.

------[Community responsibilities]: communications, treasury - zakat collection,

                                                                 money/commerce law and fair-pricing, inspection,

                                                                 limited market, and, caravan-merchant-trade, trade

                                                                 support-infrastructure; community-repair, security.

Masjid faith services and larger community of all Muslims work - It was optional by choice and if a Muslim had available time. The Prophet(sws) used rotation to let all Muslims share and all have equal opportunity to do faith and community work; in . The Prophet made the Sahabbah and Muslims rotate, different peoples/races, different-skin-colors, different-ages, different-wealth's, Man and WombMan(work appropriate), different communities; including in manager work and Imam - Man youth and mature. Leed managers from all the different work-responsibilities, together were group/council of leaders of the larger-Community of- Muslim. The volunteer serving as Imam serving as the council Leeder.

Muslims volunteering in a Community-Work responsibilities as managers reported to the Prophet and talked of duties in places open to all people. Management/administration buildings included Masjid, treasury and other.

------The Prophet had limited [Masjid-Work]: worked by people needing and volunteers – Masjid farm/hunter-

                                                                             gathering land, water, cattle-Shepherding, merchants-manufacture-

                                                                             crafts, caravan-merchant-trade and support, repair, food/water mill,

                                                                             Security, sanitation, Vehicles animals and vehicles, Nature 


The Prophet told Masjids in all lands and locations to do Masjid faith and larger Muslim - community work. And the Prophet told communities to do the same. Following Islam practices did not mean ending culture. Qur'an and the Prophet(sws) gave guidance on practices to do, modify to be halal, lawful and stop. Masjids are physical buildings and zakat money gold, silver copper. Zakat was collected from all Muslims in world, to the Prophets Central-Masjid/Treasury. If not able to send, it was collected to a central Masjid in region. The Prophet administration combined the money, divided equally-equivalently and sent to all Masjid to give all Muslims faith services and shared Masjid-Community Responsibilities between communities. Muslims  not sending to The Prophet followed the Messenger of Allah by sending to a Regional central Masjid divided and sent to all Masjids in region. To limit power and money control in Masjids, the Prophet weekly/ monthly gave extra money, beyond budget, and things in treasury back to

as many Muslims as possible; sometimes to any asking or there. Communities paid needs by money not zakat.

-Islam, created a system of law and fairness to help all have marriage with fairness, equality, no seniority between Young Marriage seekers and older, wealthier, people in position of authority. A Muslim could use the masjid and law to have their rights protected. Prophets(sws), many times repeated the message, telling Muslims to marry, Youths to not delay. And showed people can have/gain wealth in money, housing, life, but to marry - basic housing and ability to earn/gain money. Culture delay of marriage haram, stop. The Qur’an warn of magic of Babel other things in family, culture, community, world and shaytanic  agenda; haram, stop. The Rightly Guided Caliphate followed the Prophet’s example. The History is complicated but agreed in both Sunni and Shiite(Ahlibayth) history. Caliph and governors is not a goal of project. Possible future work positions. By the command of Allah Caliph/Imam, only 1 in 1 Ummah of Muslims. Muslims believe in moderation, good-equal law, respecting all People Muslims and not Muslim. Do not divide.

Note to Reader -                                                                                                                                                                                               

Reading, watching, hearing writing, video, audio, talk does not put reader into agreement, do not create contract ; not a belief of Islam. Words/Sentence used wrong do not create idea/contract. Using this writing, video the Holy Scriptures, anything to make Peoples lives into a story, or do games of war, oppression in any from is   oppression, it is unlawful, haram in Islam and a crime. Do not do; do not accept.                                                                                                                                         press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Secrecy: Secrete-society, modern secular secrete society, traditional-secrete culture and metaphysical culture and magic practices, In Torah, Bible, called the            Religion or Magic of Mystery Babylon. In the Qur'an the Magic of Babel; is a more accurate name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran paraphrase:      Do not be part of secrete group.                                                                                                                                                                          Quranparaphrase:            Secrete group is from shaytan.                                                                                                                                                                        Quran paraphrase:           Do not use [embellished speech, speaking with forked-tongue-multiple-meaning not clarifying the correct meaning], it is                                                                          a means of deception between Man, Wombman and the shaytans amoung -Man, WombMan and Jinns.                                                    Quran-paraphrase:           No Man, WombMan has two hearts(true-mind).                                                                                                                                              Quran-paraphrase:           Muslims when pass by something false, pass it by with sure-faith.                                                                                                                Quran-paraphrase:           Do not divide.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quran-paraphrase:      and speak clear/true meaning , hear the true meaning/purest idea.                                                                                                              Sentences have no idea of metaphysical connection systems. Metaphysical subjects  are explained separately throughout plan, clearly labeled and in sections labeled Metaphysical.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Project is not political and is not movement; begin immediate; no complex agreement policy.                                                                                                                      Plan does not support separating from society; continue living any location. Communal services are faith activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Hadith are sayings of the Prophet recorded from sources that could have been present in his life. Only hadiths supported by information from Qur'an are accepted. Ideas, false, bad are rejected. Hadiths are studied to measure closeness to truth but at best are treated as close to true; not fact. Hadiths are used as useful historical information. Hadith is not sacred and not the Qur'an.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Qur'an is clear-easy to know: Allah say the Qur'an is protected, the book, the writing, the meaning the recitation/reading. Quran verse, in full are not used, to        honour sacred text; idea of some verses explained.                                                                                                                                                                                   

- Information could be disagreed; ask questions. Writer have studied Islam but do not have title Imam, scholar. All Muslims responsible for knowing Qur'an and       Islam.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Allah is not Man, Wombman, Jinn or thing(do not pray), not any creation, not part of creation, not energy. Islam is not the joined mind of jinns, man, wombman;   Islam is not submission to a supernatural secrete-way-of-living. Man, WombMan, Jinn do not truly know future, not truly know unseen, not do divine judgement,    punishment. It is not Allah. Allah, is the only Creator of all existence; not part of existence. Only Allah know when death and Allah can, do any thing, change any        event. press-to go to plan explanation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

End note to readers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


Index: [Goal]-[Zakat][Sects]-[Govern-Muslim Community] [Communities]-

[Masjid Community Offices] 

[Faith and Community services]-


Masjid Plan Goal: 

By command of Allah in the Qur’an Muslims are a Ummah-community from all Peoples and Communities. Qur’an - Masjid are for all Muslims, Qur'an - Allah command do not divide.


All Nations do similar, in all USA States and counties/Provinces -  All Muslims, different Communities, Tribe-Nation-Ancestries, sects Sunni/Shiite/other, Restructure Masjids, Community by guidance from the Qur’an and Sunnah. To gain closer living of Islam by faith services and community services.

Muslim Man, WombMan-responsibility in restructure:

In the Qur’an – Allah command Muslims share Masjid and use zakat as a community tax for all Muslims. All states 1 Masjid to be the State Central-Masjid and in each County/ Province or nearest 1 County/Province-Central Masjid; not body. Rotate administration location every 2 weeks.


Quran, Sunnah, Zakat is Community tax of all Muslims. Muslims give Zakat to the County/Province Central Masjid. To Put in secure treasury bank accounts. Muslims tell Masjid, Islamic Centers, and Institutions about the immediate forming of Qur’an and sunnah community responsibilities offices and zakat as Muslim community tax.


Masjid are to tell Muslims of the restructuring on Website-front page, all social media and kutba. Masjids/other were sent the information and should be doing parts told in Process-section.

Project –Leadership:

All Imams, scholars not leeders of project. All Muslims, Man, WombMan, mature youth - equal responsibility to support, doing Qur'an , Sunnah Community. Writer help guide restructure until project completion.

How project guided:

Muslims use announced Masjid sites to watch meeting videos, listen to meeting, read briefing and ask questions using live question and answer system. Restructuring Representative answer from 11am to 7pm. The Quran is clear guidance. Muslims can agree practice is Qur’an and sunnah/halal, and agree to use.  

Social Media notify millions:

All Muslims Man, Wombman, youths, talk on social media sites support Masjid restructure. Masjid by all Muslims improve life, safety, quality work with time for self, faith and family.


 - Allah command do not be divided.

Al Sunnah and Al Shiite are 99%of Muslim Population. The 4Al Sunnah schools accept some of the main Shiite schools. Shiites accept the 4Al Sunnah schools.

- Scholars of both major sects agree, Muslims from both accepted groups can leed the Others in prayer and follow Prayer leeders of accepted Groups.

- All Groups - Sunni, Shia and Other, share Masjid by beliefs all agree are clear in Qur'an and true Sunnah.

- Sect with belief not accepted wanting to leed prayers, accept standard belief.

Do not hate other groups, agree on the beliefs and practices most important in faith. And by sharing Masjid help all see truth in pure Islam.

- Muslims come from different communities and share Masjids and larger-Muslim-Community by following  Qur'an and Sunnah.

Sects History:

The majority of history, Muslims of different-opinion(sect) shared the Masjid. Imam Abu Hanifah, was not a regular student, but learned from Imam Muhammad Ibn Baqir of the Family of the Prophet (sws) and frequently questioned his Son Imam Jaffer As Saddiq. Imam-Malik learned from a number of Scholars including Imam Jaffer As Saddiq from the Prophet-family. Imam Shafi learned from Imam Hanifah and Imam Ibn Hambal- learned from Imam Shafi. There were scholars that followed the school of Imam Jaffer As Saddiq and further Family of the Prophet -Scholars.

- There is No descendants from male lineage to the Prophet in modern times and their is no idea/no-need of finding and following relatives.

- Past and modern there is little difference in practices between Al Sunnah and Main-Shiite schools.

And Muslim history-mostly-come from the same sources; different groups give attention to information their Group feel is more important. Violence and hatred is wrong, haram.

Praying using separate Masjids is haram and relatively modern (less than 400+yrs of 1500). And in that time, Masjids continued to be open to all Muslims; as Allah command.



In the Qur’an – Allah command Muslims share Masjid and use zakat as a community tax for all Muslims.

All States all Muslims 1 Masjid is the State Central-Masjid and in each County/ Province or nearest, 1 County/Province-Central Masjid. Quran, Sunnah, Zakat is Community tax of all Muslims.

 - The Central Masjid offer centralized administration to other Masjids in the County/ Province but the offices and volunteer-responsibilities are further administered from local Masjids. Masjid Administration in county/Provance/other name in different Nations, can have a centralized location, but Masjid Administration can move between Masjids every example: 2 weeks.

Muslims give Zakat to the County/Province Central Masjid. Can be sent from Masjid doing Eid Prayer. Muslims tell Masjid, Islamic Centers, and Institutions about the immediate forming of Qur’an and sunnah community responsibilities offices and zakat as Muslim community tax. Masjids/other were sent the information and should be doing parts told in Process-section.


Restructure Central Masjid:


Muslims in all Nations in all county/provinces or other name in different Nations: By size of Province, have 1 or more large-Central-Masjid and Masjids and administration buildings.

The Central Masjid offer centralized administration  to other Masjids in the County/Province but the offices and volunteer-responsibilities are further administered from local Masjids. Masjid administration and leadership can be done out of all Masjids in County/Province. The Administration and Leadership can move to different Masjids example every week. A centralized Masjid can be used at same time. Muslims sign-up on Masjid scheduling-system to help in sunnah volunteer services; it is a sunnah practice-optional/by choice, in available time. Example: few minutes to hrs, personal info, id, ect. View/listen to Masjid restructuring meetings and give opinions.

- Masjids are independent in approach but are connected by:

- Quran/Sunnah Masjid Community Management practices.

- Faith and community services.

- Resource transfer system,

- Remaining zakat or agreed fraction, sent to Charity-Office Mecca/Madina divided among all Masjids.

- Optional watch general kutba from Mecca/Madina example 1 time month, 3months.

- Guidance from National central Masjid, and Possible current events from Mecca/Madina moderate- no wrong agenda-no directives. Saudi Arabia is a kingship, Muslims respect Muslims in any land and it is not the Caliphate. National governments, any Nation are complex and Muslims do not divide by positions of different sects, groups, governments. All following faith and moderation and being together as command Allah.

- Different communities attend Central Masjid. And Muslims can attend and volunteer in all/any Masjid in World.

Masjid – to end bias Masjids try to tell Muslims of all Ancestrys-skin-colors to come to all Masjids regular. Masjids have space for Muslims of same community to use for their community needs. Community meeting centers can be used; it is haram to use as Masjid.

Masjid Car-share and taxi help Muslims traveling to Masjid.


Any Location:________

Muslims can live any place in world, attend any Masjid and serve in Faith and community services and get community services. Resources-transfer: the zakat amount representing Man, WombMan usage in a Masjid can be shared from original place to any location and-or used to help Muslims in any Masjid have the resources/money needed.

Sending resources follow Example Muslims from time of the Prophet and Rightly Guided Caliphs sending caravans to carry resources including money of People traveling ahead or after allowing People to commune in location traveled.
USA: USA have few Traditional Tribe-communities, majority of population Immigrant-heritage-people can live freely. Other Nations visit, travel, trade freely.

- [Sensitive ancestral village] by invitation - identified by many systems, example U.N., Nation.
- [Traditional village town/city]

important to ancestry, any tribe-nation/race live at a percentage% of native/traditional population example 10%.

- [Regular town/city]: Foreign people/ communities 25-50% of native/ traditional population.

- All lineages at equal percentages.

Nature and Culture: Natural environment/cultural atmospheres preserved. Learn balance modern, traditional-Example: housing in Modern setting and housing in settings cultural, traditional and ancient.

Visit to foreign homes any time. Example-yearly, 1-2months. Can help keep connected to People/ culture and keep population at good size, because not separated from People.

Local and foreign home community’s can increase business, edu, work, heal marriages, all free to marry, support, include youth at sex maturity.


Policy law:

All Masjid community follow Quran true sunnah and existing law-policy, Jurisprudence - rational, moderate and just. Metaphysical: The laws and rules of Islam in the Qur'an is to be followed in physical and beyond physical living.

- Nation law followed.

- Masjid Community can offer halal alternatives to civil enforcement: Within faith confidentiality/privacy limits. Can choose Nation law-approach. Masjid Community do no break nation law.

- Records of communal security, law and judgement held; Privacy is kept.

[Alternatives can be used]: example imprisonment for term in relation to problem, repay, timed community service to repay or community service. No harm/no kill. Relocation, travel, and needs allowed.

- Stoning to death not in Quran;

- Flogging-is in Quran.

- Cutting Hand-not for minor wrongs. For repeated major crime studied by official judgeship. With alternatives.

- Eye for Eye punishment only Man, WombMan that did the wrong, no other; only apply to event justified and by Official by Islam law court, that do punishment  and with alternatives.


Secrecy: It is wrong many follow secrete-society, modern secular secrete society, traditional-secrete culture and metaphysical culture and magic practices, include the Magic of Babel(Qur'an); Stop do not do. In Torah, Bible, called the Religion or Magic of Mystery Babylon. Note-The Magic of Babel is a more accurate name.
Quran paraphrase: 
Do not be part of secrete group.
Secrete group is from shaytan. 
Quran paraphrase: 
Do not use [embellished speech, speaking with forked-tongue], it is a means of deception between Man-Wombman and shaytans amoung - Jinns and Man-WombMan doing evil. 
No Man(WombMan has two hearts. 
Muslims when pass by something false, pass it by with sure-faith.
Do not divide.
Quran-paraphrase: and speak clear/literal, hear the literal and purest idea.

- Muslims stop following secret culture, Magic of Babel. There is freedom of belief;

- Muslims can know culture and practices but, do not use unless, to communicate with people that do use. Muslims do not hide it. By Muslims using clear language and true meaning not metaphor; all people know they are truthful.

-Muslims are neutral; not help or harm to culture practitioners;

- Muslims do not serve as, neutral helpers, between practitioners.


Secret Society hidden law

Masjid-Community do not follow Secret society metaphysical law. Many Communities follow the magic-of-Babel-other things, and secret-society. Not belief of Islam. End, stop, do not do.

- No accuse, no set-up in sin crime to control, use Man, WombMan, Group.

- No following Ward/Heir: trial, test, initiation, classism, abuse, torture, imprison, trick into crime to imprison - stop, do not do. Haram, Crime, Unlawful 
- Know it does happen in family, community and society. Be moderate, safe-responsible in activity to avoid.

- Secret-culture injustice investigated.

- Judgments do not accept  Unfair/

corrupt decisions. Influence from past problem studied in picking Jjudges.

Metaphysical Magic/Jinn crime

Investigated, told to stop or punished. Community made aware.

- Bad activity Spirit-jinn stopped: by  family, Masjid Community, community.

Following Islam guidance, moderation.

- Other beliefs-can work together-and agree to stop magic - spirit, jinn, harassment, other.

- A fine-punishment is less important because some cultures support harm than pay. It create corrupt unjust mentality. Real punishment to stop injustice.

People choosing Islam:

From other-Beliefs and Muslims Masjid Community do dawa to People  to come to Islam.

Guidance on improving life, community affiliation and healthy marriage entertainment, History of Islam and Different People. Muslims believe Divine Guidance was sent to all Peoples by Messengers chosen by Allah in the past.

Example: the Children of Israel, Jesus, Zoroastrians, Magiens and other. True Divinely sent Books - Torah, Gospel, some believe some scripture of Hinduism could have information from Abrahamic scripture. And Other. All Scripture and all Beliefs are not divinely sent. Muslims respect the truth in Other Beliefs.The Qur'an is the seal of all divinely sent scripture, and is unchanged.



- Masjids are open to all Muslims serve as larger Community and community system over Muslims. Muslims of all Communities. Together Volunteers in Muslim-Community Responsibilities, offer communities Centralized leadership, faith-community services, safety security, guidance and other. 

- No change to living

- Continue living any location, not closed community, not enclave. Not political organization, not Muslim community organization, association or community network. It is community, Ummah as in the Qur'an Muslims are to do. 

- Do not need to be part of a community; All Man, WombMan have lineage/s and family and communal associating.

-  Can form, join community/groups. Can belong to different communities and types of communal groups/associations.

Small Communal groups to community associations and networks follow are under the guidance of Central Masjid Community Guidance. 

- Haram to have own Masjid for group/people.

- Some communities are a Tribe; or community is a whole village/town. Masjid should be open to All Muslims; if closed  community, the Masjid can be in area outside of community all Muslims-from an people-place-community, can reach.

- Members of any community type, continue to attend Masjid with all Muslims, pay zakat to Central Masjid and do sunnah-optional - faith and community services. If Community not Muslims Community Muslims do the same.

- Community do not offer membership requiring class/cast, servitude, haram initiation. All have equality respect.  Sending members out or excommunicate members to serve goal stop, end.

[Return to Communities if wrongly sent away, or family can return regain Connection/s Traditional and Other.

Community identify:

- Central Masjid have information on communities and members. Kept Private.

- some general  lineage and national and community information. Information help Muslims rotate with fairness. Give Man, WombMan of different community and races/Tribe-Nations equal time in position. Help with communication, organizing, security.

Community-management approach example  - cultural  appropriate/halal can be used/continued. Haram to follow wrong, corrupt beliefs.  

And Muslims want to follow Qur'an and Sunnah Masjid Community Guidance.if Community have own security, the community members sunnah volunteer to do security duties with larger Muslim community services.

- If Community has own system services.

members wanting can use Larger Community services can or both.

- In each Provence/other, Muslims from all communities work together as a larger community and governance; give all Muslims faith and community  services.

Healing Rebuilding: Communities should return to correct following of Islam, fairness, stop/end all agreements restarting. Good can be renewed. Corruption, oppression, abuse, unfairness haram unlawful by Islam Law Possible crime;Stop/end. Masjid Community stops corruption in communities.

Pay communal needs by halal method of choice; not zakat.

Community Tax:

- In each Provence/other, Muslims from all communities send Zakat tul Fithr to the Central Masjid. The money put in to a bank account in location. Money used from account following correct financial management. Budgeted equal/equivalent pay Masjids and faith and community services In State.

[Read Zakat, Meccah-Madinah column 2]

Saddaqah(a zakat) is given to needy, charity. Muslims continue to give freely.

Muslims zakat/sadaqah is not sex:

Not communal sex and not sex-charity. And not sex to keep communal metaphysical connections. Muslims freely fix there connections at any time of choice in halal practices. No oppression, no unfairness. No Cass or cast roles. Mature people with respect. And having pure Muslim Marriage, family same time like all in community.

Read Metaphysical-Communal-Pattern to know how community form metaphysical connection. And Ancestry Linage to know how to manage Lineage, lineages in community. 

- No giving, no trading People to other Peoples/Faiths.


[Masjid faith-responsibilities]:

- Leedership , Masjid, Treasury, Edu, Water, Health, Law, Security, Communications, Ethnic relation, Marriage-Family, Leadership-Council, Prayer, marriage, cleaning, grounds keeping, faith-guidance, law: faith-and civil marriage and family, funeral, faith-rulings and practice, judge and law.
[Community responsibilities]: communications,
all areas have Office, Computer technologies, Treasury and Bank Accounts - zakat collection; money/commerce law and fair-pricing, inspection, limited market, and merchant-caravan and trade, trade support-infrastructure; sanitation, build-repair, security. 

Rotation- is sunnah let Man, WombMan, community of different races/skin-colors/cultures sect, share Masjid and work together serve in all and any work (appropriate to man, wombman). Limited work: Ex: 1day a month 10min-few hrs. Work-most areas: training/equipment.
Log-Book/Internet: choose work, schedule before time.

Schedule: Date, time, Volunteer -Name, age, Tribe-Nation-general, skin-color. All positions, rotate with same and different Tribe-Nation to have equality. Rotate by: hours/days. 

Diversity Tribe-Nation: In each of the 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, Muslims of each generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry are evenly distributed in all work responsibilities, To have equal representation and Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestries work together in all 10-20+Work-Responsibility.

Equal numbers of workers:

 ---- The numebr is flexible because Muslims can volunteer, in all, any Masjid community volunteer-work in all States any location in Nation and same in all, any Nation, because of similar work structures.

--- Not a defined limit, workers from other locations can work in Masjid Work Sturctures in different locations).

--- Workers from each generally defined Tribe Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group, are counted collectively; not by community. Man, WombMan of two or more parental tribe-Nation ancestries is equally counted and listed as both/all. Like all other identified ancestral-groups.

--- The collective number of Muslims of the same Tribe-Nation/Cultural-Group is then divide evenly between each 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities. To create a number of open volunteer-Work opportunities for Muslims of each generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry/or Cultural Group; the number can increase with the Muslims volunteering .

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestry work together in all 10-20+Work-Responsibilities.

--- Adults, all education and skill levels if willing to work with the more skilled manager or workers.

--- Different sects Work together in all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilites. Different sect share the same work assignment.

--- Small communities can have a similar Communal-Business Structure.

--- Muslims Independent Man, WombMan and families and that are part of groups and communities are free to work in the Communal/ Private Business and any where it is located.



[Date: 00/00/0000, Time: 00:00 am/pm]

, [Tribe-Nation], [Tribe-Nation]

---- Listed in a descending column, Column1 is the name of each worker in rows one after the other. In column2 in rows next to names is generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry. In column3 and rows is the rotation time and schedule of each Volunteer Worker.

Identify People: In culture identity  there is ethnic/ancestral Nation, Larger-Nation, Tribe-Nation, Cultural-Tribe. Jesus -

ethnic/ancestral-Semite, Larger-Nation-Hebrew, Tribe-Nation - Israelite, Cultural-Tribe-Judah.


Ethnic/ancestral-Semite, Larger-Nation-Arab, Tribe-Nation - Quraysh-Ishmielite, Cultural-Tribe-Bani Hashim.

 - All Muslims, are rotated using  ethnic/ancestral, Larger-Nation, Tribe-Nation, Cultural-Tribe or other is used. If do not know ancestral best know information used. Information is used to evenly spread group equally and fairly across rotation schedule with other Peoples. And improve representation and frequency in all work areas. Information is not used for bias or benefit.

 - schedule spot in rotation is recorded to increase equality.

--- The same model to have Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestries/Cultural-Groups and Skin-colors is used with the manager group, the Leed Manager Group and the Community Leeder-Management Group.

--- If 300 major Tribe Nations than in n a Masjid 4+Muslims of all Groups Man and WombMan, can be on schedule at the same time. In each listed People-ancestry-tribe Column Rotation time is recorded. Muslims in each Work-Responsibility, rotate in the same set-spot assigned to there People-ancestry-Tribe, with Muslims of the same generally People..

The arrangement moves over clock time and

calendar months/seasons to allow each Tribe-nation over time to serve in all the schedueled times and seasons.

Skin Color and Appearance: is used to have equality. Rotation try to have the many very general different Skin-colors and appearances represented equally/proportionally one after the other within Tribe-Nations and between different Tribe-Nations. Colors—Aswad-(darkest skin-color)/Onyx, very dark-Brown, dark-brown, brown, light brown, dark-ruddy, ruddy, light-ruddy,  tan, light tan, reddish white, beige white, milk white, pale white. List include all skin colors.

--- Each Tribe-Nation/Cultural-Group, rotate the skin color varieties they do have. All groups have equal rotation order; different skin-colors in a group do not increase or decrease a Tribe-Nation ancestry chances of being manager or a groups/individuals chances to be picked again. Similar skin-colors and appearances. In groups and between different-groups can be in rotation at same time, after a different People; or close after. But assignment will try to respect the need to have diversity and readjust if more than 3times in week.

--- Muslims can apply or if a regular volunteer be scheduled-assigned different work in the Work-Responsibilities. Can do anytime if available. Haram to choose or avoid volunteer work by culture role.

--- communities could follow similar Community-Work Structure. Muslim Man, WombMan and family of any Group, as Muslims, can choose to work with the Larger Muslim Ummah-Community because allowed by Qur'an and Sunnah.


Where Muslims get Guidance:
- Muslims are responsible to read Qur'an and know how to live from Qur'an. Pure, moderate.

- Can get guidance from people with knowledge of Islam, scholars and scholars serving in Masjid volunteer service.
- Muslims having community leaders, scholars can use as normal to gain guidance.
- Scholars Services:

Muslims with title Imam/Scholar can use Masjid/ administration buildings for other professional business-aside from volunteering. Follow Masjid rules-log into system and schedule activity.- can offer Masjid services, to community members; and any Muslim that seek/ask.
- Scholars give Masjid Administration the records of services provided. Or access if needed.
Muslims can use community structures to do activities, classes, prayers, celebrations have own Imam scholar or volunteer with training or Scholar volunteering help.
Law: Each office provide communal law court, judgment service - volunteer-managers, professional in area and Imam/scholar.

[Masjid-Work]: worked by people needing and volunteers –

All areas have Office; communications, Computer technologies, Masjid farm/hunt, gathering land, water, cattle-Shepherding, merchants-manufacture-crafts, caravan-merchant-trade and support, repair, food/water mill, Security, sanitation, Vehicles animals and vehicles, Nature protection / restoration.

- All Office work do 50% of time in other physical work area. Physical Work areas do 25%-50% Office/ Desk Work. Rotate through

- not structure to  make money for community.

- All Workers: 50% Office-service Work-50% Nature-work, farmwork. Last: 1.5 yrs. Can work in communal biz again in 3yrs. Or sooner if available. All Man, WombMan Masjid community can apply. Available on regular schedule. No idea of separation from secular society. Does not employ all Muslims in community or nation. Muslims-continue work all/any secular/other businesses.

[Read Work Process] 


Work most Areas: Volunteers and Workers can choose assignments but automatically put to work in most work areas can decline assignment. If a group by majority choose a few areas or avoid areas. Masjid will proportionally distribution Muslims of that group into areas and talk to Community need to be fair. For all groups to be able to volunteer in all areas fairly Group need to volunteer in all.

Office-Work in each Area: Has office work, secretarial, administration, finance, manager, It-Information Technology, computer Technology, Communications, Industry-services, Computer Programming and other service work.

all areas have inventory -storage of products, goods and materials.

Treasury: full bank work, vault, tax collection, security, finance, accounting.

Direct merchant and trade:

Trade directly with farm, merchant manufacturer in different nations use equal/ equivalent prices. Lower cost of food/products, create work in local/foreign nations.

- Use public and commercial  services, transport - vehicle, Truck, train, ship plain-air.  Warehouse/Inventory, Logistics, Freight. Security, merchants, Volunteers/ Workers- in all areas.

- Masjid Community's have all similar  systems.

- Trade Caravan use modern and traditional routes; maps, traditional guiding methods and nature as a guides and technology{example - vehicles, animals, medical unit, GPS, cell phone/satellite phone when necessary). Include Security-warrior, medical, guide, merchants and workers.

Can take family.

Marked public stop/rest places can go to next station or return home as wanted by free quick car, bus, train, air transport.

--- Workers will not be rotated directly into some work. Example - direct caravan and travel unless directly sign-up offered the opportunity multiple time in year.

--- Volunteers and Workers can choose assignments and automatically put in most work areas; can decline assignment.

Choose evenly:Groups, Ethnic People cannot choose only a few Volunteer-work-areas. Masjid will proportionally distribution People of all Groups in to most, all into areas. Fairness is needed for all groups to be able to volunteer in all areas.

Travel Work: volunteer are not rotated into travel Work but given non- travel work in same area. Workers can choose direct travel that season (if available) or next. Training given to volunteers in any areas of Travel Work. WombMan married travel with Married Permanent Partner.

Education: Can attend any school 4-5 hr days; ethnic/culture immersion classes 1,2x day/other. Youth-safe work 7-up; safe real work 12-14. Full work, High-School/University 13-up. Protect youth free time, other activities.

Nature/Farm: part of Volunteer-work, Communal business; part of all edu levels.

Car-share: low-cost smart-cars, very low day, month- fee or buy. No need insurance, registration, repair-fee.

Security: places Muslims live do daily activities and resources.

Market Indoor and Door:

Open sellers bizarre, Supermarket, Farmers-Market, Indoor shops.

Volunteers and Workers: give help private businesses and Masjid Community Resources.

-- Administration, Communications, Independent-vendors, pricing regulation, Inspection:Fair-trade and authentic traditional production. No wrong-labor, protection, replenishment of nature.

-- Sanitation(food heath and safety, safety-cleanliness), cleaning/janitorial, landscape.

-- Industrial (cooling, refrigeration, heating, electricity, equipment)-- Logistics (inventory management, receiving of shipment, shipping).

Transport - trucks and vehicles;

-- Halal meat facility inspection and grading: a  monthly requirement. A group of 10-50 people of both trained and regular people will inspect farms, processing, facilities, transport vehicles, stored etc

Offices-duties: 1. management, 2. quality inspection, 3. security 4. portable cooling boxes for food. And even a pay system that can provide centralized assistance to seller or 5. Merchant-Support-business: work with independent small business and sellers. If sellers want to use traditional bargin it allowable.  6. inventory storage, product labeling, pricing.

Inspection: use existing federal and State Inspection, safety and law services. Masjid Community lab/law inspection to have safety in food, products; communities  of different  belief can do in places they buy and work together.

Travel:  Bus/Taxi to Masjid/ Structures; modern, tradition ship, airplane. Public and Commercial. Package deals can lower cost, increase safety and improve safe flying technology. Muslims and People of all beliefs traveling to same locations can create travel deals lowering cost. Farm: Farming, field work, Orchards, agriculture, fishing/

Hunter Gathering:

Lake,Rivers, Streams, Sea, Oceans, Shepardry/Ranching, hunting, farm,half-wild and wild gathering and others. Volunteers and Workers: guard-security, equipment, Medic/vets, hunter, herbologist, gatherers.

Preservation: Natural land-Water care preservation, Forestry/logging; Replanting; Soils/Earth, Wild land care; Seed treasury, Plant science, Pharmacy/herbalist, Green house. Animal science and veterinary health. Laboratory-all natural sciences and tradition, testing, quality, health, Hunter gathering: gatherers, pant/animal/herbologist, tracker etc.

Independent business-farms: assist with workers, share tools/ equipment and hold/watch over land or business etc.

Food-processing(mill): processing-cleaning, packaging, storage, preservation, inventory.

Crafts: ceramics; engineering, foundry, molding, automotive mechanic, circuitry, computer, textile, dyes, cloth, threads, tannery, weaving, carpets.

Repair: Carpentry, Plumbing, Painter, maintenance,

Natural Energy: solar, wind, water, wood, and solid natural material fuel(from garbage/natural manufacturing), fuels from bio runoff alcohols, hydrox other.  

Health: Traditional, modern.

Muslim Professionals, volunteers and workers. Offer medical care over all forms of medicine to keep up to date, protect justice in medicine, and truth. Offer security-support, multi-belief health center an preventative healthy living to avoid health problems.


--- Sanitation: solid-waste and waste-water collection and treatment composting.

--- Sanitation: cleaning litter from natural spaces, land and waters onshore and offshore.

100% Composting/Recycling Center:  soil making– farm; local and foreign soil restoration.



Metaphysical social:

Muslims can interact in spirit, with family, community, people and different community. Permanent Married partners can travel with visit their Permanent Partner in Spirit. No haram, no sin, no corruption, no harm. No control, no influencing, no possessing. Parents can visit, look over their children - below puberty, Youth, adult Islam rules/laws of respect followed announcing presence. Qur'an verse talk of blind, lame, sick, and family and allowance to have more free entry and visiting with family and friends. The verse is talking about real houses in the physical world and people should not change meaning. If further meaning in metaphysical living. 

- Privacy: Muslims and Community can have Metaphysical community and networks within greater connection of all peoples. Can keep privacy and share connection to Muslim communities and other. Muslims of all peoples can share the different experiences.

Not accurate -Idea different races different levels no bargain/no contract/no superior/no inferior.

- Do not submit to any to have connection, or other experiences. End, stop, don't do.

In history: Some Tribes stayed secluded to keep people from seeing/knowing them and harassing with magic, Ruh-spirit- seeing-visitation, jinns.

- Prophet Muhammad(sws), did not use seclusion to protect identity. WombMan cover to have modesty, face covering a option.



Masjid-Community following law-justice in marriage. Family community - stop corruption, abuse. Islam, created a system of law and fairness to help all have marriage with fairness, equality people acceptable/agreeable. A Muslim could use the masjid and law to have their rights protected.

- No parents or family harmed or killed if family members marry. Muslims do not oppress family or any Man, WombMan to lower population competing for partners or to use in metaphysical living, including delaying normal living, hiding metaphysical world by making outsider, damage sex organ to change life delay marriage marriage or sex; all-haram stop, end do not do.

- People working together and Community can help People have many things important. But Muslim are trusting in Allah and make effort to find good, and live by Islam.

Fix generational inequality:
- A large majority of the Muslim population at marriage-age getting married can end inequality.

- Many economic help and supports.

Generational delay and delay is part of agendas of corruption to cause corruption in community. Answering the problem need Muslims to talk together and agree on a answer that give, fairness, dignity, respect to Man, Woman of all ages.  

Marriage-Family Office: Marriage, Family Services, Family and Marriage Islam Law. Help Youth and adults support justice in choice and marriage. Stop abuse harm in family, marriage, community.

Cultural Differences follow Islam law, not culture, community helped by Masjid Community to have peace.

Haram investigated - Marriage with goal to divorce-to harm, leave/break marriage; cultural-practices of wrong, using, oppression,

Marriage restrictions: Qur'an verse of People Man, WombMan can marry/sex with and not.

- No Slavery in Islam: In Qur'an Those Held by the Right hand are in verse after people can marry and need to marry to have sex.

Those Held by the Right hand are mostly free but temporary lawfully held- and have lawful rights similar to free.

Can Read: No in Slavery Islam.

Honor-sex: Parents, elders other having sex/first sex with Child's married partner - haram, or haram because unjust; stopped/not done.

- Incest: Sex with immediate family members haram. Qur'an give People allowed to marry and not marry.
Not disadvantage already married: Man, WombMan now married, opportunity to improve health, family, resources, activities, friends.

Work at Home:

Mothers, WombMan ex:1/4 time. Visit office 1x week/other.

Health: Fitness-all ages. Fitness improve health, health check, marriage health check. Family-Help Support metaphysical world- using mind/jinn/magic to steer/control life; it is haram, crime. Metaphysical leveling and ability.

Some cultures practices marriage/relations, to gain metaphysical ability. 

- Masjid Community give correct answer of truth and practices purpose. Family connection, community, friendship, knowing people and sex in marriage and other.

-------------Good Age -Puberty+ is biological age sexual able to have children.

QV: Things in right season/ripeness; many meanings; if applied to marriage, nearing-puberty is right season.

Quran-Verse: Old Man Garden-lost: many meanings; include, much older Man, could put young WombMan/wife, child in difficulty.

QV: age of maturity.


Youth at sex maturity/puberty raised knowing of marriage in Qur’an and by own goals want to marry to enjoy youth, sex.

Useful-Example: With guidance of Allah. The Prophet married Imam Ali(ra/as) 17+(puberty age-teens) and Fatimah(ra/as) 7+( right before/nearing puberty). 

[Muslims do not follow Mystery Religion/Secrete- society - living the life of People in Holy scripture or Other sources, life actions, suffering, marriage; end, don't do.

- Some cultures marry youths at ages below puberty or puberty range by want of protecting sex union from corruption, not-sexual touched before first partner. Faith ruling - Adults marrying below puberty-not done. In healthy age ranges can make choice and body maturation range. 

Masjid community answer if Youth WombMan no sex past with hymen nearing puberty is important for metaphysical needed quality.  Community answer correctness.

- Masjid community answer if idea offered and others are correct, useful. People with better knowledge-true please offer. Lies are a great/sin crime. Not mandatory: 

Man, WombMan can marry People with past marriage  history/or other past relations, having metaphysical /needed quality wanted. Each have there own space, respect the others space, shelter, connections; and follow marriage laws. 

Metaphysical: Follow Qur’an rules of People cannot marry. Does not mean separated or different Group. Halal ways to be connected. All respect privacy no leaders. No doing magic, harassing , no using or metaphysical influence of any man, wombman. Muslim Community and Masjid community stop, punish metaphysical harm, crime, harassment, looking down on. 

No-Sex Past in Marriage: 

Protecting Youth below puberty not having sex before marriage is responsibility of Parents Family. Qur'an - Hazrat Maryam Mother of Nabi Isa (a.s.) is a example of the importance of guarding sex for marriage.

- The hymen is a flesh cover in female organ. Some say it is shelter or house in metaphysical living. Islam give more importance to first marriage both partners being metaphysical shelter to the Other Partner. Not breaking is not rejected but trying to preserve after first permanent marriage is not told to do. Breaking not treated as problem.

- A way of knowing have before marriage is health-screening Muslim can check using false color and distorted image to protect WombMan privacy including from doctor and prove have. 

Community can monitor birth to know how many new no sex-past people increased. 

Not judged, not punished. Doctor use technique not peering into body with own eyes machine or false color glasses. Masjid community make available any location. Picture not recorded unless second opinion. Muslims do not support untruth - can repair; but Marriage list updated to show Man partners same age ranges past married. - hymen repaired to own living hymen flesh. Intentionally breaking to repair later; wrong dont do. Parents or any but married partners removing hymen is crime. Do not do. Muslim and other faiths can agree to end revenge/harm. Eye for eye do not mean raping or blinding, physical or metaphysical any in place of people that did. Event judged by Masjid Judge law Court. And alternatives.

[Guidence to help with fairness] 

- All faiths have lawful rights to beliefs and practices. Man 14+ can marry WombMan 12+ in Massachusetts,USA, Other States 14 with Parents agreeing some Nations allowing younger. People 18+ marrying ages below 14 not lawful in USA. Faith Community keep there marriages respecting law and safety. Age restrictions are to protect youth health, lawful fairness to own development, fairness to be able to choose partner by own choice, fairness to partner and relationship that is fair by partner health, sex-health, age in range of partner. Adults 18-20+ are given lawful independence to make own choices of relationships.

- Marriages at needed ages have option of doing Islam-lawful marriage in Masjid, with witnesses in other Nations, National Embassies and zoned Separate Nations-reservations where lawful.

- Sex with Partner below Nation age law treated as crime: People have had problems trusting family, community - dont do relations in locations unlawful.

- Youth Man, Youth WombMan Religious Marriage/faith unions or foreign marriage unions not recognized by nation if below age of parent allowance and sex age laws. But can be done by faith requirements; relations in age or waiting is by own choice. Faith Marriage can produce record held with People and Masjid to help with equality, can do formal marriage at nation age. If true 12-14 . Muslim youths can at Nation age 12-14 record marriage  in nation.

- Exception, corrections to all information:

Man 12-15 and WombMan 7.  Man: 16-17, W: 8. Man: 18-19, W: 9. After correction for past delay denied, all Youths can use Man 12-14 and WombMan 7. Parents are responsible for helping Youths meet a youth of good/true attractiveness between both, not randomly paired. Family have safety by doing it with people they know, trust. Cousin, are not wrong but dont, do. From different family better.  Youths Marriage at young age do not mean separating from parents. Continue living together.​

Not have to do: 

Muslims can live in any location and stay connected to there traditional community and communities important.

Muslims can try Man 12-15, marry WombMan 7. WombMan 8-19, Man 7-10 years older. People can marry similar age+.

Primary school together have better marriage later. Some Unified Grade classes, and separate. read the education section. Partners stay together by going to school together, primary-k-12 and secondary/university and then working at the same employers together on same shifts. There is freedom of belief, workers only need to do the work hired to do. Cultural practices are not required to follow. Muslims, Other-Beliefs can work, socialize and not do the general culture.

- Man: 12-19, If divorce WombMan 7+; age range increase - partners available - 3years younger. 

- Married partners 20s, 30s, 40s and older can do the same university and work with married partner.

- Not telling to do, not allowance. Islam command fairness equality, safety and respect all can  keep life potential. ​

To protect age fairness in marriage - Use multiple-marriage, If: WombMan below 15 and Man 12+ years older; WombMan 14-19  if Man is 23+ years older; WombMan 20+ if Man is 30 years older. Ages above restrictions can marry not using multiple marriage.

use multiple-marriage short time, not mutaa-not mysr-nikkah with agreed end time preformed simple, in masjid and recorded. with iddah between Man 14-16 if WombMan below 15 year.  If WombMan 15+, Man is  7 years or less but older, can be same age +. Man 12/23/30years Older - Multi-marriage option 

- All Man and WombMan using  multiple-marriage option have past marriage history. Man can have no history because have option of more marriage.​

Young Older Multiple Marriage option: Younger Man (7 years or less but older than Youth- WombMan Marry permanent. Divorce and after Iddah WombMan Marry Older Man than divorce/ Iddah and remarry Permanent Partner(Young Man).

Young Man(7 years or less but older), WombMan marry as permanent partners-all rules explained in marriage process. OlderMan: If WombMan 16 and below - Cannot travel outside Younger Man, Young WombMan home living location. Relations 1day 20 min over 1month or shorter by agreement. Normal marriage and divorce rules, process explained in marriage-process section below. Older, no pregnancy. If seeking metaphysical-connection make known before marriage. Younger gain because married first and know to gain. No magic, no influence. Do not have to remarry.  Young Man, Young WombMan remarry as permanent partners. Multiple marriage. - if WombMan has hymen, cannot break if not 18+. If 18+, cannot break if WombMan don’t want. Any mature age, permanent marriage partners can make choice together.

Magic of babel/ other and shaytonic agenda- trick adults into relations with youth or below puberty, or haram sex or sex-crime. Then threaten people to follow Secret Culture, do what they want. Do not accept false agenda. Tricking is a crime. And crime if marry Man, WombMan partners to use younger or Man, WombMan, marrying partner than separating to practice the Magic of Babel watching, torture. Watching, harassing Masjid-Muslim stop or punishment. Pure ways to metaphysical live. Watch own children, partner, public places with respect, no oppression, no harm, no haram; end as people tell to end or before. 

- Masjid record all marriages to support fairness. Masjid has Record/listening of community members and can identify members with no record of marriage.

- Masjid Administration work with Communities to have listing of community members unmarried support finding marriage.

- Masjid have record of all marriage and do not support Man marrying WombMan no sex-past again until all not having have. 

Guidance in healing communities: 

- No pregnancy in first 3 years can support safety. Below 18 no pregnancy until 16 or age above, use planning of healthy time wanted to have children.

- No gains, no money, no bargains; 

- Man sex past wanting WombMan no sex past wait until after no sex-Man.

No metaphysical blinding

Masjid Community give answer to what cause. Do not do. No marrying to level over Youth Man, WombMan partners; no wrong use. Respect privacy.

- Youth-18. Muslims could support no more than 4 marriages between youth-18. Any different marriage processes-methods, communal marriage/sex, other. Community/Group give information to Masjid Central Administration to know. Muslims answer if halal and support fairness. All free to follow standard Islam marriage in the Qur'an, any time.

------------Marriage Process

- Marriage Office, Masjid, education, kutba follow Prophets(sws) sunnah of encouraging marriage and Youth not delaying meaning better equality. Culture delay of marriage haram, stop. And magic of babel other things in family culture, world and shaytanic agenda.

- No give/force - Man WombMan All seek marriage as normal.

Partner agreeable:

- Not family/group agenda.

- Muslims support fairness and all getting married to partner agreeable/fair. Age, height, weight, appearance. 

Muslims mature-adult seeking own marriage.

- Choosing Partners - standard marriage background check of Man, WombMan, studied privacy respected and research do not go into details, not judge, not punished.

Muslims can marry Muslims of all different past sex history. 

- Telling truth at Marriage meeting:

- methods paper with age, past marriage, past: sex yes or no, interests, no picture or other.

 - Keep others information Private.

Marry Man, WombMan Youth of close-similar lineage. Muslims are Ummah and can marry Muslim of any people/lineage. Children are of both parents lineage.

- Multi-marriage offer further halal marriage.

- If not haram, wrong - short marriage for metaphysical gaining - goal should be known by Partners. Respect marriage. Beliefs in gaining could be false or relations with no gain meaning Muslims keep pure.

Promise of marriage: first marriage only one agreement of marriage. Agreements of future marriage are not set because change  could happen.

Masjid community shield families from problem of Other. Family not need to get into others problem. Meaning problem not need of bias, rejection.

Masjid Community can help - Family trying to renew life avoid corrupt sources. improve family, resources.

Islam- Muslims marry to enjoy youth, life, sex. Parents respect youth marriage and youth by faith want to marry.
- Youth live with family, more mature Youth in connected housing to family.
- All ages: problems go through Masjid Community marriage-law office.

Marriage-Health: Marriage health check. Partners clean for marriage. Exercise option. Heal-sex illness, know of sex-illness- put in dormancy, marry people knowing, willing or similar.

- Official with authority to do Marriage and Witnesses. Pictures, signed marriage forms. If below age only faith marriage  forms protected by Religious privacy laws. Doing true halal, justice and fairness to all, very important.

- All marriage ended by official practice. Including counseling.  ----------------------

Qur'an - say Partners can remarry after 3 divorces, irrevocable divorce. If want, Partners can make Marriage to Other short as wanted. Iddah 40days and original partners remarry.

- Ability to remarry - It is possible 3marriage/3divorce renewed.

- At 3rd divorce same guidance. 3marriage/3divorce renewed by marriage to  marry Past other or new Other.

- Renewed marriage do not mean forced to continue a marriage. It do mean Partners can remarry.


No bargans in partner finding:

Bargans has possible unfairness or treat Man, WombMan like thing used. Muslims are guided to seek Marriage not using bargain, money. Agreements - wrong, corrupt is haram. And practice could be ribba haram end stop. Imam/scholar/authorized in marriage office ask if any bargan, agreements, wrong, harmful agreements, unfair agreements were made involving marriage partners, no-sex past marriage Partners and tell all the agreements are unacceptable, undone. Marriage is a benefit to Family, Man and WombMan. Business agreement can be done separate from agreeing on matching partners. Family unions agreed as separate business not associated to marriage. No money influence Be fair in partner finding. Prophet if People were coming to agreement on marriage. Another offer was not accepted until decision made.
Muslims supporting fairness and stopping taking by fake not Muslim sources, exploiters, selfish. 
Coming to Islam Muslims or New:

- Masjid Community have marriage workshops and services.

- Community try to help people gain Marriage to people of there lineage by supporting dawa to come to Islam. And born Muslims. 

- Man can marry, WombMan of former faith; offer Islam. WombMan can marry Muslim Man, if People coming to Islam have past Marriage to Man, WombMan Other Belief, he, she not told to to divorce Partner if not Muslim. Can use agreement to keep Children in Islam. Masjid Community support. - Marriage Law Office .

Index: [Goal]-Begin Immediate]

[Zakat][Sects]-[Govern-Muslim Community] [Communities]-

[Masjid Community Offices] 

[Faith and Community services]-


[Detail of restructre Process]:

Masjid community design follow sunnah practices of the Prophet supported by Qur'an, moderate, halal.

requirements;  If it is said "the Ummah Masjid Communal services  should be more conservative. And, "it is sunnah" and give example from Qur'an or hadith if the Qur'an already give the minimum requirements than the pure guidance is what Muslims use anything more, if halal - is personal choice. Doing something in excess or opposite -wrong, to abuse Islam law becomes haram.


Muslims are a Ummah and Zakat a faith Money Muslims share to have Masjid services and Ummah responsibilities share. Not money for community, charity, separate Masjid. In Islam/Quran - Masjid cannot be owned by individual or group. They are houses of Prayer to Allah. In faith organization law to operate as faith-organization defend example a Masjid, Owner-buyers/builders of Property know it is a faith-public space. In policy-law of religious organizations defend by the source of faith example: the Qur'an, and in Islam, it is a violation of facility purpose to not be open to all Muslims/other.

Zakat is faith money all Muslims through Masjids share. To use zakat Qur’an and sunnah Faith-standard practices, mean all Muslims and Masjids use the money for the same thing, needs, responsibilities of Masjid faith services, practices and Ummah responsibilities. It is a violation, possible crime to collect money, zakat money and not give services, the faith offered require. it is haram unlawful, crime and sin, in Islam, in the sight of Allah. 

---Masjids restructuring have to by the law of Islam and by National law .

Faith-standard practices:

1 All Masjids or centers that offer official Masjid services need to be open to all Muslims(all sects - All Sunnah accept some shiite schools of Fiqh, Al Shiite Accept the Al Sunnah schools of fiqh, Agree to standard Practice in the Qur'an.

2. Zakat is a faith tax of all Muslims.

Faith services, Ummah Community Services, leadership are standard activities, the same in all Masjids meaning all have the same standard budgit, services and activities cost the same. Standard uses to protect Money, zakat collection.


Begin Immediate: With correct planning -

- Muslims volunteering to do shared/rotated faith and community service.

- Masjid Faith and community responsibilities, managers, leed-managers/Leed-Council.

- correct Zakat collection.

- Marriage encouraging and support.

More advanced structures over time months/other.

Work change 2021: Masjid are houses of prayer to Allah. Masjid and similar institution. / organizations doing direct Masjid faith services. Workers changed to volunteers. All current annual-employees - paid normal(not relation opportunities) 2021- 01/2022. 01/2022; Any salary pay using zakat end.

Existing Imams/Masjid workers can work in to be created sunnah Masjid-Communal-work-help. Can do - 2.5 years, until find work or work placement. Initial hiring - Muslim Man, WombMan are hired at 10 for every 1 original staff hired- 2.5 years. Could try 1.5 years.

[Masjid-Work-Help]: worked by people needing and volunteers –

All areas have Office; communications, Computer technologies, Masjid farm/hunt, gathering land, water, cattle-Shepherding, merchants-manufacture-crafts, caravan-merchant-trade and support, repair, food/water mill, Security, sanitation, Vehicles animals and vehicles, Nature protection / restoration.

was used by the Prophet, Not large business it is limited communal-businesses that earn money paying employees. Work all any regular private, public, commercial work. Steering/life-track Peoples work is a crime in Nation law. 2.5 with return in 3-years allow all Muslims if want to apply and experience. Could possibly keep other profession but if not working there unpaid until return or infrequent paid/unpaid work until return.

[Read Work Process]


Community Tax:

Zakat correctly used based on same uses between all Masjids, standards of zakat-account-security, rules of zakat payment and money holding

- Zakat in all States collected to each county/Provance/other name in different Nations Central Masjid. The Money sent to Bank account. All Masjids know total collected in Nation; All Masjid Account. All Masjids in Nation do their Budgets before. All Province/County Central Masjid send Zakat money  



Sunnah and rightly guided Caliphs: Audited by Masjid administrations in each county/Provance/other name in different Nations.  - if money in State do not cover budget, needed money gained from all-Masjid account.

Balanced and accepted after all balanced Give each Masjid budgeted money, or correct audited amount. Budget balanced with money from All-Masjids in Nation. Remaining zakat or agreed fraction 2.3% or 2.5%, sent to Masjid Administration in Mecca/Madina divided among all Masjids in World. Money secure in county/Provance/other name in different Nations; not used for other.

Extra money beyond budget - Pay card direct deposit to all Muslims and Open Pantry, items all People.  

Saudi Arabia is a kingship and it is not the Caliphate. Any good done for Islam has the mercy of Allah. Muslims respect Muslims in all and any land. Muslims do not divide by positions of different sects, groups, governments.

Saddaqah(a zakat) is given to needy, charity. Muslims continue to give freely. Muslims zakat/sadaqah is not sex or sex to reconnect community and not connecting community. Muslims freely fix there connections at any time of choice in halal practices.

Mecca-Medina: End of year, remaining resources or percentage, example 2.3%-2.5% of zakat sent from all Collecting-Masjids to charity in Mecca

[Similar to Sunnah Zakat to Caliphate and a alternative to sending all money. Localizing to region could protect from corruption. 

- Charity office Shared by Volunteer’s from all nations, races/peoples, education, ages, wealth;

rotated few weeks/month ex 1. Follow similar Masjid System.

- Money stay in account, in nation/region and withdrawn in increments equal/equivalent. No other reason taken/used.

- Charity Office - Not political/not managed by SA or Religious authority.

Pay communal needs by halal method of choice; not zakat.

- Some communities are a Tribe; or community is a whole village/town. Masjid should be open to All Muslims; if closed  community, the Masjid can be in area outside of community all Muslims-from an people-place-community, can reach.


Masjid Size: expand or build Masjid/admin large enough, for all groups, in location or near. Expanded Masjid property owned by all Muslims. Original part can keep ownership or give/sell to Masjid.

Masjids cannot collect zakat

- Body-Spirit/Jinn - Masjid is not a designated Man, WombMan body- Problem could be harm, could be like worshiping WombMan, Man. Real Masjids could be place visited; Masjid and Muslims-Talk of purpose.​

Masjids, Islamic Centers, Institutions, Islamic organization Process:

- Masjid are to tell Muslims of the restructuring on Website-front page, all social media and kutba. Masjids/other were sent the information and should be doing parts told in Process-section.

Representative: Are Masjid staff or volunteer given official signed authority to do Masjid Restructuring representation for institution.

- Any leadership staff or volunteer with signed authority, can rotate being representatives; any time.

- Can do together or do singly if busy and together; all should be identified as official reps.

1. Proof-worker/Project is true Create Identifier: short institution name, full address, first, last name; ex: Masjid Taqwa >MTawqah; 23 Main St. SpringSO-Representative: Ahmed Salaam.

- All Masjid/Institution Online/social media sites -

- On front page:

"Masjid Name support the Masjid Community restructure" site-link to plan posted on

- Each-Site:

find post-Masjid Community Plan in General Discussion. All Reps, type their identifier. And Masjid full name support plan. Link post to all social media sites facebook, twitter etc.

First Meeting:

All Masjids and public talk to gain clarity on plan and communication system -

Video and Phone meeting. Of All Masjids USA.

Video, audio and minutes posted on announced Masjid sites. Question and answer section for Muslim public.  Representatives sign into site each day ex: 11:00am-7pm.

When plan finished; International and  MultiFaith Plan.

Next-Project Managers: are temp-workers, hired to manage restructure.

To Do: Agree on plan, how resources directed, form Work- Offices; Hire work-volunteers.

Representative responsibility is temporary until Masjid/Institution agree to planning and structure.

Not few doing all the Work: The Project responsibilities do not last years, or the rest of life; work is done by Muslims volunteers by scheduled rotation by hours/days, to let many help. Work and work time divided equal. Staff or volunteer chosen should want to do work. Muslims should not fear harm by doing project.

Funding: Zakat, some Saddaquah. Bank transfer: money into project scheduled-times. Zakat used for Masjid faith and community responsibilities and budgeted. Masjid restructure Bank transfer: money into project scheduled-times. Reports-spend/spent-each 1/4 year. Preset budget/set design and materials. Reports-spend/spent-each 1/4 year. Preset budget/set design and materials. Each State,1 Site Engineer/other: review/approve buildings/ other. Managers talk and show progress, by phone/ internet, photo, live video; visit sites at important stages.


Modern If Muslims are told to divide Sunni-Shiite, black-white, high-low, east-west or any-other; all are haram, no matter justification and part of Muslims working with shaytanic agendas to destroy Muslims.

- Muslims by living good, open travel, sharing Masjid(command of Allah), Muslims can use their great numbers to keep faith followed as Allah command. And in Ummah-numbers tell scholarships and leeders that Islam will be followed as command Allah. ​

- Muslims Public make Quran and Sunnah community. Ignore distractions stay modest avoid problems.

Do not stop plan:

Plan Seek to heal and give restitution by better living. Great emergency need all to work together. Much corruption was intended by agendas to gain control of Man, WombMan. Man, WombMan set-up/at fault should help but be careful of real complaint or agendas to stop plan. Should stop doing wrong action and stop wrong living, end-wrong-oath-contracts-agreements, help fully as best possible and avoid what could cause attention and let others fix be ahead.​

Muslim and People of Other Beliefs: can use similar plans modified to their beliefs. Agree to work together; on peace. on shared interest/resources. Together in numbers can have security and resources to live by their beliefs. Muslims together can use numbers to live by Islam. Communities of Different Beliefs tell people of their belief, community: revenge and vendettas end. And agree to peace  between people of same  belief and different. To rebuild lives, family, community. Agree to work together on shared interest/ resources, can have security and resources to live by their beliefs.


Stop political actions:

Man/Wombman doing international

and national actions - supporting their ethnic-group or nation against other groups or Nations, stop. It can divide Muslims and make man/wombman treat others as expendable for their Group or greater cause or few for many, or many for the few. Not correct. Civilians doing actions for foreign/Nations/Goverments in a Nation: it could be used as excuse to harm Groups- all actions to stop,  ignore request, dont do. Masjid-Restructure can help communities in the Nation and other Nations have the Masjid Community structure. Rebuild, have resources, and economic improvement. Not political; all goals lawful and safe.

- End immediate, all wrong actions.

- End of all wrong/unjust/unwanted - oaths, agreements, contracts. All Masjids to restructure. Muslims and Other Beliefs work together to support.

- No oppression, unfairness,

- Relationships made using game war/capture/trade/ sacrifice–free to end. No sacrifice WombMan, Man, family, group, no killing, no torture, no suffering. No price to have peace. No sell lineage. No trade members. No separate/ destroy family/s, lineage-Tribe-Nations, no separate community. No win relationship/sex.


Proud of Culture

Muslims come from all Peoples. Culture can be not bad. Islam give Muslims guidance to know what in culture can be done, modify and not do; haram.  Some feel Arab culture has dominated their culture. Many Muslims have improved following Islam and doing halal with the Cultural - language, Names, food, clothes, customs not haram. Cultural  practices not haram. Muslims avoid not Islam  Ideas. And follow Islam modesty.

Masjid-Community can help know

standard correct-not-incorrect. All Muslims should read-know Qur'an guidance.

Islam is a culture/Way of life of all Muslims include language food custom, bathing, eating methods, shared prayer, Masjid, shared history of all people in Quran; not Arab culture/religion.

Symbols: It is possible the colors on Flags, totem, pyramids, symbols/shapes, show the

cultures way of living and metaphysical

practices, sex-lifestyles to gain wanted metaphysics experiences.

The Prophet, Muslim did not use markers, flags, colors of there living, sexual practice and metaphysical-direction. The Crescent moon and star are not the symbol of Islam.

Islam, the Qur'an give all Muslims guidance on how to live.


Quran verse say Allah is best in coloring.

Peoples life choices and things experienced; shape feelings, opinions, choice of livingstyle. People have free will and can choose how they live.  And Allah guide all Man, WombMan in life towards purity if choose.

- Not belief of Islam, Culture of giving people a role, class, cast, Color-role-duty.

-  Muslims are from all peoples Muslims are free to natural choose different lifestyles and Muslims can seek wanted metaphysical qualities connections from Muslims having

[No cast, no class, no slavery, no-role as sex-server: halal-marriage- no oppression. No racism- Muslims are a Ummah can keep identity and be together with Muslims all People. Culture-Ward-Heir-spirit-Eye: No members-imprisoning-no-crippling, no hiding  No haram practices ex- magic-sex-to blind-metaphysical-sight-senses, or making Man, WombMan a watched(Spirit-eye, magic, jinn) Child  from different family brought into family; and family using Spirit watch-look-upon. Muslims do not, oppress, wrong use, no lieing. Muslim tell truth, secrecy, find halal other way to do physical, Spirit, metaphysical living. Masjid Community tell Muslims halal

physical, Spirit, metaphysical living. No killing members to gain strength-in spirit, free space, change community, create shell-spirit-container for community 

Muslim Community answer historical use of roles, colors, community formation physical and metaphysical and halal way. Example roles community find members with. ]

WombMan can became Muslim. Purifying self in Islam past experience is purified. Cultures ideas of colors representing different identity, grouping and roles in culture. Muslims can know different ideas but should not accept as idea of Islam and not believe in.

Nation’s Metaphysical-space:

Muslim talk of if true-practice and how connection gained. If halal method – no oppression, no Oaths, no initiation, no sacrifice, no slavery, no sex-worker, no cast, no class, no haram. USA built on migrants, it is not accurate to call a private system.

- Freedom of belief no need to do secular beliefs.

Religious Space: There is no proof but idea Different faiths trying to define separate-metaphysical-space for each Religion.

- Unproven-true, but, should not support.


Initiation- culture ceremony.culture ceremony -do not do haram. Muslim  community  study to agree practices acceptable by Islam. Initiation in-to knowing-seeing is culture and not needed. If practices halal-it is Man, WombMan, Group-choice to practice. No tasks to gain. no winning marriage-sex.

No secrecy, no haram, no pain, no suffering, no mental-suffering, no inequality, no cast-class, no damage body, health, sex-health-mind, no change sex-identity, no rape, no killing, no sacrifice.

[Ward-heir culture: having child from different family live in family for different reasons. Children should not be separated from family. No keeping secret Man, WombMans lineage. No hiding-locking away-Man-WombMan. No lying tricking. All haram.

No killing, no sacrificing, no-castration,

no-steralizing(not able to have children, no damaging sex organ. no disfiguring, no crippling, No rape. No mind control trick, in to fake love/partner, no sex crime sex with under age-in places unlawful. No kidnapping, no telling to kill other or self,  No removing hymen(on woman-inner sex-organ)-by  own choice in halal real not fake-not short Permanent Marriage. No sex-outside marriage, no false marriage, no sending away to foreign place for initiation, harm, haram. Allah promise the Qur'an is protected ideas it is hidden, changed, need to have sex to know not true.

All justifications come from ancient corruption that use anything to trick and oppress, Muslim justification by emergency, Muslim leadership using by excuse of war, cultural need, debt, saving, other. It is not true; Stop other options.

Islam/Qur'an tell Muslims how to have natural Metaphysical senses in life.

Magic of Babel in secular,traditional cultures, family try to trick into corruption. Muslims- in family, community speak, truth, and stop in family, community.]

Sex to have peace: There is idea Muslims can have sex in metaphysical with any at anytime; because imaginary. And that it gives peace. Masjid community give answer. Qur’an give guidance and Laws of Islam are followed in physical and beyond physical. Meaning not correct. Relations with many can guide to haram and marriage is to protect people from living with no order.​


Masjid services and management:

- Done by Muslims, Man mature youth-Adult, WombMan, with acceptable knowledge, and training. And with the title Imam/scholar. WombMan in roles appropriate.
- Scholars could serve as guidance to volunteers.

Volunteering is optional and Muslims with title Imam-Scholar volunteer.

Imam: Leed Manager from Masjid(Imam) is the (council)Leeder. [The Prophet (sws), Sahaba(ra) and Muslims rotated Imam work.]

- Volunteers of all Tribe-ancestry  rotate, Imam-work every few hours/days. Scholars, Imam-community-leaders, and any Man Man-youth, knowing the prayer/other.
Community Leeders: Leed-Managers from each 10-20+ work offices make decisions together in Council-Group; helped by skilled volunteers.* All-Managers follow rotation time Schedule and diversity rotation schedule, each official Tribe Nation (ethnic/racial groups), have tilted spot on schedule and rotate. Schedule rotate to give all Tribe-Nations, time to offer services in at all times/seasons. Read managers column 2.

====== Manager:

In each 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, there could be several Managers. Manager leed and manage parts of the Work-Responsibility, assigned to manage.

- In all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, Muslims from each general Tribe-Nation ancestry share Manage responsibilities.

Leed Manager: All 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities have a Leed Managers. Leed Managers manage all part of the Work-Responsibilities and manage all Managers. In all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities, the Leed manager responsibility is rotated among Muslims Volunteer-Workers of all generally defined tribe-nation ancestry.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation rotate one after the other until the rotation starts over and the order of Tribe-Nation ancestries is randomly rearranged to allow more diversity. The order of people that were assigned before is rearranged to have group that came after be earlier on list.

--- Muslims in Masjid or Community structures are notified of volunteer work.

--- The same model to have Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestries/Cultural-Groups and Skin-colors is used with the manager group, the Leed Manager Group and the Community Leeder-Management Group.

Communal Private-Business. Time: Rotate, daily(other), by the hour/hours and rotate when a Manager is busy.

--- Adults, all education and skill levels if willing to work with the more skilled manager or workers.

Rotate with different Tribe-Nations: in all 10-20+Work-Responsibilities Muslims of a generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry/cultural-Group share rotation Example-


[Date: 00/00/0000, Time: 00:00 am/pm]

--- Listed in a descending column, is the name of each Manager in rows one after the other. In another column in rows next to Names is their generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry. In another column and rows the rotation time of each Manager is scheduled and recorded.

-----------------------------------------Masjid Community Plan: Pg11, 1of1--- In each listed Tribe-Nation Column Rotation time is recorded. Muslims in each Work-Responsibilty rotate with Muslims of the same generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry. The arrangement moves over clock time and calender months/seasons to allow each Tribe-nation over time to serve in all the schedueled times and seasons.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation or Cultural/Cultural-Group rotate one afte the other. To allow more diversity, when all Tribe-Nation ancestries have had time as manager, the rotation starts over and the order of Tribe-Nation ancestries/Cultural-Group is randomly rearranged/or rearranged by logical order of movement of one tribe nation after the other and to all have time in the same scheduel and order in rotation.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestry work together in all 10-20+Work-Responsibilities.

--- The arrangement of Tribe-Nations moves over clock time and calender months/seasons to allow each Tribe-nation over time to serve in all the schedueled times and seasons. In the same scheduled row(time spot and tribe-nation name) Muslims  rotate with Muslims of the same Tribe-Nation ancesty. Each time the that Tribe-Nation is in rotation. A different or the same Muslims(if nominated) of similar tribe-Nation can work as Manager the next rotation time.

--- Similar Tribe-Nations or Tribe-Nations of similar appearance, can serve as Manager or Leed Manager at any one time, but the arrangement of Manger to have diversity will try to limit occurrences to 3 in a row.


--- Workers can apply to be manager and the Community Management system will offer management work to Muslims to have equal time and rotation of Muslims of different Tribe-Nation.

--- Managers, Leed managers - assignment system is similar to Volunteer schedule moving volunteers through responsibility-Work areas; by tracking people have done, not have done and offer. People can sign-up to do, but in numbered spots allowing repeated wore in a area example 2 times in a week. System Insure People not having had assignments are offered and all Muslims do time in area in year.

Communities can stop corruption and monopoly by safety practices like hiring manages by random assignment, randomly picked Volunteer workers from other Work-Group and locations.         

--- Rotation try to have the many different Skin-colors and appearences represented equally/proportionally one after the other within Tribe-Nations and Between different Tribe-Nations. Similar skin-colors and appearences can rotate after the other or close after but assignment will try to respect the need to have diverity.

Community Leedership: Muslims Community-The Prophet(sws) did not have a massive administration but manged community by community village organization and family within the guidence of Islam. The Prophets central community was the community of importance. Muslims of many Tribe-Nation ancestries shared Masjid and Community.

-------------------------The Community Management GroupThe Community Leeder-Managment Group:

--- Leed Managers from 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities including- Masjid, education, security, Market, Merchant-trade,  infrustructure sanitation, family/individual help, Farm-land, Transport, Parcel work together to leed Masjid Community/communities in a set location or several locations within a set distnace.

--- The 10-20+ Leed Managers are a Group supported by staff and if needed Staff from their Work-Responsibility.

---  the Community Leeder-Managment Group us the rotation/diversity model similar to Manager and Leed Managers. In each 10-20+ Work-Responsibilites, Leed Managers of different Tribe-Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group(if the term apply to  a existing group) and skin-colors, share the Community-Managment Leeder-Group work-responsibility.

--- Muslims of different Tribe-Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group(if the term apply to existing group) rotate schedueled work by the hour or hours; the same model is used in each State.


-----------------------------------------Masjid Community Plan: Pg8, 1of1

Adults of all edu levels because each Leed-Manager is supported by workrs from their Work-Responsibility. And decision are made by the Community Managment Group together. The Prophet did not honor the ideah of seniority, wealth, social, family status class/rank or tribal rule superiority/or majority rule.

--- The Community Managment Group: Leed-Manager from each of the 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities have meetings to leed the Community Structures. During gatherings of Leed-Managers, it not a problem if two or more Leed Managers are from the same, similar or similar appearing Tribe-Nation ancestires/Cultural-Group.

--- Diversity try to have no more than a 1/4(quarter) of the 10-20+ managers have this occurence at the same time. 

It should not be a problem, managers responsibility rotate by hour/hours. Or a number of Muslims of different tribe-nation ancestry and Skin-color will be added to the Leeder Managment Group to balence out the diversity.

--- Rotation of Leed-Managers try to have balenced arrangement of different Tribe-Nation ancesteries/Cultural-Groups(if the term apply to a existing group) and skin colors in each rotation.

Manager of Community Managment Group: The Muslims working as Masjid Leed Manager/Imam for the Masjid-Work-Group is the Imam or Leeder of the Community-Managment-Group over one or several locations.

Time: Rotate, daily(other), by the hour/hours and rotate when a Manager is busy.

Community Managment Responsibilities: Managment of Masjid and Community Structures in a number of locations within a 50-60 miles radius of a central Masjid. The same model is used across each State Nation-wide. Guide Muslims to live by corret and true practice of Islam. 50-60 mile radius is used to support diversty in Masjid/Community and living and stop inequality-historical inequality. Work with Masjid Community Structures accross the State and the Nation. And work with immediate home nation masjids of the immediate Muslims that make long-term community in a Masjid-Community location. Work With Muslim faith structures in Mecca, Madina and less Canaa(Jerusalam is important to Muslims, Christian and Jews/The Children of Israel( not political) Interest is by faith, respect for the nature and natural/land and that it is Guidence and managment to all 10-20+ work-responsibilities

--- Manage Community of Muslims of all Tribe-Nation/Cultural-Groups representation in all parts of Masjid and Community.

--- Help Muslims of all Tribe-Nation-ancestries/cultural-groups have healthy community, by the correct beliefs of Islam, help with language, national/ international needs, give guidance, help correct sharing of resources to stop compitition,  

---- keep peace, solve bias, exclusion, unfair monopoly; to stop corruption, false-belief and probelms in family and Community. Help different communitis, races(Tribe-Nation)/Cultural group have good relationship, respect/ peace.

---  Guidence and working together to individual Man, WombMan and Families; guidence and working together with Man, WombMan and Families of Muslim Smaller community and/or both.

--- Inter-Community work with communitiies of other beliefs.

Community Managment Meetings: hold a meeting of Leed Managers from each of the 10-20+ Community-Work-Responsibilities. Quotes from the Quran and hadith should be correct and a Worker that write down important information for the meeting should find the source and correct any error later.

--- The  Leeder(Imam) of Community Managment Group's would be expected to find the halal, truth between the different opinions in the group. And work for a solution that is closer to correct belief in Islam.

--------------------------------Community Guidence Groups:

In the Community of the Prophet(sws). The Messenger of Allah(sws) had Muslims of many different Tribe-Nation ancesteries work together in the Masjid and Community to manager shared-community work and spiritual servies. It helped Muslims of each Tribe-Nation-Cultural-Group see man and wombman of their Group in important responsibilities, and feel their Tribe-Nation/cultural group have a place in Masjid and community structure. And know different Tribe-Nation-ancestries/Cultural Groups can live and work together. In the Quran and Sunnah, all Muslims are called a Ummah; Community; from all Nations, tribes and Communities.

Guidenc office Managers: from each generally defined Tribe-Nation ancestry/Cultural-Group 7 or more, Volunteer-workers, Man and WombMan; help Muslims of a tribe-Nation ancestry or Cultural-Group have good interaction in community. And give help to Muslims of any tribe-Nation ancerstry/Cultural-Group. The Managers work together in a office with Manager of all other Tribe-Nations/Cultural-Groups; and work with Managers and Workers from all 10-20+ Work-Responsibilities offices.


Family: Family together/secrete-culture: No parents or family harmed or killed if family members marry. Marriage is free and by choice by the law of Islam. Muslims do not follow secrete culture beliefs. Community can have security and work with Community of Other-Beliefs to have safety and security. There are no divisions in family, no separation by ancestry, name, date of birth, nation born, Tribe-Nation; skin-color appearance, no roles by right-left; or any other idea. No, sending family away, no competition, no harming, no marking some as-religious, some-bad[right, left, this, that, body/appearance: light coloring-dark coloring, other], none chosen to give sex or unjust relationships.

Note - People of Faith in. Allah do not follow practices of living/acting out what is written. And do not let people in physical world or metaphysical world- using mind/jinn/magic to steer/control life; haram, crime; Stop, do not do- reject.


Child from both Father and Mother lineage. Man and WombMan Pass lineage down from both parents the Father lineage is the leading linage in Man and WombMan.

No bias, no racism, no hatred, no oppression. No incest.

Groups [preserve lineage]:

group features, things important by keeping at higher population than other in group.

Community with[multi lineages]: can have, by community keeping record of each and keeping at good population size by free choice marriage. No Cast, No Class, no using some. Differences beneficial.

If want to [Join a Lineage]

can live by culture with people. Can marry Man, WombMan of any lineage or of the Lineage - child WombMan, at marriage age if want can marry Man of and Man and WombMan child are of lineage. If a Man child, Haram to damage sex organ to stop from having children- stop; do not do. Man-Child, at marriage age, if want to join lineage and choose - can have WombMan-child and can choose to not have more children by sex-protection products. If more Man, WombMan, child, not problem. Same method as explained.

Lineage Characteristics:

- No eugenics - controlling lineage to get a desired lineage characteristics. Often tampering, oppressive.

- Respectful free marriage and supporting natural characteristics to stay in group not by isolation but balancing numbers in population respect free choice, natural variety.

- No racism; Can live with both/all groups. keep moving in-to lineage,  - Free to marry any people same method to continue in group.

- No Man, WombMan forced to join a lineage, or people. Not sent away from people. All lineages important equal.


Children of Israel:

- Nabi Ibrahim(a.s) was married to Hazrat Sarah(a.s.) and Hazrat Hajirah(a.s.). In the Qur'an, the story of Nabi Ishmael(a.s.) mistreating Nabi Issac(a.s.) and, Sarah sending them out is not a event told to have occurred. In the Qur'an Allah commanded Nabi Ibrahim(a.s.) to settle Hajirah and Ishmael in Mecca. He returned to be with them a number of times and built the Kaabah with Nabi Ishmael. In Islam there is no competition between the lineage of the Children of Israel(Issac(a.s.) and Ishmael(a.s.) lineage. The Children of Israel in the Qur'an are important.

- In the Qur'an the Children of Israel will be taken out of many Nations/People. Similar is found in Torah/ Bible.

- It In History- many Peoples believed to be of The Children of Israel lineage became Muslim. Many reasons but it is mostly positive. The Children  of Israel are believed to have migrated into many lands and could have diverse appearances.

Many claim lineage to the Children of Israel but the lineages are not proven the true linage. There are genealogies trying to find ancestry to Israelite and genetic study. In history many empires removed the Israelites from the land and put other people in the land of Canna-Israel. History and testing could be 1000 years after Israelites were in the land in large numbers meaning, the remains tested from popular idea of time Israelites were in the land could not be Israelites.

R,I,J is popular idea of Israelites Male lineage but Issac(as), Jacob(a.s.), Joseph(a.s) and all Israelites would all have Abraham 1 lineage. E male lineage has ancient history in the Middle East. Amoung groups  identified as Israelites R,I,J is popular as lineages possible and in same groups often E lineages are found. There are many different variations of All Lineages only, 1 would be correct. Finding correct history-period of true-lineage-Israelite living in Canna; and testing remains could give accurate identification. Racism is haram and knowledge of the true Israelite lineage is important. Genetic study can help prove the lineage; meaning it is the clearest time in history all people can know the Israelite lineage. And supporting hiding it is haram. Only Allah can fulfill prophecy meaning non-can make happen or stop from happening.

Lies: Israelites never existed, or a wrong lineage. Allah will create justice and Muslims give more attention to following faith. But Muslims can truthful study the subject and give truthful answer.

- Marrying into Israelite lineage

Protecting the linage of Israel is important and Israelite-guidance in example -Torah could be not haram. Islam guidance on ancestry to both Parents-lineage and fathers lineage is correct for all lineages. Guidance on entering lineage is correct. Respecting honoring the Children of Israel are a community and honor keeping the linage of Abraham.

- Muslims with the lineage of the Children of Israel follow Islam similar to all Muslims. All Muslims are equal and treat all people as equal.


Family and Marriage:

Work at Home:

Mothers, WombMan ex:1/4 time. Visit office 1x week/other.

Fitness-all ages. Fitness improve health, health check, marriage health check. Family-Help Support.
Heal past harm:

sex damage, sex illness, health checks; stop abuse; include in kutbas.
Improve good self control, stop wrong actions and choices:

Include in kutbas, such problems occurred in community of past communities and Prophets(a.s.), (s.w.s). Family and family-members honest of problem. Family together can create living that give struggling member safety, example  family go out together, cook, clean together. Professional help.

- Wrong behavior can come from chosen wrong behavior no matter past or no past cause. There is abuse, wrong using. Magic harassment and influence. A shaytonic practice in many cultures - family, social or community falsely accuse and treat People as bad. Not part of Islam. Haram-stop, do not do. Masjid community speak of shaytonic practices and they are haram. People could have difficulty not wanting to tell others difficulty/problems or struggles.

Masjid offer mental help workshop afer kutba or prayers on schedule days. Can a talk to Family-help Regular professional, scholar or trusted trained Worker. All talk private and follow rules for safety Islam law to helpfamily.

- Muslims cure bad behavior by honesty, when wrong done tell-truth and undo. Making life to live as Allah command to improve character.

Family can improve faith together.

Family-Help Support.

Give help to Man, WombMan and family. Follow Islam marriage and family law. Respect privacy and follow rules for safety. Muslims do not follow culture of secrecy, class, cast, roles.

- Muslims should not follow these corrupt practices. Muslims know of cultures and do not follow. Muslims wanting help agree as Muslims to Qur'an clear language. Does not mean cannot be desecrate but true.

The shaytonic agenda magic of babel is to put other beliefs ahead of true faith, ruin true faith and take people into false beliefs and make class systems of oppression. Harm, abuse and haram is not acceptable cultural practices. All

- Man, WombMan in community have free choice of practices to follow. Muslims by faith follow Islam.

Agents: People not of Muslim beliefs could be pretending Quran warns Muslims. Follow what is pure andIslam  family, community rules of safety:

Travel together in groups WombMan with Trusted Man of Family. Known where your going. Have contact methods know where safe family is near or nearest open safe Masjid.

Keeping food safe:

include in kutbas, family honest of problem. Family together - clean food

making. Wash hands and make meals together. Keep chemicals in safe place. Family take turns to watch and technology cameras example on apron keep face out of view and show all activity. No family members used as watch, all can rotate.

Can lock away food. Not snacks and meals. Family unlock food at meal making. Make together.


Hadith Guidance

- The Prophet advised his followers when bathing:

to if possible not be fully nude as People/jinns might be viewing.

Nudity is natural not sin. Modesty -is  following pure behavior; to keep pure

Qur'an do not commad wash covered. And not sin to baith in privacy nude. Stay modest and ignore, reject sin.

If cover, it should  be easy - natural to wash body

WombMan-cover chest, navel back/front privates.

Men - navel back/front private, chest optional.


Example: underwear, small tanktop. non-see through thin wrap-cloth long enough to wrap top and bottom.

During Sex:

- To seek refuge in Allah and Bismillah as satans might try to have intercourse.

- To not be fully naked when having intercourse as they might be viewed by the People/jinn.

- The guidance is good because  Partners can show self to partner as wanted and feel comfortable. And protect modesty from People/Jinns watching. Does not mean cannot be naked-natural.

- The Prophet also disprove

masturbation; he or she might be watched by the Jinn and they might do it with the person. Marriage a approved way of living.


- To cover pots and cups as Jinn's or creatures might put something in it.

- The Prophet also encouraged his ummah to Marry and protect woman. As this might prevent them from engaging in corruption.

The Prophet did not marry WombMan to gain metaphysical power or absorb or pass to others knowledge, the Ahlibayth similar.

Any benefit of being able to communicate with many by marrying many people is not a set idea.​


Privacy: People in Physical respect people privacy in metaphysical similar. In metaphysical seeing into privacy because naturally occur seeing/sensing is not sin but staring, watching, spying on people is sin and crime/haram - do not do. Do not look long.

Do not go to it: do not go in to it -

Bathing, toilet, sex-, no unmarried relations. Having relations with people can become excess-haram.

Hijab: Muslim Man, WombMan dress modest, to protect from haram sexually bothering done by People in Spirit/jinn form .

Marriage guidance 

marry/divorce idea is not telling reader how to gain metaphysical-sight and other by marrying a number of WombMan, Man. Writer is not explaining metaphysical methods with 1-4; WombMan; or Other. Muslims talk and answer questions on metaphysical connection.


Masjid in kutba tell of marriage, multi-marriage and older younger rule allow what Allah allow and follow Allah commandment of of fairness, healthy marriage life. 

Quran - Marrying more than 1 at same time is allowed but says or just 1.

1,2,3,4 permanent WombMan, same as single marriage; Permanent Man partner fully financial support.
Ages to support fairness:

Man, WombMan can use age ranges given to help have fairness.

- Man, WombMan using multi-marriage - 18+, can stop people abusing younger and mature. 

- Youth puberty-17; Allowances explained, protect safety to mind, body, choice, Parents, Masjid Guidance.

- More marriage is with idea of faith in Allah, purity fairness, moderation. Haram to support wrong, using haram.

---No Sex history:

WombMan no-sex-past, do not first-marry in multi-marriage. First marry in 1 Man, WombMan marriage. Other ideas seek guidance from Masjid Administration.

- Man Permanent Partner first have sex/hymen with WombMan Permanent partner.

Man not afford permanent marriage

to 2nd, 3rd, 4th - WombMan partners: Permanent marriage to 1 WombMan; age given and can marry Others up to 4, separately at different times. Same WombMans- Regular.
- Muslim Man, WombMan not permanent married have own, work, housing;

Marriage-Gift: follow Islam guidance as can afford ex: a meal. Extra marriage should not be business of money making/profit.

- If long relationships can use similar method, paying more as possible. If not children responsibility full increase to children.

- Partner-married as-not-permanent-partner because have Permanent Partner; do not remove-hymen.

- Where are partners available:

If all married, Where WombMan come from:

- Muslim WombMan 20+ unmarried, available; WombMan should seek Permanent marriage. And Muslims married - could be seeking halal-short-marriage with Other-Partner.

Example - remarry same each time; immediate remarriage to Permanent Partner.

Magic oppression having Man WombMan have sex with people outside community. Muslims careful stop practices to use or take from people. Muslims take responsibility for relation wants and by mamature marriage to people of faith respecting their permanent marriage limit unwanted connections. 

- Free to marry Muslims different ethnic-lineage/skin-colors: No bias; no harm, no pay, no bargain, benefit is pure relations/friendship, family.

Marriage background check, sex-health check. Healthy Child Prevention-product. Anti germ cleaning and Drink.

Iddah time followed Married with children: Iddah is 40 days until remarry meaning most could only use 1time in year. Read metaphysical sex below.

Sex-Health Help: 

Imam/scholar divorce permanent-partners. WombMan idaah and marry other Man example: 1day, 30min-1hr, every month, 3, 6 months etc. WombMan iddah and remarry permanent-partner. Medical-proof Permanent partner- low sex-health, iddah time followed but could be lowered; and use pregnancy testing and paternity testing. Divorce can be renewed meaning partners can remarry. remarrMasjid Community give correctness of practice Allah knows the truth.
Past agreement of marriage are not accepted by Masjid community - Muslims make new agreements in Masjid to review to have justice; fairness. Gathering great numbers of WombMan, Man, not accepted Muslims as Ummah can have fairness in marriage.
- divorce/marry/remarry by authorized Masjid Imam/scholar; 3divorce ; renew at Masjid.
- Cannot be forced to do. All multi-marriage can stop/not continue/end. No marry/divorce to harm or use, haram to do magic- investigated. Man, WombMan Partnersnts do not need to marry the Man or WombMan partners of Man/WombMan he or she married; Man/WombMan own choice. Can marry different. No contract follow Magic of Babel/other/wrong.

QV: let them remarry their Permanent partner; No influencing Partners. No use Man, WombMan, child.
- If not planning children;

safety should be used to prevent. Masjid Community abortion policy follow Muslim law rulings. No orphan, if child happen, both raise in/as family.

- WombMan living unmarried to use when want not married. Do not marry and ignore until want to use.

- If WombMan 2,3,4 are married each to example: a different Man ex: permanent partners, time in short marriage need to respect remarriage to Partner in appropriate time. 
- Cultural Differences follow Islam law, not culture, not culture community. Helped by Masjid Administration to have peace.

- Not obligated to continue can end; In Islam Man, WombMan, responsibility to own marriage choices free to marry and end; can get help from Scholar/Masjid Community.

Man,, WombMan, family cannot be made to give partner in marriage/multi-marriage to other be cause told to do. And in Islam do not give family or partners. Protected by law of Islam and Crime law.

- Intentionally abusing divorce is going over halal allowance.example: 30min-1hr, can renew each year. Not same as Sex-health-help partner.

Can remarry at later time, If divorce and no renew,

- Man, WombMan family community do not need to do. No money, not bargain.


Nikkah Partners sex Beyond Physical:

Not substitutes, for Marriage, sex and sex help. Right time and place. Ex: at home, no harmful activity ex-cooking, permanent partners together improve relations.  Partners can share activity together in metaphysical. If jinn form laws of Islam apply, controlling self is a responsibility and sin is haram; avoiding wrong is what is important. The Ruh-Spirit keep pure thinking.  

Sex in beyond Physical with Other People: Masjid community give answer. Following Islamic law Man, WombMan could marry in metaphysical. Partners and other meet any official Imam/scholar or authorized marriage formalizer in masjid or official place in real world. Metaphysical marriage do not not create  real relationship. Imam standing in same room tell partners they are to be temporary divorced to marry other and all done in metaphysical  very quick-less than 1minuet - gestured in physical world divorce Permanent partners in metaphysical; marry Other Partners. Ex. 3-minutes; at end divorced. WombMan 1hr Iddah. Can try ex 1hr = 40days; because imaginary. Permanent Partners Remarry automatically. Meaning all can leave imam immediate. Imam/Scholar/ authorized, and partner, can agree - on agreed day and time or asking or calling asking. automatic divorce, marry Other, at end divorce automatic. Iddah 10min-1hr do ghusul - by end of bathing, Iddah complete. Remarry Permanent-Partner automatic. 

- Permanent Partner present in same room could strengthen keeping together. If not together in physical should use when together in metaphysica but Physically near is better. Do not mean group sex.

- Relations in form of jinn need to follow laws of Islam  marriage and normal idda time.

-Youth Seeing/sensing should not join and taught sex is done in marriage. Youth should not have metaphysical sex until married.

Marriage is Partners benefit not family and should be by own choose and to last.

-Being Married could help stop excess in metaphysical sex. If not married should be done with people married past- but only guidance of purity-to stop excess-haram.

- Charity marriage and sex physical and metaphysical is not saddaqah/charity and not practice of Islam. People wanting to marry metaphysical Muslim having option to choose. And regulated by marriage law.

Appropriate Place: Man,WombMan metaphysical marriage/sex at time/place, safe, not driving or doing something important. Metaphysical sex with partner near does not mean to disrespect.

Sex-worker: Many cultures give Man, WombMan the responsibilities of sex-worker and community-members in spirit/jinn form have sex with a Man, WombMan having sex in physical world. People responsibilities good and sin is with the self. The laws on sex is true in physical and metaphysical living. Practice of giving role to Man, Wombman if it change their ability to have normal marriage, privacy is haram. Excess or haram action, harm or sex haram. Much metaphysical cultures follow competition/called suing to manage real world sexual relations with people of different roles. Muslims do not follow the roles, designated sex partners or wining relations sex. Unequal, unfair, haram sex, trickery into life long problems torture, metaphysical harrasment, oppression, all haram. Muslims are a Ummah from all Peoples and can free marry physical and metaphysical no win, no role, no bargan by halal intrests, benefit and faith in Allah.

Muslims Masjid Community answer if not haram. -

Index: [Healing Past]-

[Culture called Islam ]

[Jizya not tax for non-Muslims]-

[No Slavery][Metaphysical Beliefs Before Islam] 

[Physical-Metaphysical Living ]-[Ahlibayth]


Masjid restructure and community services, support safety from harm and end of abuse, unjust, unfair practices. Restoration of purity, safety in community family, fairness, justice, faith. Healing, restoration. Rehabilitation, health, all able to marry and marriage strengthening, physical - metaphysical safety and security.

- To have unity and no resistance, Plan do-not support lethal/harm punishments and end revenge. Work with plan; Help many, save-life to have forgiveness of Allah.

- Masjid restructure and community services, support safety from harm and end of abuse, unjust, unfair practices.

healing, restoration. Rehabilitation, health, all able to marry and marriage strengthening, physical - metaphysical safety and security. Restoration of Purity, safety in community family, fairness, justice, faith.

- All agreements wrong/unjust/unfair stop/end immediate. Get safety by Communities of different Beliefs agreeing to end fighting, revenge, vendettas, wrong agreements. Work together to agree on physical and metaphysical safety. And keep freedom to follow own beliefs; not Social Agenda.

- End all oaths, agreements, contracts.

Cannot renew wrong, unjust, unfair agreements, oaths, contracts. New opportunities. Do not make agreement, contracts, oaths on those unable to choose, children, etc. Stay out of unjust - oath, agreements, contracts, and live life to improving self, faith.

People do by keeping normal living and working together on agreed interest. Helping people any Nations, improve fairness, equality, safety, resources, work.

Helping People, living by Islam and healing life gains the mercy of forgiveness and benefit from Allah.

- Stop all corruption, harm, ex-communication, exile, revenge if in great difficulty go to location feel safe to live; Masjid restructuring is in all locations in World.

Emergency resources - all Man, WombMan to have normal living, safety, food, water, medical  and farm, water food harvesting and resources, national, international mobility/travel support, in any situation and can work with all beliefs to have similar and shared. Be careful of lies or fales teaching of Qur’an and Islam.  No race-people are the leaders of Islam-all Muslims are equals, all Muslims should learn/know correct Qur'an Arabic to read the Qur'an in original language.

Community war/Games of war are ancient-do not do. End all war/games of war. Not used by the Prophet; false activity- that guide to many corruptions. Teach people to like the action of fighting, rape, torture, killing treat as entertaining.

Another trick to trick into set-up/extortion for sin-crime leeding to entrapment in corrupt oppressive living.

Communal Corruption

Delayed marriage, told to give sex, married unfairly, harmful treatment  and other injustice by many things; all reasons false, unjust.

Muslims are Ummah-Community and together have security. Can marry, work, live, travel, No family hurt, none killed-crime punished.

Relationships made using game war/capture/trade/sacrifice–free to end. No sacrifice, no killing, no torture, no suffering. No price to have peace. No sell lineage. No give, no-trade no sell members. No cast out, no give members to enemy, no excommunicate, All free to return to people, no lower status. No separate, No destroy family/s, lineage-Tribe-Nations, no separate community. No win relationship-sex.


Islam the culture - cultures of traditional and secret-society using beliefs of Islam; it is not Islam. In history, Islam/Quran, by the mercy of Allah; created the benefit of peace, respect and experience of freer interaction between different peoples and faiths. Not cultures calling self Islam; not magic of babel culture activities. Islam is not submission to a supernatural secrete-way-of-living.

[Allah is not Man, Wombman, Jinn, not sexual organs or thing, not any creation, not part of creation, not energy. Do not pray.

Islam is not the joined mind of jinns, man, wombman; Man, WombMan, Jinn do not truly know future, not truly know unseen, not do divine judgement, punishment. It is not Allah. Allah, is the only Creator of all existence; not part of existence. ]

[Explination of politics, combat, slavery is not because doing in Masjid Community. Explanation is to give information on Islam.]
Jizyah and not Muslim People:

Regular translation - Verse 9:29

".... until they pay the jizyah, hearts subdued."

Fuller translation -

".... Until they give/send the jizyah(agree to what satisfy agreement);

true feelings brought to moderation."
- In Qur’an and Hadith the Jizyah first is agreement of peace, neutrality, non aggression, alliance.

- Jizyah is not a tribute tax People-of-other-Belief pay to Muslims. In Islam and the Qur'an there is no belief People-of-other-Belief pay Muslims money called jizyah.

- Muslims call political agreement and monies with People-of-other-Belief Jizyah.

- Jizyah is 2 or more Groups with respect to beliefs coming to agreement.

- Everyday money and agreements between Muslims and people-of-other-Belief is not called Jizyah. It is money, agreement.

- Groups can agree on shared interests, security, needed communal services and pay regular money to have those interests or wanted services. Groups that did own security did not pay money with jizyah (agreement)
During  the Caliphate  of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, Sovreign Groups -of-other-Belief in regions under Muslim governance continued their agreement made with the Prophet(s.w.s) and Leedership after. 

- Groups doing own military defense/

or did military service with Muslim Nation, did not pay money with jizyah agreement. Groups can agree to have Government give services and political money is called Jizyah.

In Regions following Muslim Government Peoples of Other Beliefs living as independent citizens and-or Communities and provided regular services, had-jizya-agreement of peace/neutrality/non-aggression and paid a Jizyah-money-tax for the services used.
Haram to be unfair: Jizyah agreement and money was not harsh, humiliating, oppressive or unpayable. Jizyah is fairly measured by agreement, shared interest, services given. Qur'an justice and fair measure. In History jizyah monies are measured as not being more than what Muslims paid for same services or Zakat. Unjust rulers demanding unjust Jizyah occurred and Muslims were oppressed and People ended those periods by demanding making justice.

- Alliance or unified Nation Muslims and Other-Beliefs with agreed shared Governing, money, tax - agreements and monies is not

 Jizyah, call name all agree.

Islam does not support Slavery


 - and teach: do not oppress, do not accept,  oppression, do not sell self in to slavery, no sex slavery.


In Islam, commerce and trade are important but does not include people or the sexual body. The Prophet created the first Ummah/ Caliphate and ended practices that were exploitative at the National, state, social, Community and family level with the way of life Islam.

 - The word slave in the Qur'an is used in many ways, but Muslims are never told to do slavery and never told actively support slavery. Guidance on slaves is talking of existing slavery in the World and how People held are treated. 

 - People might ask why does the Qur’an not say there will be no slavery. People find many other names to call oppression. In the Quran

 - People are told do not make yourself or others a slave, that oppression any kind is wrong, do not accept oppression, to defend People from oppression.

- And by living in the world with all Peoples, Muslims do not ignore oppression being done to others.

 [History] In the time of the Prophet (sws), the majority slaves were from tribe war and debt slavery - not racial.

- The word slave is not the name given to People held by Muslims.

The Qur'an call People held by Muslims

  "Those held by Right Hand" because different temporary conditions causing being held. It included:

[ People freed from slavery repaying the money. Combatants in war, Non-combatants-involved in war, Refugees, Assylum seekers, People Bounded for Debt, and those who commit a crime and allowed to work in repayment.]

  Non of these are slaves in the general idea. And have lawful rights similar to free People. And all can regain freedom in lawful fair time and condition.  

 - All People held as slaves by Muslims were put under the title.

 - The Prophet through the Qur'an and his Sunnah taught his followers and preached to all Man and WombMan, to free the slave, be merciful to those held; because the holder could suffer the same oppression. To treat those held with kindness and justice. To pay people including the held for their work and do not over burden/not give harmful work. Provide them with food, water, clothing of the quality the holder use. To shelter them reasonably. Such ideas challenged slave holding.
--defend people from, oppression /slavery, 

-- to educate that Allah created every person free.

--not to oppress/enslave and to set people free, and prevent the things that create oppression. 

-- charity and caring for others,

-- not getting into debt and stop false practices to get people in debt, 

-- People should not accept oppression, do not make self slave, do not sell self or family, do not kill self or family.

The Prophet preached and taught at slave markets, and all places freedom, no slavery, no oppression, to get people of any Belief to free People of any Belief. And People should not oppress/sell people, to treat people with kindness and justice. And taught people to be free, not accept causes of slavery; Islam teach people not to support any form of practice that subjugate the mind, body, Soul etc. The Sahabbah(close followers of the Prophet) and Muslims followed the Prophet and did the same.


Concubine: In Islam, no concubines. Useuall WombMan, Man, not married but sex had with; sometimes held as captive. Qur'an verse of the Prophet and his Married partners was revealed after the Prophet's marriage to his last WombMan partner, and identify all WombMan partners of the Prophet(sws) as married-partners- none were concubines.


In Qur'an 'Those Held by the Right hand' are in verse after 'people can marry' and have  to marry to be married to have sex.


Eunochs - Muslims do not support-people with their sexual organs reduced or stopped from working, cut-off/castrated is forbidden/haram.

History: Idea of Muslims in time of the Prophet raiding to take captives is a lie in history and never happened. After the Prophet Muslims enslaving people  was a crime, unjust. Muslims that did slave-raiding used lies to justify enslaving people including ideas of war because Islam/Qur'an does not directly allow.

Many People enslaved were Muslims that defend there self and People of other Beliefs.

Theft and corruption in the land: Taking people into oppression, slavery or send to slavery in a foreign place or using the excuse of war to make people slaves. In the Qur'an taking people into oppression/slavery can be under the crimes Theft and corruption in the land and other - and is haram, unlawful and stopped by educating people of their respect, equality, not accepting oppression and defend self/others to stop oppression. And Muslim/People stopping oppression and defending People from oppression. 

Muslims did not support slave markets but did get People to set free the People they held by faith, it being a good deed and buying the People to free.

- People baught to free, Islam encourage set free with no repayment of money or work-time. By free'rs limited money People-freed could agree to a set time to repay or some work or service to repay time just-not oppressive . Muslims courts did repay good act of freeing People. Law enforcement, military and Muslim law-court did set People held free with no debt or time. If taken unlawfully in taking or unjust fighting set free.

People called slave that served Prophet(sws)/Sahabbah - if history/hadith accurate - Servants/Maids were in agreement to be freed soon or free but serving to pay off money or fully free and help-maids working as a job-and by own want.


Law-agreement by Nations/group can agree no slavery, no holding combatants. Modern law follow similar in Human Rights, no slavery and Rules of War. Many law ideas influenced by Islam.


- Free are refugees & asylum seekers.

- Debter can repay debt and not need to be held; helper/s, can repay.

- Crime can use holding and repaying by money or work given. Lawfully, just protected.

- Combatants of war:

--divine right: meaning god is on our side - do anything to the opposite side or might makes right or survival of the fittest . The Quran teach logical justice and fairness to others ; including  in conflict.

Capturing People is not a belief of Islam but in conflict or event causing need people example military in active event have lawful allowance to hold. And People under lawful condition take to real-enforcement example active event law enforcement or military to find out  wht is happening.

Muslims only fight in self-defense, or to protect/defend people. Qur'an allowance to have Other side pay when giving them there combatants is a form of reparations to recover resources lost in defense. It is logical but not mandatory.

Taking combatants off the field helped

the wounded, people lost, abandoned.

Muslims do not leave to die.

In War Muslims do not give Muslims jizya because jizyah is word identifying political agreement and moneys from People of Other Beliefs including reparations in war. Muslims come to agreement use Qur'an and Sunnah and zakat is money Muslims pay. Blood-Money for loss was likely different. Murder or intentional killing/sacrifice blood-money is not paid because crime.

Qur'an Muslims only hold people by allowance of Prophet/leader, and leader is to know of all held. Quran-holding only happen after all conflict end. People were not taken into Holders own private holding. People had to be seen by leadership and the story of how they were taken from the battle field known to correctly decade holding or not holding , tell their Group to make arrangements getting or freeing.

And location had to be safe, appropriate, follow laws of Islam, respect Man, WombMan modesty. Many times people were held in official places, the treasury or other large building. With more developed government people were held in official places. 

- The Combatant that held the opposite side combatant-make payment wants but not outside law of justice protected by law, court.

- No harm to body, mind, faith, no manipulation, no mind control, no sex.

Marriage only by free choice, outside of direct event, all held known by leaders and in place-peaceful/safe, no fear, no threat, no trick, no mind control, no oppression.

Combatants freed by Own-side paying. Returning to their Group combatants and non-combatants with no money or requirements -was a do able if all sides agree. 

Severe imprisonment was not practiced by Nabi Muhammad and Muslims.

Combatants could pay their  own freedom, working to pay own freeing. Non-combatants if not in combat usually are not held and if found free or freed when Group found/issue solved. If held similar to combatants same methods to free.- Combatants and Non-combatant could only be given-back, sold to family, or own-side free, not owned, not held. And not sent to side, if harm, free to do as want. Prophet freed People after doing minor good work, or teaching a positive thing and Muslims did same. Prophet freed People only for the good and mercy of Allah and Muslims did the same.


Hadiths of Prophet marrying directly after war show example of correct behavior he did as explained. Towns temporarily held during expedition - Prophet, allowing some Muslims on expidition to marry is correct; it was Qur'an - outside of event - meaning not during fighting,  peace, there was no harm, no fear. Further the People were free, no demand, no idea of war booty. Marriages were by free choice all were WombMan previously married and were not married. Qur'an Muslims cannot marrymarried WombMan, cannot have sex-with married WombMan.

- Hadith of History of Sahabba doing in middle of event, with captives, is opposite of Qur'an and Prophet's actions. And are either by grading fake, or the event occured but wrong not example to justify doing. Example some companions on expedition marrying WombMan captive by force, in conflict or married. - Hadith or history saying Sahabbah married in event, after and not with WombMan agreement or force, trick are again by grading fake or wrong action not example to justify doing.

Or the hadith leave out details - for example some companions asked the Prophet if avoiding pregnancy during sex with captives was allowed. if the hadith is not false the Sahabbah were following the laws of the Qur'an. 

Justice Agreement:

All Groups/Nations can agree if fighting or event - no holding, no pay- keep safe and immediately return to Own-side.

Selling People paying off debt:

If holder wanted to sell the Held, there are numerous lawful protection to agreement of holding, self, family, property, same as free, with acknowledgment of condition. Again most categories of held free and cannot be sold. If sold not slave market. By held choice, no harm, no separation, no change life, property, no taken away, no new agreement only by held agreement and law protection honoring time, pay given past meaning less. Protected by law and court.

Marriage: Qur'an verse of partners lawful to marry - Those held by Right hand are in the next verse after Partners-lawful to marry because temporary-condition different than Free. No sex outside marriage. No sex-slavery, no allowance to marry by being captive, no threat, no trick.

No racism - Curse of Haam: Noah(alayhis salaam) did not curse (a.s.) making his face dark and his descendants servants/slaves of Shem(a.s.) and Yapheth(a.s.), descendants; not

in the Qur'an. And scholars from beginning of Muslim history say not a belief of Islam and any idea are from outside sources. Torah and Gospel have had additions, removals and information changed. Muslims are careful with information in other divinely sent scriptures.

- Haram, to enslave Man, WombMan minds, spirit; evil and crime. Some make use of others mean all man, WombMan have halal benefit others want and willing to work together doing halal to gain.Not oppressive, not haram.

- Muslims do not justify oppression, slavery or bad in history. There is much good in Muslim history. Muslims obeying Allah and treating Muslims of all People as equals, family in faith. And treating not-Muslims with equality. Respect of different Beliefs and justice, free living. And Muslims rejecting wrong and stopping oppression.

Those-Held by Right Hand.

Islam No slavery


Jizyah-Not-Tribute Tax


Fear: In the Qur'an, fearing Allah mean true faith, and know Allah is good, lawful; and mean Allah punish wrong and  People fear the punishment of Allah and do not do wrong. 

Prophets did not follow pre-Islam community Metaphysical Culture: The magic of Babel and Other Things, Mystery Religions, secret cultures worship or study of metaphysics are ancient and practiced around the World The Religion of Egypt, Babylon are examples.

Family/Community eye: practice of People viewed by community using metaphysical eyes. Heir-Family member potentially used to pass linage; some times secluded.

Sex server- people used by community to

metaphysical connection community by many community members having sex with. Green/Outsider-People outside the culture not told of metaphysical experience. Virgin-People able to metaphysical-see but not told of culture. Or People not knowing of culture and no metaphysical sight looked at by community using metaphysical seeing; Virgin sometimes is used to mean not had any sex. But is used to mean sex in some ways.

 Lie:Prophets are said were not taught the culture, were green or no metaphysical sight and their Prophetic mission was already planned by their community having metaphysical higher community giving Prophets miracles and revaluation and guiding Prophets to fix corruption in community-not true. Example Israelite's following the mystery religions, magic of babel and other things created false Prophets. Prophet Elija and Elias(a.s.) were true Prophets Allah gave them true miracles and defeated all the false Prophets

- Islam in all times gave people a way of living from Allah with guidance of living in the Physical and metaphysical life. the roles, casts and cultural practices they followed before Prophethood were not continued by people of faith/Muslims.

Islam is not submission to a supernatural secrete-way-of-living.


Metaphysical- meaning beyond

physical world. Mind energy, spirit, jinn, other.


“….To Those Allah fearing

Those believing in the Unseen- physical and existence beyond physical."


people made into nations/tribes to know each People; not bias/hate. The most honored is those most faithful.

QP: in different language and skin color there is sign.

QP: We shall show you(all Man, WombMan) our signs on all to the furthest horizons and in themselves....



Man, WombMan are not part of Allah or, gods; because Allah breathing Ruh into Man, WombMan.

The Ruh-soul is complex idea. Mind, Imagination, dream, Ruh-spiritbeyond body, other. Allah knows the Truth. Allah protect the Ruh and Only Allah can make Man, WombMan die.

Jinn: Jinns are not Man, WombMan. The True Jinn is a real beings made of elemental fire. Islam is for all creation including; Jinns. Secret-culture practice of Man, WombMan false guiding, acting as devil/s - shaytan/s, is not accepted in Islam haram, unjust and corrupt.

- All Man, WombMan including Israelites could have connection to Jinns. All Man, WombMan are of Adam-Hawa(a.s.) linage.

- Idea jinns do things not caring of good or wrong is no justification of wrong, haram and crime. Live pure do not go to wrong, increase faith, stay with good People.

- In Qur'an and Other Scripture knowing of things is natural to Man, WombMan; sight, senses, Ruh/spirit

/Soul and Allah knows all other ways.

- Living together, closeness; sharing clean food could be ways to make

connection between people, Family, Community.

- Nikkah-Marriage is word in Qur'an explaining relationship Muslims have lawful sex.

- Sex could be important in making connection between a Married Man and WombMan. and a more developed metaphysical experience.

- Entering first marriage with no sex past could be important to marriage connection. Islam treat as important but not disallow people of different experience marrying. No bias.

- If more-developed metaphysical experience do not became apparent in first Marriage. It is possible partners with connections that produce the needed connection is needed do no need divorce.

Masjid Community give answer

The laws and rules of Islam are mandatory to follow in physical and beyond physical living.​

Sharing Food:

preparing food is believed to give Spirit to food. Many further add body-material to food to extend passing of spiritual energy. Masjid-Community,

answer what is halal/Haram in food.

Example - Hands.

Hands no-illness-washed in clean water, clean dry preparing food with hands.

Magic - it is haram in family,  community to put anything in food to have power over people.

No slavery, oppression in Islam.

In life:

- Casting vision upon: there is in Other-Holy-Scripture and Qur'an, casting sight on things close meaning see with physical eyes. But there is casting sight on things and idea is seen with the spirit/soul/mind.

- Muslims can interact in spirit. with family, community, people and different community.

- Talking seeing/hearing, sensing in eye of the mind, spirit in mind. 

- Permanent Married partners can share exploring their bodies. Visit their Permanent Partner in Spirit. 

- Muslims in Ummah community could share metaphysical sights. Helping those not able.

No doing sin, no corruption, no harm, oppression.

Looking Down on

Watching Man, WombMan: people in form of Spirit or jinn watch/look down on Man, WombMan, Group

- People being watched,  watch others to feel better about being watched. Using people and watching creates a complex-oppression.

If Man, WombMan community live pure like Prophet and community many people living similar create open metaphysical experience.

And People better able to defend against those wanting to watch because layers of people oppressing others not as complex. And help many choose to live similar. People gain a knowledge of watching other in their married partner and children with pure rules of normal living, not doing magic no spying no secrecy.


QuranP: "They are your cloths/covering/shelter."

Allah know the true meaning.

- Shelter could mean emotion support and supporter in gaining better in life.

- could mean metaphysical covering of nudity, and shelter in metaphysical living.

- Man, WombMan at marriage age - WombMan-Partner give shelter to Man-Partner, Man-Partner give shelter to WombMan-Partner.

No wrong using, no haram, no magic, no corruption.

- Prayer and following Islam can protect and keep pure.

Islam Way of living tech Muslims how to gain and protect and purify physical and spiritual connections.



people made into nations/tribes to know each People; not bias/hate. The most honored is those most faithful and fear doing wrong because of Allah.

QP: in different language and skin color there is sign.

Muslims do not hide the metaphysical experience.

People in life know of it. And there own metaphysical experience.

Muslims community and - Muslims of all peoples can share the metaphysical experience. Idea different races different potential, levels not accurate and no superior, no inferior.

Sharing living with different Peoples can learn of differences in experience and gain benefit of different experiences.

The Prophet married partner no sexual past, and wombman with different sexual past and wombman of different people/skin-color.

Answering needed metaphysical help, protection, communal connections.

Marriage with different People to gain metaphysical benefit is haram if racist, oppressive, unfair- cultures do to be above by unjust practices. Many cultures use a few People to have sex with many to then community look down on-Unjust Practice. No price- no people to use, no arranged marriages, no sacrifice,

no pain/torture/harassment. No bargain, no contract. Only purity and friendship and halal benefit.  

- Muslims -do not believe everything seen and in faith are moderate and logical in action and doing safe things.

Entering: Muslims do not submit to People to enter metaphysical. No bargain, no contract, no superior, no inferior, no submission.

[Quran the Prophet will journey further from levels/plane to plane. Only Allah know true meaning. Of many meanings, Allah was furthering the Prophet to purity, Goodness, truth in all things.

Metaphysical - The Prophet was being show the true metaphysical reality.]

- Muslims following faith can trust in Allah guiding their faith and life to better, In physical and spirit/metaphysical.


Keep Spirit strength:

Payer, Jamaat prayer-Muslims of all people. Family-relationship-togetherness, sharing clean prepared food. Halal relations in marriage. [Further marriage with justice, all at age having equal choice, no using Man, WombMan. Taking care of people, working-together in halal, All can be sources of pure-spiritual energy-by the mercy of Allah. Making own and gaining from sharing with people. Meaning there is no negative using but halal-nature.

- Muslims do-not do faith-duty or good, to gain. Muslims do faith practices to o have mercy of Allah.

- Jinn, people in metaphysical form eating Man, WombMan body or spirit is questionable and possibly unjust and example of power, domination. The sources explained should give spiritual energy. In metaphysical form different possible actions are possible and just as people imagine together. forming  energy to take in could be possible but harm, evil or haram cannot be used.

Idea of jinns taking food/spirit from refuse or eating with People. Some hadiths give idea by seeking protection of Allah jinns or other cannot be in Man, WombMan presence, nor eat, bathe. But a clearer idea it protect from jinns, other, their presence possibly not removed unless told to go or made to go.

Man and WombMan should honor their linage to Adam(a.s.) Hawa(a.s.) and live a balance ed pure life. And gained their true physical and spiritual nourishment from pure made food, prayer, positive relations in marriage, positive begavior. The same in metaphysical.

- Anger, hate cruelty, fear, pain, sin, racism, oppressing, suffering, death, sacrifice, sadness and other are not are not practices to get energy or control things. In Qur'an, Allah protect People the benefit of prayer goes to Man, WombMan praying.

Muslims do not stop praying, do not pray to self, do not pray to group. No make prayer into ritual for energy. Do no stand in way of people praying as if being prayed to. Group, do not have Man, WombMan pray for them and they try absorbing his/her energy. Do not stop praying.


Haram Using, Slavery, Oppression:

Qur'an using word cattle is speaker of real animals. Man and WombMan of all Peoples, jin, or metaphysical experiences are equals no superior, no inferior.  Quran-Some make use of Others. Allah knows the truth of it meaning.

Allah is all just and merciful. All Man,

all WombMan have some benefit supporting any Man, WombMan doing things for a returned benefit. And in Islam - All are obligated to fairness. No oppression, no sin, no lie. Cannot support slavery, oppression, poverty, crime to have people to use. No controlling, no steering of Man, WombMans life for  benefit.

- Muslims Ummah respect Muslims as family, community, equal. And respect all people as-equal.

Writing about the metaphysical experience could be limited.

The Qur'an contains knowledge of all things it is a divinely sent scripture and Allah knows the truth. is simple in expression give readers the knowledge needed and further experience in life People can use the guidance of Qur'an to know how to answer behavior and living.

Community Form and Connection Pattern.

- Islam give a way of living that balance physical and metaphysical living.

Masjid Community to give information of communal practices wrong/halal.

Halal-option: Muslims are from all peoples. In Islam Muslims are given guidance on pure marriage.

Communities follow different community arrangements to have shelter[privacy, security, shield from metaphysical harm], connect/

see/communicate and other. - - Example of communal arrangements

1 or other number Man/WombMan sex with many members. Community Members having sex with a number of members and other arrangements.

- It is not haram but Muslims are free to marry without a community practice. and follow

Islam marriage restrictions. And marriage restrictions shape communal metaphysical practices.

In Qur'an and Prophets lifethe arrangements was

Family of Man, WombMan Child and sharing living with other family at any amount was used but  Patrarchal, Matriarchal grand elders parents, aunt/uncles marrying partners was not used to shape metaphysical community.

Masjid Community give answer on halal and wrong practices.


It is community with numerous metaphysical arrangements patterns. Natural life events and free choice of relationships there are different lifestyles and types of connections. Many/all communal arrangements naturally exist by personal-relationship choices. No roles, no class, no cast. Muslims making responsible choices. Muslims can seek wanted metaphysical qualities, connections from Muslims having.

The Prophet never used People in physical world or for metaphysical benefit not slaves-no slavery, not people of different lineage. The Prophet marriage and friendship were pure open, respected all people. Fairness in marriage, He did not take excessive marriage. Metaphysical good came from following Islam.

Stop immediate-magic, witchcraft, bad agreement, stop control/influence over Man, WombMan; no possess/no control capture mind, spirit/body. No act as god, no sex slavery, cast/class roles. no death/no near death/no kill, no castrate

no cannibalism. No worship [devil, magic, self, sex organ other]. No rape, No ward/heir, spirit-beyond physical/Jinn: No keep/deny: out, no look down on, no spy/stalk, no evil eye. No unfair, no unjustice, suffering physical, mental-emotional; no delay ex- work, marriage, freedom, natural-living. Nature-No, corrupt, do not intentionally enter mind/body, kill. If metaphysical problem tell Masjid Community leadership to find correct answer.

No excess:

- Muslims do not worship metaphysical experience/do not obsess.
[Homosexual sex]- to form a wanted connection /ability-haram, stop-do- not do. No justification to tell to do. non-Muslims becoming Muslim and Muslims seeking forgiveness of Allah, past sin forgiven. Do not honor ability/do not judge/no bias.  The useful ability/connection- is in community.

Using Body as community:

Sex to allow community to enter Man, WombMan body to live in or experience

- it is questionable if halal. 

Masjid is not a designated Man, WombMan body- Problem could be harm of people in body, could be like worshiping WombMan, Man.

- Having relations for want of community could be oppressive, haram.

Respect all Man, WombMan body; Man, WombMan body belong only to the Man and only to the WombMan.
Alternative: Experience possible happens natural during marriage sex.

- Muslim community give correct answer to truth and halal /haram.

- Nikkah partners free to have sex relations any type. If by sex, the spirit can see inner spaces of body.

- follow all laws of Islam.

[When inner space occur]: can alert Muslims until many see; no inappropriate/no nudity; only alert when past outer-body.

- Agree time to end and all leave respecting privacy, safety. Alert people if any try entering and stop.

[Other places in reality]:

Muslims can do similar, allowing people of all experiences sight and ability to see supernatural sights. Muslims do good seeking the mercy of Allah. False/fake-showing  - corrupt/ haram.

Much disease and harm could happen by people playing in the body. Allah punish people in this physical world and hell if do not repent.


Al Isra, Al Maraj was The Prophet having a true beyond Physical Journey by Night and Maraj Allah allowing ascending into the Heavens. Torah/Bible Nabi Idris/Enoch(a.s.), Isa(a.s.) allowed to visit the heavens and hell Israel/Yacoub(a.s.) going by night to a beyond Physical experience Many Prophets were given similar miracles. - Israel is a name, in Arabic,the name Israel can be seporated in to two root words

Isra-El. Al Isra meaning Journey by Night and El God. Hebrew Isra is said to mean struggle/wrestle possibly sojourn the Arabic is more correct. at Night the outer-space/lowest heaven revealed to sight. Dark inner metaphysical space. Sleeping at Night, Al Isra - vision could be in a meditative state, awake but metaphysicaly projecting any time. Allah knows the truth.

Is the name Israel and People - associated with a journey by night to God. Some Societies were supposedly having children with Jewish people to have Jewish family. It is not proven all Jews are of Israelite ancestry. There is believed many People of Israelite lineage in Islam. Muslims are not to hide lineage from Man, WombMan. or intentionally use Man, WombMan. Muslims as community can share living with all People. A equally share different metaphysical benefits with purity. It is possible community of different Faiths/Beliefs can share metaphysical interaction experienceces in purity.

- Allah know the true meaning of Al Isra. If People have Al Isra experiences. Qur'an explains Allah give the Prophets true experiences. People should be careful not to obsess. Not believe all things experienced and like the Prophet and People of faith make physical living and metaphysical living to balance moderation and following clear beliefs and practice in Islam


Marriage parent child connection: At marriage age, having sex with marriage partner form new connections and Shelter with Married partner. Parents, by having good relations with Children keep other connections good. Living together, halal food, prayer, parental care if Youth, familyhood, praying together, keep together after marriage. Marriage is childs-marriage not partners.


Casting a veil, blot out, blind

Spiritual sight, ability, connection

- Stop, end; do not do.

Curse of Haam - It is not a Islam belief, Noah(a.s.) cursed Haam darkening his-face, and descendants servants to Yapheth(a.s.) and Shem(a.s.) descendants.
Can be fixed: many methods; Muslims give true answers-Halal. Haram, to give untrue answer or wrongly use.

No racism, no superior no inferior.

- Stopping  supernatural/ metaphysical crime:

The Law of Islam, All Muslims are a Ummah/family and all have lawful protection of safety, privacy, respect, equality; all people can have a living, community- No harassment -physical or metaphysical.

Masjid Community  follow Islam law in stopping  supernatural/ metaphysical crime.

- Stop using Spirit/magic /Jinn to looking down on and/or oppress people:

- Muslims do no harm, no harass, no evil-eye-magic, No superior or inferior. Community justice to respect all, safety from Magic oppression.

Oppressing Metaphysical senses:

Magic of babel-other in secular, culture, family do things to control some-seeing the metaphysical.

It is haram, stop, do not do. No superior, no inferior, no cast, no class, no slavery.  No keeping it secret. There could be the belief the metaphysical experience knowing is only knowable by people that are inside it people that natural do not precieve/enter do not gain the natural knowing of it. many cultures intentionally blind people. Qur'an and divine scriptures talk of Physical and metaphysical reality.

Muslim should not block members by idea powers demand it  and do not hide what Allah reveal. Delaying, denying marrage, doing processes to block stop.

Sex to solve magic harm, or fix orientation-could not work and not most important; true faith and purity. Muslims can know pure options.-


stop magic of look down on by tainted commercial food, medicine, other - by following Islam law of washing before food making, buying clean food, and Masjid Community support food and product inspection/testing and related processes and safety in medicine. Manufacturer, sellers clean up. Idea it is communal sharing false; few putting body matter in products/med is dominating. Cultures can law-label product people can choose to buy.- Government

could know ways to activate connection by medical or technology, no secrecy. Unlawful to do to people. Natural method could be better. Artificial-patented formula could limit or create set experience, control. Multi-Belief - can work together to have safety

Knowing true reality:

Muslims do not keep some out of metaphysical living, to keep knowing reality.

- Islam, Qur'an tell Muslims how to live to have balance in physical metaphysical.

Muslims do not use secrecy, lie:

- do not use embellished speech- (talk about important-idea but using other ideas). It can be denied because talker in clear language never talked about important idea in clear words. Muslims in Qur'an told to not use embellished speech and told speak clearly. Quran- Muslims do not hide the truth or signs of Allah. Muslims do not alter or create false things in metaphysical; no false sights and no false signs.

- Meaning Qur'an guidance is useful to keep healthy idea of what is real.

Leave back to Remind:

In Qur'an some not going to war or not going to any other event is to Remind those returning of normal living and faith. It can be rotated by min, hrs, day, no one Man, WombMan need to do. No race/people, no class/cast, no age, no rich/poor, etc.

Cultural practices to increase metaphysical connection: - tying germinating sex organ with string or cloth- or other, twisting-sex organ. Practices are believed less harmful, than other practices; but could cause harm.

-Tying tube of germinating sex organ, damage to germinating sex organ: Cultures do trying to get stronger connection. Stop-do not do.

- Harmful/Haram-crossing into metaphysical by near death experience-stop-immediate; do not do. 

- Damage sex organ, sterilization, castration stop do not do. Cultures do it to oppress, to punish, control. Great problem- harming many. haram don't do stop. Justifications false. Magic of Babel.

- Muslim Community to give answer or practices haram, halal  and alternatives.

No Cast/Class: Not using eye-boy-girl: m/w put through process to make carry mind eye/jinns-

you, us, we, they, them-secrete culture roles, identities, groupings; not Islam/not Quran. Apply to all subjects - do not trade members to other, people, family, faiths, lands.
No Submit-Will: The idea Man, WombMan could become submissive to will of others or lose self control, moral grounding with age or life. or

lose/sell soul by corruption(not literal soul moral goodness or magic-other control self will. Or


All great sins do not support idea be hopless, or going to hell if do good or not: Man, WombMan should cover self in pure faith and avoid corrupt-places, things, be honest about problem, and be in group with the pure in family, community and faith.

Qur'an tell truth Allah is merciful. Shirk-unforgivable: Shirk is a sin. People can gain more good and mercy of Allah than the sin and go to heaven.
Believer: in Qur’an, No Man, WombMan, group can claim they are believers; only Allah. Allah command call self Muslim. Submission to Allah mean Man, WombMan fulfill all commands of faith because of true faith, love of Allah.
Rank - careful with people outside rank, that want your loss/harm. Rank-not simply, own group, race, difference, cast, class, power, higher vision/white/black. Can mean not of same seriousness to faith and some corrupt behavior; all can improve faith, behavior.
Higher councils: Quran say the Prophet was not part of Higher councils. Higher council could mean groups in physical and metaphysical world that make great decisions, including life and death. Prophets have guidance from Allah and true metaphysical knowledge. If Prophets not told to form and judge on higher-councils Qur'an is saying high-councils do not have authority and judgment is not accepted. Only Allah truly know past, present and future,
and can can do anything/has power over all things.

Muslims high in metaphysical or other are equal/no superiority, no exclusive groups. In Islam-young, old, scholar/
Imam, regular man, wombman agree on truth of Quran to make decisions.

seeing events before it happen do not mean follow the program; follow pure living in Qur'an; seeing ahead can choose better, halal, pure choices. Shaytans is known to create false seeings, Muslims -do not believe everything seen and in faith are moderate and logical in action and doing safe things. Muslims never lead other to culture staged thing to happen or do not lead/force to future-foreseen event. Only Allah truly known the future and all time, reality and can change and do anything. People never fear because Allah is all just.

The idea of returning to the past is believed possible because belief the soul is not limited to time, place. Much ideas of time travel is distortion of mind or false dream by evil Groups and not real. There is idea Groups have achieved ability to see into past, future time and do time travel.  Muslims never follow wrong. Not follow idea wrong actions, sacrifice, or loss can be erased or wrong can be done for greater good. If not true and when do not time travel/fake/fooled to doing wrong, people have all the bad that happened. It is haram to tampering with peoples life. Qur'an only Allah allow what will occur. And protect all creation. All are not beliefs of Islam.

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